Come 2014 all Obamacare waivers will expire, everyone’s ass is ours


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Come 2014 all Obamacare waivers will expire, everyone’s ass is ours

“Despite the president’s promise,” the statement said, “the new reality seems to be this: If you like your plan, you need a waiver to keep it — and only until 2014, when the waivers disappear and the government takes over the market.”

What a coincidence. After the election! :D Congress too?
You have no idea what an "Obamacare waiver" is.

The right wing idiots don't care, they just like the sound of it and make up whatever they want it to be.

The waivers only apply to the limited plan that some halfway decent employers offer to their part time or seasonal employees and were never any more than a bridge program until the exchanges are to be set up, tempest in a teacup RW bullshit. Conservatives do not even get waivers because they are the last one to offer any fringe benefit to low income part-timers.

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