
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why
But that's always the point of Socialism!! It's the exact same witj Americas broken educational system and our imaginary War on Poverty , they're not Failures as measured by Progressives. They're rousing successes designed to kept the underclass trapped and government dependent
There are those who want it because they're sociopaths who want to control the industry and use it for their malevolent collectivist agenda. They're far more sinister than mindless parasites who believe they're entitled to free shit. They want to be able to reduce the population at will and this is simply one more avenue of approach.

The main avenue being the abolition of the 2nd Amendment.

It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why

Dear P@triot
the left wants inclusion.
Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs
they pay for and run themselves. They can learn from experience
what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally
included in the democratic and development process,
equally empowered, educated and experienced.

Nothing wrong with wanting full social empowerment for all people.
We just have to set it up right, where it's sustainable and not dependent
on the labor or handouts of other people unless they volunteer donate and invest freely.

If liberals believe in this, help them fund build and provide it!
Why not?

If we teach follow and enforce the laws of limited Govt,
we can free up people and resources to promote the general welfare.
Just by free market and local self governance, not by overreliance on federal controls.
Dear P@triot
the left wants inclusion.
Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs
they pay for and run themselves. They can learn from experience
what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally
included in the democratic and development process,
equally empowered, educated and experienced.

Nothing wrong with wanting full social empowerment for all people.
We just have to set it up right, where it's sustainable and not dependent
on the labor or handouts of other people unless they volunteer donate and invest freely.

If liberals believe in this, help them fund build and provide it!
Why not?

If we teach follow and enforce the laws of limited Govt,
we can free up people and resources to promote the general welfare.
Just by free market and local self governance, not by overreliance on federal controls.

the left wants inclusion?

LOL... Except if you're a straight caucasian male that rejects collectivism.

Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs
they pay for and run themselves?

Yeah... Sure... Moonbats can't wait to start contributing to the GDP and using their own salary to pay for their own shit.

You do realize that is the exact opposite of the policies they promote right?

They can learn from experience
what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally
included in the democratic and development process,
equally empowered, educated and experienced.?

Again... These are "people" who lack the capacity to even think rationally, the proof being that regressive policies have FAILED, everywhere and every time they have been attempted. In over 100 years in spite of the collapse of entire countries these sniveling pukes REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE their ideas do not work, there is no "learning" going on.

Nothing wrong with wanting full social empowerment for all people.

That was established in The Constitution. The very foundation of our country and leftists endeavor constantly to undermine and marginalize it.

We just have to set it up right, where it's sustainable and not dependent
on the labor or handouts of other people unless they volunteer donate and invest freely.

If liberals believe in this, help them fund build and provide it!
Why not?

When you see them make an effort to do anything for themselves let alone other people, let us know.


If they ever stop demanding government use it's power to steal shit from the rich people they constantly demonize let us know.

If we teach follow and enforce the laws of limited Govt,
we can free up people and resources to promote the general welfare.
Just by free market and local self governance, not by overreliance on federal controls

So you're suggesting they give up their agenda entirely then?

So are we.

Or they can go to North Korea and enjoy that fucking "utopia".

the left wants inclusion.
Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs they pay for and run themselves. They can learn from experience what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally included in the democratic and development process, equally empowered, educated and experienced.
I’ve been saying that for decades. Everything the left claims to desire can be done by foundations and co-ops that they voluntarily create and join of their own free will. But they never do that. It’s painfully obvious why.
The left knows how to collapse healthcare faster than they know how to collapse anything...
Congress, backed by powerful special interests in the health care industry, looks likely to bail out, once again, Obamacare's failing health insurance program.
Obamacare has required bailout after bailout after bailout. It is the most catastrophic legislation in U.S. history.

More Taxpayer Bailouts Will Only Paper Over Obamacare's Many Failures
So the initial post outlined the catastrophic failure of the Canadian healthcare system. Now it I see time to outline the catastrophic failure of the English healthcare system.
After years of austerity, Britain’s lumbering National Health Service is under enormous strain, with severe shortages of beds and medical staff, all of which is producing waiting times for nonemergency procedures to stretch over months, and sometimes beyond a year.

To cope, the N.H.S. has been quietly outsourcing some surgeries to three hospitals in France for the last year or so. It is a little-known partnership, because the N.H.S. is not eager to advertise the measures it is being forced to take.
Socialized medicine has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.

UK's National Healthcare Service is in Big Trouble. Their Latest Desperate Move...
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.
Yeah...we’ve heard this idiotic lie from you people before. You really should try educating yourself before parroting the progressive propaganda you’re spoon fed.

Danish Prime Minister to Bernie Sanders: 'Shut Up, We're Not Socialists!'

Scandinavian countries are exactly what you people call socialism and communism. Universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes on the wealthiest individuals. If you acknowledge that those things aren't socialist/communist then you should stop using that rhetoric when you attack the left.

From your article:

Denmark is a market economy.”

Rasmussen acknowledged that “the Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens,” but he also noted that it is “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”

An expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens. Bernie Sanders and people like him do not want to remove the market element of the economy, and you're unbelievably ignorant if you think otherwise. He/they want to do exactly what these countries are doing. So if you admit none of that is socialism, what's the problem? Let's do it! :2up:

You failed to realize that you were attacking your own stupid rhetoric by making that post.
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1) the op is preaching to the choir. We know this and understand this. We don't have any socialist programs so to speak.
2) the number of people who want socialism is very very low so don't be too worried about it. Capitalism is alive and well.
3) The election is over and thankfully Clinton lost. You can now relax.
4) if you are wealthy there has never been a better time for you than now.
5) neither party wants the middle class to get ahead too much. The dims are worse than the repugs....slightly but I will take it.
Relax now socialism has no affect on this nation. The election is over. Like every other person....take care of your family first anything else after god and family.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why

Dear P@triot
the left wants inclusion.
Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs
they pay for and run themselves. They can learn from experience
what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally
included in the democratic and development process,
equally empowered, educated and experienced.

Nothing wrong with wanting full social empowerment for all people.
We just have to set it up right, where it's sustainable and not dependent
on the labor or handouts of other people unless they volunteer donate and invest freely.

If liberals believe in this, help them fund build and provide it!
Why not?

If we teach follow and enforce the laws of limited Govt,
we can free up people and resources to promote the general welfare.
Just by free market and local self governance, not by overreliance on federal controls.
Stopped reading right there.

What the left wants is usually the polar opposite of what reality offers.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.

"Educated, informed people" didn't vote for Donald Trump.


Scandinavian countries are exactly what you people call socialism and communism. Universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes on the wealthiest individuals.

You failed to realize that you were attacking your own stupid rhetoric by making that post.
From your own quote from my article...
but he also noted that it is “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”
You fail to realize that you defeated your own ignorant position with your desperate post. :laugh:

If you’re so inept and so incapable of living like a big boy that you need “universal healthcare” (which this thread has already proved fails) and “social safety nets”, then I suggest you move to Denmark. The U.S. isn’t for everyone. It’s only for big boys and girls who can take care of themselves.
You fail to realize that you defeated your own ignorant position with your desperate post. :laugh:

Please explain to me in detail how I defeated my own position. Are universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes socialism or not? Bernie Sanders and his followers want to emulate Denmark and other Scandinavian countries, so if that's not socialism then what's the problem? Why do you accuse the left of being socialist/communist? If it is socialism, then the Scandinavian countries are a perfect example of how it can and does work. Either way you're an idiot.

“universal healthcare” (which this thread has already proved fails)

Universal healthcare works great in the very countries we're discussing. They have some of the best healthcare in the world. What are you talking about?
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Universal healthcare works great in the very countries we're discussing. They have some of the best healthcare in the world. What are you talking about?
All evidence to the contrary...

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why

UK's National Healthcare Service is in Big Trouble. Their Latest Desperate Move...

We’ve long held single-payer healthcare is a colossal cesspool of suckage.

Do you have anything from a source that isn't extremely partisan? There are always going to be issues that arise in any system. Our healthcare system is an absolute mess. By and large universal healthcare works well and the people there are happy with it. You won't find a lot of Europeans fighting to make their healthcare system like ours. ;)
Dear P@triot
the left wants inclusion.
Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs
they pay for and run themselves. They can learn from experience
what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally
included in the democratic and development process,
equally empowered, educated and experienced.

Nothing wrong with wanting full social empowerment for all people.
We just have to set it up right, where it's sustainable and not dependent
on the labor or handouts of other people unless they volunteer donate and invest freely.

If liberals believe in this, help them fund build and provide it!
Why not?

If we teach follow and enforce the laws of limited Govt,
we can free up people and resources to promote the general welfare.
Just by free market and local self governance, not by overreliance on federal controls.

the left wants inclusion?

LOL... Except if you're a straight caucasian male that rejects collectivism.

Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs
they pay for and run themselves?

Yeah... Sure... Moonbats can't wait to start contributing to the GDP and using their own salary to pay for their own shit.

You do realize that is the exact opposite of the policies they promote right?

They can learn from experience
what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally
included in the democratic and development process,
equally empowered, educated and experienced.?

Again... These are "people" who lack the capacity to even think rationally, the proof being that regressive policies have FAILED, everywhere and every time they have been attempted. In over 100 years in spite of the collapse of entire countries these sniveling pukes REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE their ideas do not work, there is no "learning" going on.

Nothing wrong with wanting full social empowerment for all people.

That was established in The Constitution. The very foundation of our country and leftists endeavor constantly to undermine and marginalize it.

We just have to set it up right, where it's sustainable and not dependent
on the labor or handouts of other people unless they volunteer donate and invest freely.

If liberals believe in this, help them fund build and provide it!
Why not?

When you see them make an effort to do anything for themselves let alone other people, let us know.


If they ever stop demanding government use it's power to steal shit from the rich people they constantly demonize let us know.

If we teach follow and enforce the laws of limited Govt,
we can free up people and resources to promote the general welfare.
Just by free market and local self governance, not by overreliance on federal controls

So you're suggesting they give up their agenda entirely then?

So are we.

Or they can go to North Korea and enjoy that fucking "utopia".

Dear Pete7469
Yep that's only way to get people to practice what they preach.
1. First step let's all unite and recognize the liberal belief in govt
as central authority, their beliefs in right to health care and right
to marriage, constitute a political BELIEF system and political RELIGION.
The D Party platform in Texas clearly states "we BELIEVE health
care is a right not a privilege"
So first step is give them what they want, public recognition that
they are a religion and have the legal right to exercise and express
it without prohibition or discrimination.
2. Second, then we use the First Amendment to recognize that
Govt can neither prohibit NOR establish any such religion or beliefs.

So the ACA mandates were unconstitutional in violating the
Constitutional beliefs of citizens in limited govt, due process before
depriving any liberty, and a Constitutional Amendment before extending
more powers or duties to Federal Govt.

3. Then call for all members leaders donors and supporters of the D Party
and these BELIEFS to pay for their own programs. Including reimbursing
Taxpayers and/or crediting us back for costs through govt that were
biased by beliefs and unconstitutional discrimination by CREED.

Require them to pay for their own programs and BELIEFS.

Set up tax forms where taxpayers can CHOOSE whether or not to
fund their BELIEFS or defund those and fund Conservative BELIEFS.

No more fighting to establish one set of beliefs for the nation
which is unconstitutional anyway. Just recognize this already, quit
fighting, and separating funding so everyone has free choice of
beliefs, whether religious political or both!
Universal healthcare works great in the very countries we're discussing. They have some of the best healthcare in the world. What are you talking about?
All evidence to the contrary...

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why

UK's National Healthcare Service is in Big Trouble. Their Latest Desperate Move...

We’ve long held single-payer healthcare is a colossal cesspool of suckage.

Do you have anything from a source that isn't extremely partisan? There are always going to be issues that arise in any system. Our healthcare system is an absolute mess. By and large universal healthcare works well and the people there are happy with it. You won't find a lot of Europeans fighting to make their healthcare system like ours. ;)

Dear Confounding
if this is all partisan, then let people CHOOSE which system to be under.
Set it up by party. The Catholic church can collectively serve its members
from local to state, to national to international levels. So why not with parties?

Sign up online, and democratically decide the terms of benefits.
Both parties can set up what they want and believe.
Not just with health care but marriage benefits too.
If you don't agree with one plan, sign up for the other!

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