Come on, who really believes that Truimp prays?

I just now watched his speech.
It was a beautiful speech by a president we can trust. A president who actually cares about all Americans.

Dude, you got a little brown spot there on the tip of your nose, you might want to wipe it off

We know you’re still grieving over Hillary getting her ass kicked. :itsok:

Nope, did not vote for her, never voted for her.

But you on the other hand have your nose so far up Trump's ass you can tell us what he had for lunch.



Nobody cares! I never gave a shit about Bill, though I thought the Oval Office daliance was funny and a bit over-the-top, but never cared. Moralize for your own ass if you must, but don't presume you have the sanctimony to lord it over others even if these things are true. Stop being such a prig ffs!

I agree most people do not care, but clearly Trump thought they did or he would not have paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet.

As for the "moralizing" the question was asked in what way Trump is immoral, so I responded. Perhaps you do not find cheating on a spouse to be immoral, I know a lot of people that do not. For me personally, it find it so
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
Prigs are such low life.

Not as low as adulterers
Nobody cares! I never gave a shit about Bill, though I thought the Oval Office daliance was funny and a bit over-the-top, but never cared. Moralize for your own ass if you must, but don't presume you have the sanctimony to lord it over others even if these things are true. Stop being such a prig ffs!

I agree most people do not care, but clearly Trump thought they did or he would not have paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet.

As for the "moralizing" the question was asked in what way Trump is immoral, so I responded. Perhaps you do not find cheating on a spouse to be immoral, I know a lot of people that do not. For me personally, it find it so
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
Prigs are such low life.

Not as low as adulterers
No, prigs are even lower than that. Just a step above antifa, although the two are certainly not mutually exclusive. Perhaps prigs are more hygenic.
I agree most people do not care, but clearly Trump thought they did or he would not have paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet.

As for the "moralizing" the question was asked in what way Trump is immoral, so I responded. Perhaps you do not find cheating on a spouse to be immoral, I know a lot of people that do not. For me personally, it find it so
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
Prigs are such low life.

Not as low as adulterers
No, prigs are even lower than that. Just a step above antifa, although the two are certainly not mutually exclusive. Perhaps prigs are more hygenic.

As I said, this is a great country and we can both have our own opinion. You are cool with adultery and I think it is a bad thing. As long as we are not married to each other then there is no problem.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Threads like this make me wonder how low can some go?

Look, I am not a fan of Trump but I refuse to question a man faith and if he prays alright and if it is tongue and cheek I do not care.

Right now the partisan nonsense is beyond retarded and it is making me wish I couls move to Canada to get away from the nutters here!

So in the end you do not know if Trump truly prays or not and you are no better than the paetisan writers that bashed Obama and if he prays or not and if he were Muslim...

Trumpo is religious? Really. A man who lies every day. That cheats in business. That assaults & abuses women. That paid a porn star to have sex with him?

And you think that is being religious? What religion?

This is not going low. It is talking about a liar pretending he is religious.

Other Presidents have not been very religious. But none was such a vile POS as Donald Trump. That is not being partisan - it is being honest.
I’m glad I saw this thread, RealDave.
It not only reminded me to watch the speech, it was another example of how lucky we are to have Trump as our president.

Thanks. :)
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
Prigs are such low life.

Not as low as adulterers
No, prigs are even lower than that. Just a step above antifa, although the two are certainly not mutually exclusive. Perhaps prigs are more hygenic.

As I said, this is a great country and we can both have our own opinion. You are cool with adultery and I think it is a bad thing. As long as we are not married to each other then there is no problem.
That's fine. I just don't like priggisshness.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Threads like this make me wonder how low can some go?

Look, I am not a fan of Trump but I refuse to question a man faith and if he prays alright and if it is tongue and cheek I do not care.

Right now the partisan nonsense is beyond retarded and it is making me wish I couls move to Canada to get away from the nutters here!

So in the end you do not know if Trump truly prays or not and you are no better than the paetisan writers that bashed Obama and if he prays or not and if he were Muslim...

Trumpo is religious? Really. A man who lies every day. That cheats in business. That assaults & abuses women. That paid a porn star to have sex with him?

And you think that is being religious? What religion?

This is not going low. It is talking about a liar pretending he is religious.

Other Presidents have not been very religious. But none was such a vile POS as Donald Trump. That is not being partisan - it is being honest.

Your opinion is slanted and if Trump was a Democrat you would be defending him.

You do not know if he prays or not and believe me you are in no position to judge even if Trump is a vile piece of trash.

I know what Trump has done but even filth like him might actually care and pray over what has happen.

So cut the nonsense because the fact is you would mock any Republican and that is a fact!
I just now went back to read several of the earlier comments posted in your thread, RealDave. It’s looking like you’ve been getting your ass kicked! :laugh:
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Who really believe Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

Actually, they thought civil unions were the answer. As did many people.

As for Trump & God? There is no way Trump prays to God. Unless that God is pile of gold.

He is a vile, hateful, tiny little man who could care less about anyone other than himself.
Two I right...that's it all right there...from the greatest book in history...well, the second greatest after The Art Of The Deal...which I'm told is tremendous...a tremendous book...believe me.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.
Listen here you sick fuck, I don't around all day worrying what Trump does or does not do. Suffice it say that him giving you fits is enough.
Nobody cares! I never gave a shit about Bill, though I thought the Oval Office daliance was funny and a bit over-the-top, but never cared. Moralize for your own ass if you must, but don't presume you have the sanctimony to lord it over others even if these things are true. Stop being such a prig ffs!

I agree most people do not care, but clearly Trump thought they did or he would not have paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet.

As for the "moralizing" the question was asked in what way Trump is immoral, so I responded. Perhaps you do not find cheating on a spouse to be immoral, I know a lot of people that do not. For me personally, it find it so
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
Prigs are such low life.

Not as low as adulterers

He will never criticize the orange sociopath.

that doesn't even begin to go to his cheating on every woman he was married to (including knocking up wife 2 while married to wife 3) working with Russia and the myriad other things that it looks like he did...
Trump's marriage to wife one ended the year before his daughter's November birth with wife two. There is no question that she was not impregnated when he was married to Melania.

Where do you get this pond-scum shit from anyway? You're a sleaze.
That is a lie like everything else you post.

Tiffany was born on 10/13/93

Donald married Marla on 12/20/93

We lived in NY with these people. We didn’t just fine him a year ago.

Ivana and Donald were divorced in March 1993. Seven months before Tiffany was born.

Last edited:
I agree most people do not care, but clearly Trump thought they did or he would not have paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet.

As for the "moralizing" the question was asked in what way Trump is immoral, so I responded. Perhaps you do not find cheating on a spouse to be immoral, I know a lot of people that do not. For me personally, it find it so
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
Prigs are such low life.

Not as low as adulterers

He will never criticize the orange sociopath.

Oh goodness no, the zealots will never bad mouth the saviour.

that doesn't even begin to go to his cheating on every woman he was married to (including knocking up wife 2 while married to wife 3) working with Russia and the myriad other things that it looks like he did...
Trump's marriage to wife one ended the year before his daughter's November birth with wife two. There is no question that she was not impregnated when he was married to Melania.

Where do you get this pond-scum shit from anyway? You're a sleaze.
That is a lie like everything else you post.

Tiffany was born on 10/13/93

Donald married Marla on 12/20/93

We lived in NY with these people. We didn’t just fine him a year ago.

Ivana and Donald were divorced in March 1993. Seven months before Tiffany was born.


It is more of the Trump "alternative facts". There is no connection between the zealots and reality.

that doesn't even begin to go to his cheating on every woman he was married to (including knocking up wife 2 while married to wife 3) working with Russia and the myriad other things that it looks like he did...
Trump's marriage to wife one ended the year before his daughter's November birth with wife two. There is no question that she was not impregnated when he was married to Melania.

Where do you get this pond-scum shit from anyway? You're a sleaze.
That is a lie like everything else you post.

Tiffany was born on 10/13/93

Donald married Marla on 12/20/93

We lived in NY with these people. We didn’t just fine him a year ago.

Ivana and Donald were divorced in March 1993. Seven months before Tiffany was born.


It is more of the Trump "alternative facts". There is no connection between the zealots and reality.

that does seem to be the case

thing is I remember when Tiffany was born. I remember when he and Ivana were divorced...and those two tinges did not occur nine months apart or in the "proper" order.

but the loons still fight... and like most trumpian lies, they are easily proven false.

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