Come on, who really believes that Truimp prays?

Nobody cares! I never gave a shit about Bill, though I thought the Oval Office daliance was funny and a bit over-the-top, but never cared. Moralize for your own ass if you must, but don't presume you have the sanctimony to lord it over others even if these things are true. Stop being such a prig ffs!

I agree most people do not care, but clearly Trump thought they did or he would not have paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet.

As for the "moralizing" the question was asked in what way Trump is immoral, so I responded. Perhaps you do not find cheating on a spouse to be immoral, I know a lot of people that do not. For me personally, it find it so
Who asked the question, and why do you fancy yourself as an arbatrator of moriaty? I have litttle respect for fire-and-brimstone preachers and pedestrian prigs.

Who asked the question is the person I responded to, do you not understand how a forum works?

And I have little respect for people who cheat on their spouses, but you do not seem to have an issue with it. that is what makes this a great country, we can see things differently.
The religious right has no problem with it

that doesn't even begin to go to his cheating on every woman he was married to (including knocking up wife 2 while married to wife 3) working with Russia and the myriad other things that it looks like he did...
Trump's marriage to wife one ended the year before his daughter's November birth with wife two. There is no question that she was not impregnated when he was married to Melania.

Where do you get this pond-scum shit from anyway? You're a sleaze.
That is a lie like everything else you post.

Tiffany was born on 10/13/93

Donald married Marla on 12/20/93

We lived in NY with these people. We didn’t just fine him a year ago.

Ivana and Donald were divorced in March 1993. Seven months before Tiffany was born.


It is more of the Trump "alternative facts". There is no connection between the zealots and reality.
I think his zealots understand reality

They are just willing to suspend reality to support their Dear Tweeter

that doesn't even begin to go to his cheating on every woman he was married to (including knocking up wife 2 while married to wife 3) working with Russia and the myriad other things that it looks like he did...
Trump's marriage to wife one ended the year before his daughter's November birth with wife two. There is no question that she was not impregnated when he was married to Melania.

Where do you get this pond-scum shit from anyway? You're a sleaze.
That is a lie like everything else you post.

Tiffany was born on 10/13/93

Donald married Marla on 12/20/93

We lived in NY with these people. We didn’t just fine him a year ago.

Ivana and Donald were divorced in March 1993. Seven months before Tiffany was born.


It is more of the Trump "alternative facts". There is no connection between the zealots and reality.
I think his zealots understand reality

They are just willing to suspend reality to support their Dear Tweeter

I don't know which I prefer... them being deluded or being compulsive liars.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Yep, separate but equal is never equal

That's if you assume SSM and OSM are "equal". One has been around for millennia, the other for about 3 decades.
Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?
God this deflection bullshit you people do with Trump gets so fucking old. If you want to have a separate conversation about how religious Hillary and Obama really were, you can. But don’t be a pussy in using it as a deflection away from Trump who is actually relevant.

Awww, I made a point billybitch can't counter. And the entire thread is a bullshit premise anyway.

You and Realdave should go and figure out a way to procreate and have the dumbest kids on the planet.
A real point I can’t counter? You’re the one avoiding the relevant topic you doofus lol.

I always thought Obama was secretly atheist. He knew he couldn’t run as president as an atheist.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

But you didn't care when he just went through the motions, but Trump doing it IS THE END OF THE WORLD OMGOMGOMG

Lol, hack.
Lol it’s one thing to claim you’re Christian once or twice, it’s quite another to do it while giving fake Bible quotes.

Sort of like 57 states?
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Yep, separate but equal is never equal

That's if you assume SSM and OSM are "equal". One has been around for millennia, the other for about 3 decades.
Marriage is an emotional commitment a civil union is a legal commitment
Just not the same
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

At least Trump values Christians on some level. Obama basically just checked a box and then spent the rest of his time giving Christianity the finger.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane
Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Yep, separate but equal is never equal

That's if you assume SSM and OSM are "equal". One has been around for millennia, the other for about 3 decades.
Marriage is an emotional commitment a civil union is a legal commitment
Just not the same

SSM couples could have called it marriage, what they wanted was to force people to accept their unions as a marriage via government fiat.
This school shooting speech is such a fraud. Trump quoting the Bible & talking about offerering his prayers.

We all know Trump is on the opposite end of the spectrum than God.

Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"
God this deflection bullshit you people do with Trump gets so fucking old. If you want to have a separate conversation about how religious Hillary and Obama really were, you can. But don’t be a pussy in using it as a deflection away from Trump who is actually relevant.

Awww, I made a point billybitch can't counter. And the entire thread is a bullshit premise anyway.

You and Realdave should go and figure out a way to procreate and have the dumbest kids on the planet.
A real point I can’t counter? You’re the one avoiding the relevant topic you doofus lol.

I always thought Obama was secretly atheist. He knew he couldn’t run as president as an atheist.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

But you didn't care when he just went through the motions, but Trump doing it IS THE END OF THE WORLD OMGOMGOMG

Lol, hack.
Lol it’s one thing to claim you’re Christian once or twice, it’s quite another to do it while giving fake Bible quotes.

Sort of like 57 states?
You’ll always have that gem huh? Never mind the countless retarded things Trump has said the last couple of years. Obama said “57 states” once.
A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Yep, separate but equal is never equal

That's if you assume SSM and OSM are "equal". One has been around for millennia, the other for about 3 decades.
Marriage is an emotional commitment a civil union is a legal commitment
Just not the same

SSM couples could have called it marriage, what they wanted was to force people to accept their unions as a marriage via government fiat.

People can hate anyone they wish
They just can't force government to support their hate
Awww, I made a point billybitch can't counter. And the entire thread is a bullshit premise anyway.

You and Realdave should go and figure out a way to procreate and have the dumbest kids on the planet.
A real point I can’t counter? You’re the one avoiding the relevant topic you doofus lol.

I always thought Obama was secretly atheist. He knew he couldn’t run as president as an atheist.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

But you didn't care when he just went through the motions, but Trump doing it IS THE END OF THE WORLD OMGOMGOMG

Lol, hack.
Lol it’s one thing to claim you’re Christian once or twice, it’s quite another to do it while giving fake Bible quotes.

Sort of like 57 states?
You’ll always have that gem huh? Never mind the countless retarded things Trump has said the last couple of years. Obama said “57 states” once.

But wasn't Obama supposed to be perfect?
I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Yep, separate but equal is never equal

That's if you assume SSM and OSM are "equal". One has been around for millennia, the other for about 3 decades.
Marriage is an emotional commitment a civil union is a legal commitment
Just not the same

SSM couples could have called it marriage, what they wanted was to force people to accept their unions as a marriage via government fiat.

People can hate anyone they wish
They just can't force government to support their hate

]Progressives and SSM activists could have had everything but the name much easier, but they wanted acceptance, OR ELSE.

i.e. Bake that fucking cake, peasant.
Who really believes Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage before they were for it?

A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

I's just a fucking cake
Nobody is asking you to get in bed with them
A lot of people were against gay marriage before they were for it. I am one of them

I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

I's just a fucking cake
Nobody is asking you to get in bed with them

If it's just a cake the couples in question could just find another baker.

But instead it's either go against your morals or be ruined.

Lol, "Love"

Fucking hypocrite.
I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

I's just a fucking cake
Nobody is asking you to get in bed with them

If it's just a cake the couples in question could just find another baker.

But instead it's either go against your morals or be ruined.

Lol, "Love"

Fucking hypocrite.
Not all bakers are created equal

All customers are
I originally supported civil unions as "good enough" until I realized how unfair that was

Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

I's just a fucking cake
Nobody is asking you to get in bed with them

If it's just a cake the couples in question could just find another baker.

But instead it's either go against your morals or be ruined.

Lol, "Love"

Fucking hypocrite.

I am with you on the baker, nobody should be forced to provide a service/product
Or until you realized you had something to fuck over people you don't like.
I love everyone
Except people who drive slow in the left lane

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

I's just a fucking cake
Nobody is asking you to get in bed with them

If it's just a cake the couples in question could just find another baker.

But instead it's either go against your morals or be ruined.

Lol, "Love"

Fucking hypocrite.
Not all bakers are created equal

All customers are

Selling something doesn't mean you unilaterally give up your constitutional rights.

and where in the constitution is the the phrase "the customer is always right?"

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