Comedy Central host Trevor Noah Ridicules Strzok For 'GoFundMe' Page...& Those Who Donated


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trevor Noah Ridicules Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok For Starting A GoFundMe Page

“OK, first up, this is some bullshit we need to address about GoFundMe in general. How do people say, ‘This is the amount I need,’ and change the amount when they get it?” He asked.

“That’s not a thing,” he continued. “Like, imagine you met someone on the street and they’re like, ‘Hey man, can you help me out? I need $50 to go see my family.’ You’re like, ‘OK, here, here.’ He like, ‘Now that I’ve reached $50, I now need $100 to see my family.’ You’ll be like, ‘What the f**k are you doing, man?'”

Strzok, who was fired Friday over anti-Trump text messages he sent in 2016 and 2017, initially sought $150,000 to help pay for legal bills and lost income. That number rose to $350,000 and then again to $500,000 after the donations continued coming in."

Blind / Ignorant sheep continued to give money as Strzok kept lying about how much he needed and as he kept increasing the amount as each new amount was met!


“This is a scam! Because, seriously, half-a-million dollars on a GoFundMe just for hating Donald Trump! There are cancer patients on that site that are like, ‘Hey, we hate him, too. Can you pay for my treatments?'”

Go fund me in general is asinine.

Why would you send this guy a dime? Everything he is experiencing is his own doing.

1. You can bet he is not hurting for money.

2. He doesn't need money for a lawyer because he is going to be protected, just like Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Clapper....
Trevor Noah Ridicules Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok For Starting A GoFundMe Page

“OK, first up, this is some bullshit we need to address about GoFundMe in general. How do people say, ‘This is the amount I need,’ and change the amount when they get it?” He asked.

“That’s not a thing,” he continued. “Like, imagine you met someone on the street and they’re like, ‘Hey man, can you help me out? I need $50 to go see my family.’ You’re like, ‘OK, here, here.’ He like, ‘Now that I’ve reached $50, I now need $100 to see my family.’ You’ll be like, ‘What the f**k are you doing, man?'”

Strzok, who was fired Friday over anti-Trump text messages he sent in 2016 and 2017, initially sought $150,000 to help pay for legal bills and lost income. That number rose to $350,000 and then again to $500,000 after the donations continued coming in."

Blind / Ignorant sheep continued to give money as Strzok kept lying about how much he needed and as he kept increasing the amount as each new amount was met!


“This is a scam! Because, seriously, half-a-million dollars on a GoFundMe just for hating Donald Trump! There are cancer patients on that site that are like, ‘Hey, we hate him, too. Can you pay for my treatments?'”


Did this guy complain when Obamacare is going to cost us X amount, then Y, then Z.
What about Occupy protests costing taxpayers 10 million, then 20 then 30.

Very Selective which side goes after which people!

I guess we need to call it Liberal Privilege or Conservative Privilege,
depending which person gets away with what, without getting criticized by their own side?

Just pull the "Political Privilege" card
and you get off the hook, and out of jail for free. While all the
public attention, tax dollars and outrage get directed elsewhere....
It really burns you guys up that he raised that money….LOL

Actually it is on the Comedy Network where it belongs...

It is funny that this disgraced FBI agent / fired Mueller Investigator - who engaged in Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even arguably Sedition in an attempted Conspiracy to over-turn the results of the 2016 democratic election - turned to the very people whose trust he had been / was betraying to ask for money.

I find it even funnier that butt-hurt Trump-Haters could not give him their money money fast enough ... and that they were so easily conned by this guy. As Trevor points out - even Stevie Wonder could see this was a SCAM as Strzok kept raising the amount he claimed he needed as the money kept coming in.

As the old saying goes, "A fool and his money are soon parted."

'Burns us up'? No - it's freaking hilarious...which is why this Liberal show host raked Strzok over the coals for this scam.

:p lol
Did this guy complain when Obamacare is going to cost us X amount, then Y, then Z.
What about Occupy protests costing taxpayers 10 million, then 20 then 30.

Very Selective which side goes after which people!

1. Why don't you ask him....

It really burns you guys up that he raised that money….LOL

I love it.
Apparently is pissed your boy Noah off as well. And he has a point. You guys value a Trump hater over a cancer patient....think about that.
Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at 1.54.43 PM.png
Trevor Noah Ridicules Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok For Starting A GoFundMe Page

“OK, first up, this is some bullshit we need to address about GoFundMe in general. How do people say, ‘This is the amount I need,’ and change the amount when they get it?” He asked.

“That’s not a thing,” he continued. “Like, imagine you met someone on the street and they’re like, ‘Hey man, can you help me out? I need $50 to go see my family.’ You’re like, ‘OK, here, here.’ He like, ‘Now that I’ve reached $50, I now need $100 to see my family.’ You’ll be like, ‘What the f**k are you doing, man?'”

Strzok, who was fired Friday over anti-Trump text messages he sent in 2016 and 2017, initially sought $150,000 to help pay for legal bills and lost income. That number rose to $350,000 and then again to $500,000 after the donations continued coming in."

Blind / Ignorant sheep continued to give money as Strzok kept lying about how much he needed and as he kept increasing the amount as each new amount was met!


“This is a scam! Because, seriously, half-a-million dollars on a GoFundMe just for hating Donald Trump! There are cancer patients on that site that are like, ‘Hey, we hate him, too. Can you pay for my treatments?'”


He's a comedian. Since when did you start quoting liberal comedians?
If you actually ever go to the GoFundMe page you will see it wasn't started by Strzok himself. It was started by his friends in the FBI.
It really burns you guys up that he raised that money….LOL

I love it.
Not really. No one is 'burned up' about it.

I can tell you that it is confusing more than anything else. You can send him all the money you want. Sell your home to do it, it's your money. It is asinine though. There is zero reason to send him anything.
Go fund me in general is asinine.

Why would you send this guy a dime? Everything he is experiencing is his own doing.
Republicans sent killer Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars for shooting to death an unarmed child. Somehow, that's OK.
Republicans sent killer Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars for shooting to death an unarmed child. Somehow, that's OK.
Are you stupid or just a liar?

Zimmerman made the mistake of not waiting on the police and went looking for the kid. The kid made the mistake of deciding to face Zimmerman to 'teach him a lesson', which is what he told his girlfriend on the phone before he jumped Zimmerman.

The entire thing did not have to happen....but both made really poor choices.

As far as sending Z money, I know nothing about that.....but Z was stupid. That's how he got into trouble. Strzok is a criminal, having committed Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy, and even Treason....

....not to mention scamming liberal sheep out of their money.

'I need $100k! Did I say $100k? I meant $200k. Thank you....but I, uh, meant $300k.
Wow....ummm, sorry, I made another mistake. I really need $400k...'

Suckers.... :p
Good for him. I don’t watch the Daily show, but that was pretty funny, and true.
Conservatives should totally start up Go Fund Me pages for liberal activists and see how many Democrats they can scam.

Go fund me in general is asinine.

Why would you send this guy a dime? Everything he is experiencing is his own doing.
Republicans sent killer Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars for shooting to death an unarmed child. Somehow, that's OK.
OK? They are both okay. They are also both idiotic.

Do you commonly justify things with the actions of those you deplore?
So....for the first time ever, that carpet-bagging, South African foreign-ingrate said something intelligent? Wonders never cease. How dare foreigners come to this country, make their own personal fortune off it, then badmouth it. It's reeks of no class arrogance. It's no different than being a guest in someone's home and badgering the host that his living room drapes are ugly. Foreigners who make it big in America ALWAYS have an "attitude" to go along with it and that attitude is usually inserted by a proctologist.......then people wonder why I have such extreme xenophobia against non-Americans; it's because I've seen their bullshit for years.

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