Comedy Gold: Jewelry store owners in California stop fatty armed robber with EPIC beat down

In many places across the country, leftist policies have turned unmitigated shoplifting into a daily occurrence. While major corporations have similarly turned a blind eye to the problem, often penalizing employees for even engaging with suspected thieves, a family-owned jewelry store in El Monte, California had no such qualms.

I was in retail management for decades and I remember that if our shrink came in at over 2% managers would start shaking in their shoes about how secure their jobs were. Nowadays, most places are experiencing shrink of over 10% and it has got to the point where corporate has given up and even fires people for attempting to stop theft. Just let the thieves load up with everything they want and don't confront them. Now managers and employees are shaking in their shoes worried about either violence during the thefts or wondering if the company will stay afloat and their jobs along with it. Meanwhile, everyone is paying higher prices to make up for the shrink.
I was in retail management for decades and I remember that if our shrink came in at over 2% managers would start shaking in their shoes about how secure their jobs were. Nowadays, most places are experiencing shrink of over 10% and it has got to the point where corporate has given up and even fires people for attempting to stop theft. Just let the thieves load up with everything they want and don't confront them. Now managers and employees are shaking in their shoes worried about either violence during the thefts or wondering if the company will stay afloat and their jobs along with it. Meanwhile, everyone is paying higher prices to make up for the shrink.
Liability issues will cost them more than the loss of the merchandise.

America has been fed up for some time.
Yes, it's time to take matters into your own hands! These store owners know, there will likely be nothing more than a slap on the wrist to these criminals if they sit back and let the LA joke of a justice system do the work.

Los Angeles jewelry store employees beat would-be thief, startling video shows​

It took 24-carat chops to dissuade this jewel thief.

Employees at a Los Angeles County jewelry store pounced on a robber with such ferocity Saturday that the would-be crook sprinted away in terror, startling video shows.

The attempted broad-daylight robbery happened around 2:12 p.m. at Meza’s Jewelry in El Monte, police told KABC.

“Me, my uncle and my dad were tugging him out,” an employee, who didn’t want to be identified, told the outlet about the dramatic caught-on-video brawl.

Yes, it's time to take matters into your own hands! These store owners know, there will likely be nothing more than a slap on the wrist to these criminals if they sit back and let the LA joke of a justice system do the work.

Los Angeles jewelry store employees beat would-be thief, startling video shows​

Cops have never been able to stop crime no matter how much money you waste on them.
I never ever wait for a cop to assist I do the deed myself and the cops can clean up the mess.
Yes, it's time to take matters into your own hands! These store owners know, there will likely be nothing more than a slap on the wrist to these criminals if they sit back and let the LA joke of a justice system do the work.

Los Angeles jewelry store employees beat would-be thief, startling video shows​

When are we going to do something about all these White Supremacists in Red Cities?
I never ever wait for a cop to assist I do the deed myself and the cops can clean up the mess.

I'm not even talking about cops in this situation numbnuts!
I'm talking about the legal SYSTEM in places like LA that have little or no penalty for criminals.

This criminal may now think twice before he tries to raid a store again, thanks to the action of the store employees.

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