Comer and Jordan demand that Hunter actually appear. His lawyers ask for something else

Comer knows dimrats


"Democrats always create a false narrative..."

Always nice to have the thoughts/observations/perceptions you have acquired in following news and current events diligently


(by people we vote for :))

not many liberals are coming to this Thread.. LMAO

wonder why?



I haven't finished reading this but I definitely will.

No one is above the law, even the president (or his son)

(That's a quote from the libtards.

Bad elections have consequences)

Hunter Biden isn't asking for any "Special Treatment", and has already agreed to appear before the Committee at an open and public Hearing. He will not appear in a private session because Republicans will walk out the door of the Committee Room and lie about his testimony, they way they did about what Devon Archer said.

When forced to release the transcripts, it was proven that Republicans lied.

Why don't Republicans want the American people to hear what Hunter Biden, and the other witnesses have to say??????? Because NONE of the testimony has backed up anything they've claimed.

They can't issue a subpoena because they have no "probable cause" to believe a crime has even been committed.
Hunter Biden isn't asking for any "Special Treatment", and has already agreed to appear before the Committee at an open and public Hearing. He will not appear in a private session because Republicans will walk out the door of the Committee Room and lie about his testimony, they way they did about what Devon Archer said.

When forced to release the transcripts, it was proven that Republicans lied.

Why don't Republicans want the American people to hear what Hunter Biden, and the other witnesses have to say??????? Because NONE of the testimony has backed up anything they've claimed.

They can't issue a subpoena because they have no "probable cause" to believe a crime has even been committed.
how utterly BOGUS!

Comer said, but I guess you didn't read the article or watch the video, that the deposition would be released immediately.


and as to that comment about no probable cause. OMG

you obviously don't watch news outlets that carry thestory

what a shocker! I'm utterly shocked! (not)
It would be cool to see on TV

the book being (hopefully literally) thrown at those crooks
how utterly BOGUS!

Comer said, but I guess you didn't read the article or watch the video, that the deposition would be released immediately.


and as to that comment about no probable cause. OMG

you obviously don't watch news outlets that carry thestory

what a shocker! I'm utterly shocked! (not)

The news outlet carrying the story is FOX News. The same people who have told you the election was stolen, and paid out $875 million in slander claims to Dominion, and hundreds of thousands more to the families of Seth Rich and others.

I'm not paying money for a subscription for someone to lie to me on a daily basis. I've tried to watch FOX. The first time they tell me something I know to be completely false, I change the channel. I've never lasted longer than 5 minutes watching the network.

I used to tell my kids that when you lie to me, you're telling me you think I'm stupid - to my face. You think I'm too dumb to see through your lies. FOX News think's it's viewers are too stupid to see through their lies.
The news outlet carrying the story is FOX News. The same people who have told you the election was stolen, and paid out $875 million in slander claims to Dominion, and hundreds of thousands more to the families of Seth Rich and others.
I've seen no evidence whatsoever of what you say here about the Fox lawsuit or anything else.

And that doesn't surprise me, seeing what LIARS liberals are. CNN has been sued more than once for LYING. And you watch that garbage and put down Fox and other conservative sources.

ha ha... laughable

The news outlet carrying the story is FOX News. The same people who have told you the election was stolen, and paid out $875 million in slander claims to Dominion, and hundreds of thousands more to the families of Seth Rich and others.

I'm not paying money for a subscription for someone to lie to me on a daily basis. I've tried to watch FOX. The first time they tell me something I know to be completely false, I change the channel. I've never lasted longer than 5 minutes watching the network.

I used to tell my kids that when you lie to me, you're telling me you think I'm stupid - to my face. You think I'm too dumb to see through your lies. FOX News think's it's viewers are too stupid to see through their lies.
They KNOW that
I've seen no evidence whatsoever of what you say here about the Fox lawsuit or anything else.

And that doesn't surprise me, seeing what LIARS liberals are. CNN has been sued more than once for LYING. And you watch that garbage and put down Fox and other conservative sources.

ha ha... laughable


You haven't heard about the Dominion Law Suit?????

What rock do you live under? Are you willfully deaf, blind and stupid.

Why would Hunter go behind closed doors? If he did the GOP would twist his words and lie.
More likely to clear the air on certain issues privately so as to avoid a circus liberals like to create.
A House Subpoena is practically worthless after Jordan and Trump sycophant's refused to appear when subpoenaed . All they can do is take it court and let a judge decide.
Like Holder and other Obama lackeys?
Like Holder and other Obama lackeys?
Nope. Holder complied and when the Witch Hunters kept asking for more he took them to court. Was he convicted? You people are a fucking joke. Like Pavlov's Dogs with the Neo-GOP lies.
You haven't heard about the Dominion Law Suit?????

What rock do you live under? Are you willfully deaf, blind and stupid.

I've heard of all kinds of bogus lawsuits and injustices done. I've seen and experienced injustice in "the system" personally.

America is deeply corrupt.

Dims don't care


because they are corrupt

James Comer Threatens Contempt Of Congress Proceedings Against Hunter Biden​

Hunter Biden has volunteered to testify publicly, but he's refused the private deposition that Republicans demanded.

WASHINGTON ― Republicans will begin contempt of Congress proceedings against the president’s son if he refuses to testify in a closed deposition, House oversight committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) said Wednesday.

“If Mr. Biden does not appear for his deposition on December 13, 2023, the Committees will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings,” Comer wrote in a letter to Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell.

Comer sent Biden a subpoena for his testimony last month, demanding a private interview about his foreign business deals as Republicans weigh whether to draft articles of impeachment against his father, President Joe Biden.

Lowell has said that his client would be willing to talk to lawmakers, but only in a public hearing ― an offer Lowell had reiterated earlier on Wednesday in a letter to Comer.

James Comer Threatens Contempt Of Congress Proceedings Against Hunter Biden

Fuck Gomer Comer and his kangaroo court.

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