Comey Testifies That Lynch Tampered With The Email Investigation

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Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

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Who asked for the investigation to go away and to whom was it addressed?
Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves
Who asked for the investigation to go away and to whom was it addressed?

There you go pretending to not understand simple words again when caught being a giant fuck boy
Add a 2nd Criminal US AG and 'Obstruction of Justice' to Obama's Legacy....

Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves
Who asked for the investigation to go away and to whom was it addressed?

There you go pretending to not understand simple words again when caught being a giant fuck boy
So you are just babbling again.
oh, so Comey didn't believe the story about the discussion being about golf and grandkids then.

I am shocked, because, you know, it just seemed so believable at the time.....

....if you were a complete and utter moron.....

What is weird is...

Bill and Loretta was in collusion influenced the election

Comey then got made so he told the press about the investigation ...and influenced the election.

And all the Democrats do is blame the Russians.


All of these 'defend Trump' OPs.

And the Trump defenders have nothing.
Another WAAAHHHHHH WAHHHHHHH I cant rebut the TRUTH THIS TIME,,,, WAAAH WAAAAH all of the cards are falling the wrong way post huh,,, HAHAAHAHAHAHAH, Start some more shit, and maybe we WILL get ALL of the emails the entire transcripts of the most corrupt, lying, murdering, vile scum to ever inhabit the earth. BEWARE what engine you start, it may be in reverse and run over you!!!
12icer, you seem upset. So do thehawk and bear.

Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

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She didn't ask him, she directed him to not call it an investigation, implying that no charges would be brought up since it's not an "investigation".

He simply said he hoped for a quick end to the investigation, or was he supposed to hope for a long dragged out witch hunt?
Bill and Loretta was in collusion influenced the election

Comey then got made so he told the press about the investigation ...and influenced the election.

And all the Democrats do is blame the Russians.


Let's see Hillary put THAT in her 'Blame' Tour. Bwuhahaha........
The Real Comey Bombshell

After her private meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac, the Attorney General of the United States told the Director of the FBI to downplay the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Former FBI Director James Comey said former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as a "matter," not an investigation.

He said the request "confused and concerned" him and led him to the decision to make his independent announcement last July about the case.

And he later said:

In a follow-up later in the hearing, Comey made clear that it was a "criminal investigation" that was taking place. Comey pointed out that the Clinton campaign used "euphemisms [like] security review" to describe the FBI's work.

So who was trying to rig the election?
Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves

She didn't ask him, she directed him to not call it an investigation, implying that no charges would be brought up since it's not an "investigation".

He simply said he hoped for a quick end to the investigation, or was he supposed to hope for a long dragged out witch hunt?
Comey also testified that he leaked information in hopes a Special Prosecutor would be appointed because he knew Lynch sure as hell never would.

THAT also meant Comey believed there was enough evidence against Hillary to wraant a Special Prosecutor...

Hillary is a criminal skank who broke the law and should never have been in the election. She should have been in JAIL.
The Prog Media are making much ado about Russia-Flynn in order to provide distraction from the Verified Corruption and Obstruction of Justice on the part of the Obabble Admin.

Fast and Furious anyone?
Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves

She didn't ask him, she directed him to not call it an investigation, implying that no charges would be brought up since it's not an "investigation".

He simply said he hoped for a quick end to the investigation, or was he supposed to hope for a long dragged out witch hunt?
Comey also testified that he leaked information in hopes a Special Prosecutor would be appointed because he knew Lynch sure as hell never would.

THAT also meant Comey believed there was enough evidence against Hillary to wraant a Special Prosecutor...

Hillary is a criminal skank who broke the law and should never have been in the election. She should have been in JAIL.
I posted on Day 1 this would turn around and bite them in the ass.
12icer, you seem upset. So do thehawk and bear.


Yeah I am upset that instead of being a Great party like the Democrats were at one time when I was a die hard member of the working classes best chance the party has become dimocRATS a pandering group of treasonist, pseudointellectual communist sympathizers bent on destroying the best country in the world to make it one of an entire world of subservient nations in the chain of an Empire controlled by a ruthless, tyrannical, ruling class monarchial political machine .

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