Comey Testifies That Lynch Tampered With The Email Investigation

Democrats have been PLEADING for everyone to stop talking about Obama....but during the hearing they called for Obama gets NUKED for obstruction of Justice in protecting Hillary from prosecution, just days after a Congressional report slams the shite out of him and holder for his criminal Fast and Furious scandal.

Obama might want to re-think his plan to remain in the public eye and instead go into hiding for a while. :p
12icer, you seem upset. So do thehawk and bear.


What's there to be upset about? Trump is completely vindicated and Comey dropped the bomb that Lynch directed him to not call it an "investigation". Also that he leaked his own memo.

The Trump camp is all :beer::laugh2::coffee:

Lefty losers are all :eek-52::crybaby::eusa_think: :cry: :scared1:
:dig: (<----Fakey)
12icer, you seem upset. So do thehawk and bear.


Yeah I am upset that instead of being a Great party like the Democrats were at one time when I was a die hard member of the working classes best chance the party has become dimocRATS a pandering group of treasonist, pseudointellectual communist sympathizers bent on destroying the best country in the world to make it one of an entire world of subservient nations in the chain of an Empire controlled by a ruthless, tyrannical, ruling class monarchial political machine .
Yup, you are delusional.
Alt Right Tears.jpg Epic melt down by the far right
Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves

She didn't ask him, she directed him to not call it an investigation, implying that no charges would be brought up since it's not an "investigation".

He simply said he hoped for a quick end to the investigation, or was he supposed to hope for a long dragged out witch hunt?

Keep dancing. Calling an investigation something else is obstruction but the boss asking his employee to drop an investigation and then firing him is not? Let me see you boogie
Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves

She didn't ask him, she directed him to not call it an investigation, implying that no charges would be brought up since it's not an "investigation".

He simply said he hoped for a quick end to the investigation, or was he supposed to hope for a long dragged out witch hunt?

Keep dancing. Calling an investigation something else is obstruction but the boss asking his employee to drop an investigation and then firing him is not? Let me see you boogie

One he is the president, he used RTW laws, don't need a reason to fire any one

Two : he didn't Ask

Loretta was the DOJ and directed ( an order)

The Alt Right man babies are a hoot.

Man up and take your medicine. You elected a crook, probably as big as the Clintons. Let's get rid of him, take on Pence, and make him toe the line.
"Flynn wasn't central to the Russia investigation"

Boy, this is just getting better.
The Alt Right man babies are a hoot.

Man up and take your medicine. You elected a crook, probably as big as the Clintons. Let's get rid of him, take on Pence, and make him toe the line.

Probably as big as the Clintons??? You want to hang your hat on a "probably".
Can you imagine if AG Sessions colluded with the FBI director to change their statements about a Trump investigation for political reasons?
Trump's lawyer's statement was Fabulous!

Comey is a LEAKER!
The Alt Right man babies are a hoot.

Man up and take your medicine. You elected a crook, probably as big as the Clintons. Let's get rid of him, take on Pence, and make him toe the line.

Got any evidence Trump is a "crook"?

Yea...didn't think so.
Now watch this

Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!!

If you think asking for an investigation to be called something else is tampering then how do you feel about someone asking for the investigation to go away?

Watch these dance moves

She didn't ask him, she directed him to not call it an investigation, implying that no charges would be brought up since it's not an "investigation".

He simply said he hoped for a quick end to the investigation, or was he supposed to hope for a long dragged out witch hunt?

Keep dancing. Calling an investigation something else is obstruction but the boss asking his employee to drop an investigation and then firing him is not? Let me see you boogie

One he is the president, he used RTW laws, don't need a reason to fire any one

Two : he didn't Ask

Loretta was the DOJ and directed ( an order)


That's not the question I asked you. And the fact that you keep deflecting just shows you can't answer the question or explain your hypocrisy

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