Comey's lying about Moscow. Trump bodyguard testified "they spent the night" to Congress

Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

If you cannot trust a well paid bodyguard, who can you trust! :21::21::290968001256257790-final:

I thought the standard was "high placed sources that don't want to be identified" these days. Make up your mind. AT LEAST -- there's a NAME (and a Congressional Record) on this one..

Comey's lying about Moscow. Trump bodyguard testified they spent the night to Congress

"They spent the night to Congress"? What the hell does that mean?

He testified to Congress that he and Trump spent the night in Moscow. Contradicts what Comey claims.

Can I help spell this out for the slow? Comey blind-sides the Prez with the POS dossier accusation. Get's an emotional reaction from the Prez and MAYBE a knee jerk denial. He's NOT under oath, he's been ambushed and DJT is only thinking about the stupid ass allegations of hookers. Sometime after the fire in his Orange hair is extinguished, the Prez realizes "he was in Moscow for the beauty contest.

Shortly thereafter, Congress investigates. Get's the bodyguard's testimony about the trip. And the "lie" Comey is referencing was in a moment of passionate denial about the HOOKER allegations. Not worthy in ANY court of law if indeed it was ever said. Either way -- Comey gotz nothing or is lying.
He said vs he said.
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.

If you listen to Trump tell it, he never spent the night in Moscow during the pageant.

If you go by what Comey, the bodyguard, the flight records and Trump's twitter account say, he did stay the weekend.

So, who do we believe? Trump? Or all the other evidence and people that say he spent the weekend?

Link to Trump saying this under oath or even publicly

Translation: It's okay that our Dear Donald lies to us 5.6 times a day - As long as he isn't under oath. :rolleyes-41:
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story
President Donald Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey — twice — that he didn’t spend a single night in Moscow when the infamous “pee tape” was allegedly made.

But Bloomberg and Politico have obtained flight records for Trump’s jet that indicate he actually spent two nights in the Russian capital when he traveled there for the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013.

Flight Records Disprove Trump’s Claim About ‘Pee Tape’ Weekend Whereabouts

Trump said he didn't spend a night in Moscow - but flight records show he did. In fact - he spent TWO nights in Moscow.

Miss Universe host confirms Trump lied when he told Comey he never stayed overnight in Moscow

Another defense by the White House against an infamous dossier may have been undermined by reports to the contrary from another eye-witness."

Ya - I heard the Thomas Roberts rendition. He probably also spoke to Mueller.

Trump spent the night in Moscow and had a wild night with a few hookers.

But Trumplings don't care about that - Only that it confirms another element of the Dossier.
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.

Either way it's irrelevant - the election didn't get under way till years later. I also heard he once drank a white russian - not a black russian though cause we all know he's racist - right ?

Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story

Most Americans will take the word of Comey, Thomas Roberts and flight records over the word of Drumpf

End of story
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story

Most Americans will take the word of Comey, Thomas Roberts and flight records over the word of Drumpf

End of story

Did you mean Peter Comey who represents the Clinton Foundation?
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump
And then went to bed ----- LEAVING TRUMP ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story

Most Americans will take the word of Comey, Thomas Roberts and flight records over the word of Drumpf

End of story

Did you mean Peter Comey who represents the Clinton Foundation?
Clinton Foundation ---- helped millions of people ---- after massive investigations found guilty of nothing.

Trump Foundation ---- admitted guilt, but not allowed to close, under continued criminal investigation.
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story

Most Americans will take the word of Comey, Thomas Roberts and flight records over the word of Drumpf

End of story

Did you mean Peter Comey who represents the Clinton Foundation?
Clinton Foundation ---- helped millions of people ---- after massive investigations found guilty of nothing.

Trump Foundation ---- admitted guilt, but not allowed to close, under continued criminal investigation.

Had Condi Rice sold 20% of our uranium to the Russians in exchange for $150,000,000 you want her tried and hung for treason
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story

Most Americans will take the word of Comey, Thomas Roberts and flight records over the word of Drumpf

End of story

Did you mean Peter Comey who represents the Clinton Foundation?
Clinton Foundation ---- helped millions of people ---- after massive investigations found guilty of nothing.

Trump Foundation ---- admitted guilt, but not allowed to close, under continued criminal investigation.

The FBI was not going to look into the Foundation represented by Comey's brother
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

He turned them down because he already had one in his room giving him a golden shower....
Dear Diary, I just told Trump that the Hillary paid for Steel Dossier was "unverified and salacious' then immediately leaked it to CNN, the NYTimes and my Foamy Party Buddy, Bobby "the Mules" Mueller.
Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump
And then went to bed ----- LEAVING TRUMP ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rocket science huh? I don't understand the OP - At ALL
Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Poll: Americans trust Mueller more than Trump on Russia | TheHill
Feb 26, 2018 - More Americans say they have trust in special counsel Robert Mueller than President Trump when it comes to the investigation into Russia's election meddling, according to a survey released Monday.

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