Comey's lying about Moscow. Trump bodyguard testified "they spent the night" to Congress

Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Poll: Americans trust Mueller more than Trump on Russia | TheHill
Feb 26, 2018 - More Americans say they have trust in special counsel Robert Mueller than President Trump when it comes to the investigation into Russia's election meddling, according to a survey released Monday.

But but but the "Trump has no path to the White House" Brigade said so! I must buleeeeveee

Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

Not to mention that you're calling Obama a liar, you racist

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
...according to Comey.

End of story

Most Americans will take the word of Comey, Thomas Roberts and flight records over the word of Drumpf

End of story

Did you mean Peter Comey who represents the Clinton Foundation?
Clinton Foundation ---- helped millions of people ---- after massive investigations found guilty of nothing.

Trump Foundation ---- admitted guilt, but not allowed to close, under continued criminal investigation.

Had Condi Rice sold 20% of our uranium to the Russians in exchange for $150,000,000 you want her tried and hung for treason

Oh Gawd - Not this again ^ :rolleyes-41:
Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Poll: Americans trust Mueller more than Trump on Russia | TheHill
Feb 26, 2018 - More Americans say they have trust in special counsel Robert Mueller than President Trump when it comes to the investigation into Russia's election meddling, according to a survey released Monday.

Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

Not to mention that you're calling Obama a liar, you racist


This explains you and the rest of the "Faithfull" who trust Trump over Comey on anything
Treason Memes‏ @treasonstickers
Trumpers are attracted to Trump because Trump creates a fake reality where their shitty lives can be blamed on immigrants and they can behave like really shitty humans that will get saved by God at the last moment and go to heaven after a lifetime of promoting racism and misogyny
5:26 PM - 24 Apr 2018
Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

You know what Mueller has or doesn't have?

Thanks for sharing your psychic abilities!

He's got NOTHING linking Trump to Russian interference

2 years, full power of the Federal government behind him, Attorney Client privileged violated and this is still the only tie Mueller found linking Putin and Trump

Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Poll: Americans trust Mueller more than Trump on Russia | TheHill
Feb 26, 2018 - More Americans say they have trust in special counsel Robert Mueller than President Trump when it comes to the investigation into Russia's election meddling, according to a survey released Monday.

Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

Not to mention that you're calling Obama a liar, you racist


This explains you and the rest of the "Faithfull" who trust Trump over Comey on anything
Treason Memes‏ @treasonstickers
Trumpers are attracted to Trump because Trump creates a fake reality where their shitty lives can be blamed on immigrants and they can behave like really shitty humans that will get saved by God at the last moment and go to heaven after a lifetime of promoting racism and misogyny
5:26 PM - 24 Apr 2018

The polling sez sew! I must buleeeveeeee

Comey would never lie. He just forgot to tell anyone his brother was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation. You know those big Irish families, he's probably got 30 or 40 siblings. I buhleeeeeeve ya Jim!
Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Poll: Americans trust Mueller more than Trump on Russia | TheHill
Feb 26, 2018 - More Americans say they have trust in special counsel Robert Mueller than President Trump when it comes to the investigation into Russia's election meddling, according to a survey released Monday.

Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

Not to mention that you're calling Obama a liar, you racist


This explains you and the rest of the "Faithfull" who trust Trump over Comey on anything
Treason Memes‏ @treasonstickers
Trumpers are attracted to Trump because Trump creates a fake reality where their shitty lives can be blamed on immigrants and they can behave like really shitty humans that will get saved by God at the last moment and go to heaven after a lifetime of promoting racism and misogyny
5:26 PM - 24 Apr 2018

Oh, and one more thing. I'm not the one running a dozen socks accounts trying to be clever.
Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

You know what Mueller has or doesn't have?

Thanks for sharing your psychic abilities!

He's got NOTHING linking Trump to Russian interference

2 years, full power of the Federal government behind him, Attorney Client privileged violated and this is still the only tie Mueller found linking Putin and Trump
Jay Rosen:

“There is a risk that one third of the electorate will be isolated in an information loop of its own, where Trump becomes the major source of information about Trump, because independent sources are rejected on principle. That has already happened. An authoritarian system is up and running for a portion of the polity. Another way to say this is that before journalists log on in the morning, one third of their potential public is already gone.”
How Trump Wins by Bashing the News Media

You see in the posts here from Trump supporters how they have internalized the Authoritarian Information system with the Person of Donald Trump as the only authority figure that can be trusted ....

The media and FBI have proved that they can't be trusted.

Poll: Americans trust Mueller more than Trump on Russia | TheHill
Feb 26, 2018 - More Americans say they have trust in special counsel Robert Mueller than President Trump when it comes to the investigation into Russia's election meddling, according to a survey released Monday.

Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

Not to mention that you're calling Obama a liar, you racist


This explains you and the rest of the "Faithfull" who trust Trump over Comey on anything
Treason Memes‏ @treasonstickers
Trumpers are attracted to Trump because Trump creates a fake reality where their shitty lives can be blamed on immigrants and they can behave like really shitty humans that will get saved by God at the last moment and go to heaven after a lifetime of promoting racism and misogyny
5:26 PM - 24 Apr 2018

Oh, and one more thing. I'm not the one running a dozen socks accounts trying to be clever.
Of course not you are one of the "brilliant" Trump supporters LOL
“There is a risk that journalists could do their job brilliantly, and it won’t really matter, because Trump supporters categorically reject it.."
Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

You know what Mueller has or doesn't have?

Thanks for sharing your psychic abilities!

He's got NOTHING linking Trump to Russian interference

2 years, full power of the Federal government behind him, Attorney Client privileged violated and this is still the only tie Mueller found linking Putin and Trump

Yep, your psychic abilities are as astounding as your inability to connect dots.
  • Umpteen meetings between Russian spies and Trump campaign ALL initially denied
  • Don Junior: "If it's what I think it is ... I LOVE IT!"
  • Followed ^ by concocted story about adoption
  • Russians knew exactly what areas to target with 200 million views of their fake news
  • Trump openly begs them to turn over Hillary emails
  • Within HOURS of the Pussy-Grabber tape release .. Wiki starts dumping hacked emails
  • Roger Stone miraculously knew when it was "Podesta's time in the barrel"
  • Trump brags to Russian Spies and Lester Holt that he fired Comey to make Russia investigation go away
And that represents a TENTH of what we know to be true - And Mueller knows ten times what we do.

"If you are not guilty - Then don't ACT guilty" -Trey Gowdy
Dear Diary, tee hee, I just wrote in another entry that Trump told me he never stayed overnight in Moscow. The rubes are sure to buleeeve that diary entry, amiright?
Mueller has used and abused every weapon in his arsenal and still can't connect Trump with any imaginary Russian hacking the election

You know what Mueller has or doesn't have?

Thanks for sharing your psychic abilities!

He's got NOTHING linking Trump to Russian interference

2 years, full power of the Federal government behind him, Attorney Client privileged violated and this is still the only tie Mueller found linking Putin and Trump

Still the only real tie between Trump and Putin

Trump's denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart ...
Those around President Trump have made a disconcerting habit of forgetting, obscuring or misremembering their contacts with Russians. Now it seems the boss may have some explaining to do, too. Bloomberg is reporting that flight records contradict ...
Trump can't make Paul Manafort's Russia connections disappear - The ...
- When August 2016 began, Paul Manafort was about 11 weeks into his job as chairman of Donald Trump's campaign. But despite the political tumult, Manafort found time that month to meet at a swank Manhattan cigar bar with someone the FBI has suggested has ties to Russian intelligence. By the time ...
Which proves nothing
So anyone with a Russian name, or from Russia must be a Putin sock, amiright?

I think it's a case of USMB Sock Posters buhleeeeving that everyone is just like them and runs a dozen sock accounts to pretend they're clever

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