Comical Thread. Bruce Jenner Becomes A Female. So Which Celebs Will Be "Gaga&Giddy" To Date Him?

Neal Schon. He has a thing for fake attention whore reality stars. Maybe he can give him/her/it some plastic surgery tips and references as well.
does all this mean that Bruce will be ordering "Toys" and have them secretly sent to his front door when no one is looking?
The ones to feel sorry for are the children. They lost a father that they never really had anyway. Their very conception was a mistake.

How does someone say to their children "I was never your father. I always wanted to be a woman. You should never have been born."
:boobies::whip:Well aside from Richard Simmons and Dennis Roddman, there must be at least a dozen celebrities out there who are just dying to date "The New Brucy Jenner". So let's have some fun with Brucy here and take some guesses on who will be Brucy's new love, or "New Loves".:ssex:
I believe it has declared it wishes to be called "Caitlyn". And there is not way it can ever become a female. It may undergo surgical and chemical mutilation in order to appear female, but it will never be female.
Bill Mahr or Al Sharpton.
Bill to prove he is a true liberal.
Al because he likes to stick it to white people.
and i didnt know al sharpton had a daughter, who in any state of mind would want to sleep with al sharpton? well besides a farm animal.
Better sex through chemicals? Give a gal enough drugs, and she'll screw anybody (whether she would have been willing, or not).

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