Coming from ONE of biggest contributors to destroying the American Father figure!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Norman Lear Vows to Fight Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
To earn their approval, you had to be the right kind of Christian and share their right wing concerns,” Lear said. “Thirty-five years later, there are those who want to lead this country by openly calling for religious discrimination—for shutting down mosques, for closing our borders to desperate refugee families unless they are Christians."

“I haven’t believed—and don’t believe now—that the American people would elect Donald Trump president," added Lear. "I see Donald Trump only as the middle finger of the American right hand.”
Norman Lear Vows to Fight Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Every week I like millions enjoyed watching that big ass bigot known as Archie Bunker brought to us
by Norman Lear.
Not realizing then that Lear and his America hating crowd were the largest contributors to the demise of respect for the White American Father figure.

Today at 73 years old I am speaking for all White American Father Figures to say I am grossly ashamed for laughing at Archie Bunker!
I apologize to all fellow White Fathers for contributing to the destruction of the American Father figure.
Truly sad that the majority of viewers saw Lear portray Archie as a typical boorish, bigot. Racist idiot.
And this is the image that the world has of American White Father Figures!
Lear has done more to create the Trumps of the world by constantly pointing out that the American White Father figure i.e. Archie is typical! All American families that had a Father like Archie as the head of the household began to be ashamed. They too like me laughed. Little realizing though that my laughter at this grossly blown out of proportion stereotype would contribute to the demise of American families.
I mean why would if I were a kid growing up in the 70s after watching the constant belittling of Archie as a racist, woman beating, woman hating, angry man want to emulate that? How many American kids have little or no respect for their teachers, law enforcement, and even less for their fathers after seeing this gross misrepresentation of the American White father?

If more of you American White Father figures comprehend what I'm saying you'll understand why our country is so poorly thought of any more by most of the world. More importantly to those of you White Father Figures, that will LAUGH at what I've written.... because YOU think it is uneducated written by a "bigot" racist, woman hating individual..STOP! You are being totally dishonest.
America was built on the shoulders of the White American Fathers who stayed at home as a Father.
Who worked long HARD hours to put food and shelter in the early years. Who taught their sons to respect women. To protect women and children. To take care of them!

Norman Lear has been the biggest contributor to juvenile delinquency. To drug problems. To total disrespect for law enforcement. Lear has been a major contributor to the demise of the American Family!
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Norman Lear Vows to Fight Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
To earn their approval, you had to be the right kind of Christian and share their right wing concerns,” Lear said. “Thirty-five years later, there are those who want to lead this country by openly calling for religious discrimination—for shutting down mosques, for closing our borders to desperate refugee families unless they are Christians."

“I haven’t believed—and don’t believe now—that the American people would elect Donald Trump president," added Lear. "I see Donald Trump only as the middle finger of the American right hand.”
Norman Lear Vows to Fight Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Every week I like millions enjoyed watching that big ass bigot known as Archie Bunker brought to us
by Norman Lear.
Not realizing then that Lear and his America hating crowd were the largest contributors to the demise of respect for the White American Father figure.

Today at 73 years old I am speaking for all White American Father Figures to say I am grossly ashamed for laughing at Archie Bunker!
I apologize to all fellow White Fathers for contributing to the destruction of the American Father figure.
Truly sad that the majority of viewers saw Lear portray Archie as a typical boorish, bigot. Racist idiot.
And this is the image that the world has of American White Father Figures!
Lear has done more to create the Trumps of the world by constantly pointing out that the American White Father figure i.e. Archie is typical! All American families that had a Father like Archie as the head of the household began to be ashamed. They too like me laughed. Little realizing though that my laughter at this grossly blown out of proportion stereotype would contribute to the demise of American families.
I mean why would if I were a kid growing up in the 70s after watching the constant belittling of Archie as a racist, woman beating, woman hating, angry man want to emulate that? How many American kids have little or no respect for their teachers, law enforcement, and even less for their fathers after seeing this gross misrepresentation of the American White father?

If more of you American White Father figures comprehend what I'm saying you'll understand why our country is so poorly thought of any more by most of the world. More importantly to those of you White Father Figures, that will LAUGH at what I've written.... because YOU think it is uneducated written by a "bigot" racist, woman hating individual..STOP! You are being totally dishonest.
America was built on the shoulders of the White American Fathers who stayed at home as a Father.
Who worked long HARD hours to put food and shelter in the early years. Who taught their sons to respect women. To protect women and children. To take care of them!

Norman Lear has been the biggest contributor to juvenile delinquency. To drug problems. To total disrespect for law enforcement. Lear has been a major contributor to the demise of the American Family!
Trumps biggest critics have been some of the most despicable people, organizations, politicians, including Obama. Who is he to criticize Trump? Or the Saudi who bashed him on Twitter - he was accused of raping a Spanish model on his yacht! Hillary is being investigated by the FBI and so on down the line .....they are all a bunch of hypocrites and Norman Lear? A total disgrace. Trump is trying to protect America - he's on the right track - and his critics? Are morally insane.
poor wackjob o/p. norman lear was brilliant... unlike you. and how stupid and bigoted do you really have to be to spew this garbage?

and you aren't allowed to print the full content of articles. it's a copyright violation and a violation of board rules.

you're welcome
poor wackjob o/p. norman lear was brilliant... unlike you. and how stupid and bigoted do you really have to be to spew this garbage?

and you aren't allowed to print the full content of articles. it's a copyright violation and a violation of board rules.

you're welcome
Norman Lear is a scumbag liberal (kinda like you). No offense.
poor wackjob o/p. norman lear was brilliant... unlike you. and how stupid and bigoted do you really have to be to spew this garbage?

and you aren't allowed to print the full content of articles. it's a copyright violation and a violation of board rules.

you're welcome
He didn't post the entire article,you're not a moderator and Norman Lear was morally insane.
Norman Lear Vows to Fight Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
To earn their approval, you had to be the right kind of Christian and share their right wing concerns,” Lear said. “Thirty-five years later, there are those who want to lead this country by openly calling for religious discrimination—for shutting down mosques, for closing our borders to desperate refugee families unless they are Christians."

“I haven’t believed—and don’t believe now—that the American people would elect Donald Trump president," added Lear. "I see Donald Trump only as the middle finger of the American right hand.”
Norman Lear Vows to Fight Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Every week I like millions enjoyed watching that big ass bigot known as Archie Bunker brought to us
by Norman Lear.
Not realizing then that Lear and his America hating crowd were the largest contributors to the demise of respect for the White American Father figure.

Today at 73 years old I am speaking for all White American Father Figures to say I am grossly ashamed for laughing at Archie Bunker!
I apologize to all fellow White Fathers for contributing to the destruction of the American Father figure.
Truly sad that the majority of viewers saw Lear portray Archie as a typical boorish, bigot. Racist idiot.
And this is the image that the world has of American White Father Figures!
Lear has done more to create the Trumps of the world by constantly pointing out that the American White Father figure i.e. Archie is typical! All American families that had a Father like Archie as the head of the household began to be ashamed. They too like me laughed. Little realizing though that my laughter at this grossly blown out of proportion stereotype would contribute to the demise of American families.
I mean why would if I were a kid growing up in the 70s after watching the constant belittling of Archie as a racist, woman beating, woman hating, angry man want to emulate that? How many American kids have little or no respect for their teachers, law enforcement, and even less for their fathers after seeing this gross misrepresentation of the American White father?

If more of you American White Father figures comprehend what I'm saying you'll understand why our country is so poorly thought of any more by most of the world. More importantly to those of you White Father Figures, that will LAUGH at what I've written.... because YOU think it is uneducated written by a "bigot" racist, woman hating individual..STOP! You are being totally dishonest.
America was built on the shoulders of the White American Fathers who stayed at home as a Father.
Who worked long HARD hours to put food and shelter in the early years. Who taught their sons to respect women. To protect women and children. To take care of them!

Norman Lear has been the biggest contributor to juvenile delinquency. To drug problems. To total disrespect for law enforcement. Lear has been a major contributor to the demise of the American Family!

Just in case you didn't notice, HM, the people who left comments on that article were mostly Trump supporters! Trump supporters are all over the internet! I'm seeing them everywhere! His following is HUGE.
Anti-muslim rhetoric from the right? How about anti-Christian rhetoric from the left? That doesn't count, does it?
poor wackjob o/p. norman lear was brilliant... unlike you. and how stupid and bigoted do you really have to be to spew this garbage?

and you aren't allowed to print the full content of articles. it's a copyright violation and a violation of board rules.

you're welcome

Of course a person with very limited attention span would think that this snippet was the whole article!
You as most of your ilk can't handle any thing longer then 30 second sound bite so why shouldn't you think that was the whole article. That's understandable.

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