Coming Soon... A Ban on Cartoon Characters on Cereal Boxes...

Here's the cereal democrats eat.....

New brand of cereal from the geniuses in the White House Nutrition Center.


They don't snap.
They don't crinkle.
They don't pop.
They don't crunch.

They just lie on the desk in the oval office and bang.

Most who have tried them say they have no taste and they suck.
[ame=]Admiral Ackbar Cereal | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim - YouTube[/ame]
Coming Soon... A Ban on Cartoon Characters on Cereal Boxes...
That's just silly. We've always had cartoon characters on cereal boxes. Let the kids enjoy their cereal. How can you have Fruity Pebbles without Fred Flinstone on the box? Same with the Frosted Flakes, my son loves them, and gets a kick out of Tony the tiger, especially when watching the commercials.

they're gggreeeeat!!!

Yeah, frosted flakes are one of the tastier breakfast cereals. Too bad they renamed the cereal. When I was a kid, they were called Sugar Frosted Flakes. I don't get it, the cereal is still called Zucaritas in Mexico. Somehow it's ok for them to use sugar in the name but not for us.
Cereal Characters Lure Kiddies With Eye Gaze: Study - NBC News

How long until FLOTUS is all over this and asks that cartoon advertising towards kids on cereal be banned?... You think I'm kidding?...

"The researchers provided two key takeaways from their findings. One, parents should think about not taking their children down the cereal aisle. Two, manufacturers of healthier cereals could consider adding a character looking downwards to the box to make their cereal more appealing to younger consumers."

^That right there is what Liberals do before Demanding Laws. :thup:

After all, these Cereals are unhealthy and shouldn't be available to anyone in a Free Society.

We can't make good decisions for ourselves so the Gubmn't MUST step in!!!


Don't ban the cereal advertising just require that the cereal have some food value and no 55% sugar by weight doesn't count.
Then after that, we require changes to Tootsie Rolls and Snickers, right?
Oh yes, the slippery slope argument.

Candy is marketed as a treat not, as a mainstay in a one's diet. Most parents were raised with the idea that Cereals are an important part a person's diet. In fact, it's part of the base of the food triangle. It's a natural assumption that cereal marketed to children will have some food value or at least will not be detrimental to their health.

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Cereal Characters Lure Kiddies With Eye Gaze: Study - NBC News

How long until FLOTUS is all over this and asks that cartoon advertising towards kids on cereal be banned?... You think I'm kidding?...

"The researchers provided two key takeaways from their findings. One, parents should think about not taking their children down the cereal aisle. Two, manufacturers of healthier cereals could consider adding a character looking downwards to the box to make their cereal more appealing to younger consumers."

^That right there is what Liberals do before Demanding Laws. :thup:

After all, these Cereals are unhealthy and shouldn't be available to anyone in a Free Society.

We can't make good decisions for ourselves so the Gubmn't MUST step in!!!


Don't ban the cereal advertising just require that the cereal have some food value and no 55% sugar by weight doesn't count. Once the kids are sold on junk food, most parents would rather provide it to them than fight them, something the cereal manufactures count on.
Why care? People should be allowed to eat what they want to. Why are liberals so interested in someones diet?
I agree with the exception of food marketed to kids.
^Admits that he wants Law to Force Healthier Breakfasts for Children...

I bet he Voted for Obama twice. :thup:



KNB strongly favors governmental censorship of commercial products on the basis of --

Uncle Sam and Shrillary know best.

"Fuck that First Amendment, bitches," he might well add.
You're both reading words that I didn't write. I didn't say anything about new laws or regulations. All I said is that it is fucking retarded for anyone to get upset at the idea of corporations putting colorful cartoon characters on boxes of healthy cereal to make kids want their parents to buy healthy cereal instead of sugary crap.

Do you assholes understand that you're actually arguing against getting kids to want to eat healthier breakfasts?

If that is what you were attempting to say, then your lack of clarity is entirely on you.

You apparently try to speak in fluent fart.

And no, you asshole. Nobody is arguing AGAINST trying to get kids to eat healthier. What I say is that it is not up to the nanny state government to decide how a company markets the sugary cereals. It is up to the parents to decide what their kids will eat.

You have to love the secular humanist assholes. Their idea of "freedom" is wearing an Obama T-Shirt. Up to the Parents?? Maybe 30-40 years ago - but not now. The "state" raises your kids now.

Again - this is NOT the country I grew up in.....
Don't ban the cereal advertising just require that the cereal have some food value and no 55% sugar by weight doesn't count. Once the kids are sold on junk food, most parents would rather provide it to them than fight them, something the cereal manufactures count on.
Why care? People should be allowed to eat what they want to. Why are liberals so interested in someones diet?
I agree with the exception of food marketed to kids.

kids cant buy it, the parents to, get on their ass. It's not the governments job to protect people and their children from themselves.
Cereal Characters Lure Kiddies With Eye Gaze: Study - NBC News

How long until FLOTUS is all over this and asks that cartoon advertising towards kids on cereal be banned?... You think I'm kidding?...

"The researchers provided two key takeaways from their findings. One, parents should think about not taking their children down the cereal aisle. Two, manufacturers of healthier cereals could consider adding a character looking downwards to the box to make their cereal more appealing to younger consumers."

^That right there is what Liberals do before Demanding Laws. :thup:

After all, these Cereals are unhealthy and shouldn't be available to anyone in a Free Society.

We can't make good decisions for ourselves so the Gubmn't MUST step in!!!


The question is "why are taxpayer resources being used for this purely political purpose"?
Don't ban the cereal advertising just require that the cereal have some food value and no 55% sugar by weight doesn't count. Once the kids are sold on junk food, most parents would rather provide it to them than fight them, something the cereal manufactures count on.
Why care? People should be allowed to eat what they want to. Why are liberals so interested in someones diet?
I agree with the exception of food marketed to kids.

Marketed to kids who do not buy the breakfast cereal. The kids are the ones asking mommy and daddy to please please please get the _____[fill in the favored sugary cereal here]____ when mommy and or daddy go do the grocery shopping.

So, the cartoon on the box is not the issue. The parent's ability to make proper parental decisions as to the kids' diet IS the issue.

The government deciding how a breakfast cereal company may market its products is an issue. And its wrong. Stay the fuck out of it, government.

There's PLENTY of legitimate government work to be done. This aint it.
Why care? People should be allowed to eat what they want to. Why are liberals so interested in someones diet?
I agree with the exception of food marketed to kids.

Marketed to kids who do not buy the breakfast cereal. The kids are the ones asking mommy and daddy to please please please get the _____[fill in the favored sugary cereal here]____ when mommy and or daddy go do the grocery shopping.

So, the cartoon on the box is not the issue. The parent's ability to make proper parental decisions as to the kids' diet IS the issue.

The government deciding how a breakfast cereal company may market its products is an issue. And its wrong. Stay the fuck out of it, government.

There's PLENTY of legitimate government work to be done. This aint it.
Parent's ability to make proper parental decisions as to the kids' diet may be the issue, but that's not likely to change. Parents are continuing to buy what the kids want to eat which has doubled childhood obesity and quadruped adolescent obesity in the last 30 years and that's beginning to effect the nation not just the kids and the parents.
Don't ban the cereal advertising just require that the cereal have some food value and no 55% sugar by weight doesn't count. Once the kids are sold on junk food, most parents would rather provide it to them than fight them, something the cereal manufactures count on.
Why care? People should be allowed to eat what they want to. Why are liberals so interested in someones diet?
I agree with the exception of food marketed to kids.

I don't see any kids whipping out a purse to pay for a box of Smacks.. Parents only get them for about 4 or 5 hours a day.. That's less than the time the STATE has with them to market to them anything they feel is neccessary for their well-being..

[ame=]Young School Kids Taught to Praise Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Lemme help you with the script to the marketing here..

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama


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