Commies Quick To Trash Trump/NK Nukes Deal

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.
Liberals choose to ignore the FACT that Iran threatened to back out of Obama's deal in 2016 and threatened loudly, where was the left's rage and predictions of failure then hmmm? If you see a liberal walking down the sidewalk do this :icon_rolleyes:
Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.
Kim does look better, Donald you can't help ugly.
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Liberals choose to ignore the FACT that Iran threatened to back out of Obama's deal in 2016 and threatened loudly, where was the left's rage and predictions of failure then hmmm? If you see a liberal walking down the sidewalk do this :icon_rolleyes:

He's been called a traitor, a nazi, a rapist...his wife and family, even his little boy have been viciously attacked, not to mention the Mueller folly and the Rats playing politics with our national security.....One of these days, he's going to blow his stack and somebody is going to pay for it all....somebody best make Kim Jung Dung aware of that.
Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.

They've been crying about every little thing for so long, I'm surprised you even noticed. You can bet that the rest of America is noticing their infantile tantrums, Nov should be fun. :71:

One of these days, he's going to blow his stack and somebody is going to pay for it all
The man baby will throw a tantrum? Only to be expected. Good to see his supporters recognise it.
He’s been kicking your ass for almost two years now. Of course we recognize it. We also watch your tantrums. It’s good entertainment.
No, it will be cold and calculated and hopefully trash like you will feel a little piece of it.
So he's going to blow his stack but be cold and calculated? Just like other toddler tantrums no doubt. You dudes will swallow anything.
He’s been kicking your ass for almost two years now. Of course we recognize it. We also watch your tantrums. It’s good entertainment.
Not my arse. I support Trump as POTUS. He'll be the best POTUS for the rest of the world, pity about the mess he'll make of America. Just think, he's enabled Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. But we thank you for taking one for the team.
Democrats aren’t all babies themselves?
What, nearly half the country are Trumps?

View attachment 203551

You'd know better than I.
You do realize that the original version of this picture isn’t what you think it is, right?

If it was what you were lead to believe then the eye contact would be very different, and it would also mean that Asia(including Japan and South Korea)hates European leaders as much as Trump does.
If it was what you were lead to believe then the eye contact would be very different, and it would also mean that Asia(including Japan and South Korea)hates European leaders as much as Trump does.
Yeah right. Keep swallowing.
You idiots expose your complete ignorance about simple subjects one after the other on here.

You literally can’t even use common sense to criticise the bullshit you are fed in the media, even when you have direct evidence within the propanda itself that it is bullshit.

When Trump said that they were not contentious in that photo and waiting for the agreement to sign, his explanation is MUCH closer to what the photo conveys. I highly doubt the meeting itself was all that friendly, but I also know that European leaders are far too wimpy to attempt to get into Trump’s face, and I highly doubt Japan and all the other Asian countries would stand on Trump’s side of the room if the Europeans crowded him.
When Trump said that they were not contentious in that photo and waiting for the agreement to sign, his explanation is MUCH closer to what the photo conveys.
Yes. That's why Merkel released it. Too, one can tell by Trump's body language he is not defensive and defiant. And Trump was actually describing that photo rather than the summit in general. You're so right.

I bet someone as sharp as you voted for Trump, right?
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