Communist are Going to Win: Via Robots and AI


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
For communism to work you need an obedient, free (aka slave labor), motivated and efficient work force.

Humans by nature are not obedient, require rewards to be motivated (and for many that isn’t enough, and we are not efficient of not properly trained and motivated. Through human labor communism CANNOT WORK.

However, as technology improves we are going to see smart robots and systems. Unlike future technological revolutions AI’s are pushing humans a out. In the near future, AI will do nearly every job better then humans from manufacturing, accounting, city planning, policing, cooking etc. Once humans are replaced with this free more efficient slave labor; communism will take over. It will be an elite class that rules the world.

They will plan everything down to reproduction. Humans will interacts with machines for friendship, companionship, and even sexual experiences.

I truly believe we will live like the fat lazy humans from Walle. It is inevitable.

We are seeing the transition happen right now.
For communism to work you need an obedient, free (aka slave labor), motivated and efficient work force.

Humans by nature are not obedient, require rewards to be motivated (and for many that isn’t enough, and we are not efficient of not properly trained and motivated. Through human labor communism CANNOT WORK.

However, as technology improves we are going to see smart robots and systems. Unlike future technological revolutions AI’s are pushing humans a out. In the near future, AI will do nearly every job better then humans from manufacturing, accounting, city planning, policing, cooking etc. Once humans are replaced with this free more efficient slave labor; communism will take over. It will be an elite class that rules the world.

They will plan everything down to reproduction. Humans will interacts with machines for friendship, companionship, and even sexual experiences.

I truly believe we will live like the fat lazy humans from Walle. It is inevitable.

We are seeing the transition happen right now.
That is what is in their plan. That is why they are demanding everyone get the jabs. Whether slow kill or fast kill they are kill shots.

Thankfully though they are also mere mortals who are just as vulnerable as the rest when it comes down to the nitty gritty.

Warning went out some time back but who can hear it?
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I truly believe we will live like the fat lazy humans from Walle. It is inevitable.

We are seeing the transition happen right now.
There's little doubt that China has moved ahead of the rest of the world with AI. China is working on 6G while America is still struggling with 5G.

Could that have something to do with the efficiency of their communist system?

Not entirely attributable to communism as China does subscribe to capitalism with some interesting twists which are now designed to benefit all the people and prevent 'capitalism' from running away from the mass's needs. This is leader Xi's placing of limits on how much wealth the capitalist is permitted to amass.

Instead of capitalist business leaders being able to become billionaires, there are limits placed on them that guarantee wealth being distributed to all of the people. We don't yet know for sure where the limits will be set, but we should expect that large wealth accumulating for an individual will be permitted at a level at which it won't be destructive of incentive that capitalism offers.

And so, if communism allows China to continue to surge ahead of capitalist/democratic countries, we have the explanation for the reason why.

Still, America has the ability to adjust it's greedy form of capitalism in order to remain at least abreast of the world's leading democracies which practice capitalism with a 'social' conscience. Commonly known as 'socialist' policies within a capitalist system!
For communism to work you need an obedient, free (aka slave labor), motivated and efficient work force.
You needed to think that through before you posted. A motivated and efficient work force doesn't come with slave labour.
It comes with adequate compensation for work performed, along with living benefits being provided which are necessary for all workers.

Fat lazy unemployed people won't the the rule in the world's leading countries. A completely active and productive workforce will be the standard that will lead a country to success.
You needed to think that through before you posted. A motivated and efficient work force doesn't come with slave labour.
It comes with adequate compensation for work performed, along with living benefits being provided which are necessary for all workers.

Fat lazy unemployed people won't the the rule in the world's leading countries. A completely active and productive workforce will be the standard that will lead a country to success.
I stated that is why communism has failed because humans need proper motivation to flourish… robots and AI require proper programming.

If robots and AI cover required work, then an elite class could be empowered to make decisions for all. What we eat, how we live etc. Robots could replace interpersonal relationships, including sexual ones. Population (including reproduction), could be controls by the state. It is a grip reality.
For communism to work you need an obedient, free (aka slave labor), motivated and efficient work force.

Humans by nature are not obedient, require rewards to be motivated (and for many that isn’t enough, and we are not efficient of not properly trained and motivated. Through human labor communism CANNOT WORK.

However, as technology improves we are going to see smart robots and systems. Unlike future technological revolutions AI’s are pushing humans a out. In the near future, AI will do nearly every job better then humans from manufacturing, accounting, city planning, policing, cooking etc. Once humans are replaced with this free more efficient slave labor; communism will take over. It will be an elite class that rules the world.

They will plan everything down to reproduction. Humans will interacts with machines for friendship, companionship, and even sexual experiences.

I truly believe we will live like the fat lazy humans from Walle. It is inevitable.

We are seeing the transition happen right now.
I’m behind the times just now reading G. Orwell’s 1984. Early in and captivating. To think he wrote in 1949 explains his miscalculation of “the when”…engaging read most would appreciate.
For communism to work you need an obedient, free (aka slave labor), motivated and efficient work force.

Humans by nature are not obedient, require rewards to be motivated (and for many that isn’t enough, and we are not efficient of not properly trained and motivated. Through human labor communism CANNOT WORK.

However, as technology improves we are going to see smart robots and systems. Unlike future technological revolutions AI’s are pushing humans a out. In the near future, AI will do nearly every job better then humans from manufacturing, accounting, city planning, policing, cooking etc. Once humans are replaced with this free more efficient slave labor; communism will take over. It will be an elite class that rules the world.

They will plan everything down to reproduction. Humans will interacts with machines for friendship, companionship, and even sexual experiences.

I truly believe we will live like the fat lazy humans from Walle. It is inevitable.

We are seeing the transition happen right now.

Human LIKE to works.
They need to be creative, constructive, productive, busy, etc.
It is in their nature.

Communism has nothing to do with not working.
Communism is just where the workers own the companies and have some say in working conditions, pay, etc.
Communism is where the technology to work efficiently is not withheld, and workers are free to be as productive as they want to be,

Nor is AI easy.
It would take millions of human programmers to generate all the AI needed to even make a dent in the human work force.
And lots of things, like agriculture, is always going to have to be done by human hands.
There's little doubt that China has moved ahead of the rest of the world with AI. China is working on 6G while America is still struggling with 5G.

Could that have something to do with the efficiency of their communist system?

Not entirely attributable to communism as China does subscribe to capitalism with some interesting twists which are now designed to benefit all the people and prevent 'capitalism' from running away from the mass's needs. This is leader Xi's placing of limits on how much wealth the capitalist is permitted to amass.

Instead of capitalist business leaders being able to become billionaires, there are limits placed on them that guarantee wealth being distributed to all of the people. We don't yet know for sure where the limits will be set, but we should expect that large wealth accumulating for an individual will be permitted at a level at which it won't be destructive of incentive that capitalism offers.

And so, if communism allows China to continue to surge ahead of capitalist/democratic countries, we have the explanation for the reason why.

Still, America has the ability to adjust it's greedy form of capitalism in order to remain at least abreast of the world's leading democracies which practice capitalism with a 'social' conscience. Commonly known as 'socialist' policies within a capitalist system!

China has always been about the single most capitalist country in the world.
Why do you think they have taken over the production of all our consumer goods, like TVs, phones, computers, etc?
For communism to work you need an obedient, free (aka slave labor), motivated and efficient work force.

Humans by nature are not obedient, require rewards to be motivated (and for many that isn’t enough, and we are not efficient of not properly trained and motivated. Through human labor communism CANNOT WORK.

However, as technology improves we are going to see smart robots and systems. Unlike future technological revolutions AI’s are pushing humans a out. In the near future, AI will do nearly every job better then humans from manufacturing, accounting, city planning, policing, cooking etc. Once humans are replaced with this free more efficient slave labor; communism will take over. It will be an elite class that rules the world.

They will plan everything down to reproduction. Humans will interacts with machines for friendship, companionship, and even sexual experiences.

I truly believe we will live like the fat lazy humans from Walle. It is inevitable.

We are seeing the transition happen right now.
The Luddites said the same thing.

Top 10 Countries with the Fastest Mobile Internet Speeds (Mbps) - 2021​

  1. United Arab Emirates - 238.06
  2. South Korea - 202.61
  3. Norway - 177.72
  4. Qatar - 172.18
  5. China - 165.38
  6. Kuwait - 157.18
  7. Saudi Arabia - 155.97
  8. Cyprus - 144.64
  9. Bulgaria - 142.27
  10. Switzerland - 135.70

Top 10 Countries with the Fastest Broadband Internet Speeds (Mbps) - 2021​

  1. Monaco - 261.82
  2. Singapore - 255.83
  3. Hong Kong (China) - 254.70
  4. Romania - 232.17
  5. Switzerland - 229.96
  6. Denmark - 227.91
  7. Thailand - 225.17
  8. Chile - 217.60
  9. France - 214.04
  10. South Korea - 212.57
There's little doubt that China has moved ahead of the rest of the world with AI. China is working on 6G while America is still struggling with 5G.

Could that have something to do with the efficiency of their communist system?

Not entirely attributable to communism as China does subscribe to capitalism with some interesting twists which are now designed to benefit all the people and prevent 'capitalism' from running away from the mass's needs. This is leader Xi's placing of limits on how much wealth the capitalist is permitted to amass.

Instead of capitalist business leaders being able to become billionaires, there are limits placed on them that guarantee wealth being distributed to all of the people. We don't yet know for sure where the limits will be set, but we should expect that large wealth accumulating for an individual will be permitted at a level at which it won't be destructive of incentive that capitalism offers.

And so, if communism allows China to continue to surge ahead of capitalist/democratic countries, we have the explanation for the reason why.

Still, America has the ability to adjust it's greedy form of capitalism in order to remain at least abreast of the world's leading democracies which practice capitalism with a 'social' conscience. Commonly known as 'socialist' policies within a capitalist system!
Why do you promote China as being the top with 6G while other countries are using 7G and 8G? Are you reading too many issues of GismoChina? Lol
I do not even like 5G because the faster the frequency, the more cancer it causes.
Could that have something to do with the efficiency of their communist system?
I dont think communism efficient

Russia was technically advanced but the communist system failed

China has HUGE internal problems that most of us are barely if at all aware of

But what I worry about is chinese international recklessness due to domestic intranquility
I dont think communism efficient

Russia was technically advanced but the communist system failed

China has HUGE internal problems that most of us are barely if at all aware of

But what I worry about is chinese international recklessness due to domestic intranquility

Russia and China could never have been remotely communist, because communism is communal, cooperative, and collective, which pretty much requires a democratic republic.
Russia and China has a wealthy elite in charge, which is totally capitalism, just on a state level instead of corporate level.
I dont think communism efficient
Deal with what I said and then tell me why you don't think Xi's initiative of limiting capitalists amassing huge wealth isn't a good idea.
But what I worry about is chinese international recklessness due to domestic intranquility

I'll give you an opportunity to explain what that is supposed to mean. Don't blow your one chance!
Russia and China could never have been remotely communist, because communism is communal, cooperative, and collective, which pretty much requires a democratic republic.
Russia and China has a wealthy elite in charge, which is totally capitalism, just on a state level instead of corporate level.
I see china currently as a fascist economy of nominal private ownership but absolute state control

But whether communist or fascist china places ZERO value on human rights and views individuals as expendable to serve the state
Deal with what I said and then tell me why you don't think Xi's initiative of limiting capitalists amassing huge wealth isn't a good idea.
Is that how you see it?

Xi is going to rob the rich and reward the poor?

Nothing of the sort is taking place

Xi just wants the rich to remain subservient to his dictatorship

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