Communist Bernie Sanders set to announce 2020 presidential run

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Too old and Too White

It’s Kamala’s show now. The DemonRATS need a black woman, a sleep around whore and stupid as a brick to carry the ball....perhaps the LGTB candidates choice Beto, as a running mate?...But has to get one of them to convert to Muslim, and perhaps the BIG K can pull off a Fauxahontas deal and get a DNA test proving she is 1/1024 Hispanic to cover ALL the minority bases!

Three years after fighting a surprisingly competitive Democratic primary race against Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, is making another run for the White House.

Two sources with direct knowledge of his plans told Yahoo News that Sanders, an independent and self-described “democratic socialist,” plans to announce his presidential bid imminently. While Sanders has been considering a bid for months, one of the sources said he was emboldened by early polls of the race that have consistently showed him as one of the top candidates in a crowded Democratic primary field. In particular, the source said Sanders was heartened to see numbers indicating he is one of the leading candidates among African American and Latino voters, two groups he was perceived as struggling with in 2016.

(Please see link for full story)

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Too old and Too White

It’s Kamala’s show now. The DemonRATS need a black woman, a sleep around whore and stupid as a brick to carry the ball....perhaps the LGTB candidates choice Beto, as a running mate?...But has to get one of them to convert to Muslim, and perhaps the BIG K can pull off a Fauxahontas deal and get a DNA test proving she is 1/1024 Hispanic to cover ALL the minority bases!

Three years after fighting a surprisingly competitive Democratic primary race against Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, is making another run for the White House.

Two sources with direct knowledge of his plans told Yahoo News that Sanders, an independent and self-described “democratic socialist,” plans to announce his presidential bid imminently. While Sanders has been considering a bid for months, one of the sources said he was emboldened by early polls of the race that have consistently showed him as one of the top candidates in a crowded Democratic primary field. In particular, the source said Sanders was heartened to see numbers indicating he is one of the leading candidates among African American and Latino voters, two groups he was perceived as struggling with in 2016.

(Please see link for full story)

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Too old is a very good reason for NOT electing Biden, Warren, Sanders, or anyone else who will be over the age of 70 on Inauguration Day. I feel the same way about the House and Senate but that's not going to happen. But the Presidency takes more mental accuity and energy than most septugenarians have. Trump is starting work at 11 every day and until recently, working four day weeks. This is a function of him being old and fat. I say this as someone who will be 70 this year. I know I'm slowing down, and not able to get as much done as I did when I was younger. I also don't learn new information as easily as I did when I was younger.

Being President isn't a part time job. Nor is it for someone who now rambles and ping pongs from one idea to the next with no continuity of thought or action. The President should be young enough to understand today's technology and economy. The stuff Trump doesn't understand.
Too old and Too White

It’s Kamala’s show now. The DemonRATS need a black woman, a sleep around whore and stupid as a brick to carry the ball....perhaps the LGTB candidates choice Beto, as a running mate?...But has to get one of them to convert to Muslim, and perhaps the BIG K can pull off a Fauxahontas deal and get a DNA test proving she is 1/1024 Hispanic to cover ALL the minority bases!

Three years after fighting a surprisingly competitive Democratic primary race against Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, is making another run for the White House.

Two sources with direct knowledge of his plans told Yahoo News that Sanders, an independent and self-described “democratic socialist,” plans to announce his presidential bid imminently. While Sanders has been considering a bid for months, one of the sources said he was emboldened by early polls of the race that have consistently showed him as one of the top candidates in a crowded Democratic primary field. In particular, the source said Sanders was heartened to see numbers indicating he is one of the leading candidates among African American and Latino voters, two groups he was perceived as struggling with in 2016.

(Please see link for full story)

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Too old is a very good reason for NOT electing Biden, Warren, Sanders, or anyone else who will be over the age of 70 on Inauguration Day. I feel the same way about the House and Senate but that's not going to happen. But the Presidency takes more mental accuity and energy than most septugenarians have. Trump is starting work at 11 every day and until recently, working four day weeks. This is a function of him being old and fat. I say this as someone who will be 70 this year. I know I'm slowing down, and not able to get as much done as I did when I was younger. I also don't learn new information as easily as I did when I was younger.

Being President isn't a part time job. Nor is it for someone who now rambles and ping pongs from one idea to the next with no continuity of thought or action. The President should be young enough to understand today's technology and economy. The stuff Trump doesn't understand.

Yea, it appears as though you're still having difficulty with that learning thing.

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