Community Organizer

Community organizers are those people who actually do good things. They don't do it for power or prestige or as republican do to remove individual rights, they do it because it is the Christian thing to do.

YouTube - Community Organizers - The Nation's Backbone

Barack answers here:
YouTube - Senator Obama answers community organizing criticism

YouTube - Roland Martin on Palin's speech

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Yep. And some of them aren't even Christian.
I am not saying a community organizer does qualify him. I am saying that it sould nto disqualify him as Palin would want it.

Problem is that is not what she said.

What she said was that being a Mayor of a small town, and then a governor of a state is at least as good a qualification as being a "community organizer"

Can you guys argue with out lying at all?

Obama stepped in some serious shit by going after a governor as being unqualified to be president, and by sending out the dogs to go after her on a personal level.

I am really enjoying watching you guys squirm after being so cocky for months swearing up and down Obama would win in a land slide.

This election might end up being a land slide alright,

A land slide for the first women Vice President ever.

Obama's goose is well and truly cooked.
LOL too true
looks like we have yet another moron leftist that has trouble with facts

If you believe I am a moron, what ever, your personal opinion of me matters only as much as you think it does. If you think I am a leftist, believe that too. I actually agree with some of McCain's policies, no candidate can be completely wrong. And I know what you all will say 'retarded moron leftist baby should go cry to his momma' because that is what 1/2 of these posts say anyway.
I don't care about your politics. I care that you're spouting nonsense.

Nancy Pelosi is not the fucking VP dude.

My mistake, I had the House and the Senate confused. You're right.
1. She attacked him almost the moment she becames nationally known.
2. The third member is the house minority leader. He/she would become president if the president and vp both are unable to serve.

grab a copy of the Constitution and read it, okay?
If you believe I am a moron, what ever, your personal opinion of me matters only as much as you think it does. If you think I am a leftist, believe that too. I actually agree with some of McCain's policies, no candidate can be completely wrong. And I know what you all will say 'retarded moron leftist baby should go cry to his momma' because that is what 1/2 of these posts say anyway.

i think you're a moron.
it doesn't matter at all to me.
how long were you underwater? i'm guessing 18 minutes, at least.

Is there anyone reading this thread human enough to let me off the hook on my mistake? I am serious, is there anyone?
Is there anyone reading this thread human enough to let me off the hook on my mistake? I am serious, is there anyone?
i am, you admitted it, you get a break
now, will you admit the rest?
you've made more than one
i am, you admitted it, you get a break
now, will you admit the rest?
you've made more than one

Thank you. What others have I made and I do not mean opinion. I am just getting a little riled because I'm so outnumbered.
You're wrong, there are a lot of responsibilities. You need to learn how to commit voter fraud, how to commit mortgage scams, how to promote socialism...

Do not be so closed minded about socialism, it ahs some good components. I am not exactly sure if you are REQUIRED as community organizer to do those thing, any sources stating that Obama has done that?
Besides the candidates for the offices of POTUS and VPOTUS, how many other candidates are listed on a party's presidential ticket?

I am not sure, 5 I think, you can probably beat me in a political section of Jeopardy. But I bet you I would get a lot of Civil War questions :)
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I am not sure, 5 I think, you can probably beat me in a political section of Jeopardy. But I bet you I would get a lot of Civil War questions :)
LOL ok now THAT is funny

btw, the answer is 2

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