Commuted Sentence For drug Offender Turns Into Death Sentence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A man whose drug-related prison sentence was commuted in November by President Barack Obama has been fatally shot at a federal halfway house in Michigan after two men with assault-style rifles sought him out, police said.

Two men wearing masks went into Bannum Place in Saginaw on Monday night with plans to kill 31-year-old Damarlon Thomas, a former Saginaw gang member. Lt. David Kaiser said Thomas was shot several times by one of the men as some of the roughly two dozen people at the home were held at gunpoint.

“One person watched over a group of them while another subject located the victim and executed him,” Kaiser told The Saginaw News. “They were looking for this person.”

Thomas was pronounced dead at the scene, WSGW-AM reported. No one else was injured and no one was immediately taken into custody.

“This was a very targeted individual, for whatever reason,” said Kaiser. “The people that shot this man knew who they were looking for and wanted him deceased.”

Michigan Man Whose Drug Sentence Commuted By Obama Is Shot Dead

This guy doesn't sound like a small-time offender who needed a break by way of pardon / commuting his sentence. This guy sounds like a very bad guy, and a lot of people wanted him dead. Obama would have done him more of a favor, it seems, leaving him in jail.
Generally when people get into the business of selling crack and doing other gangster type shit they already know that it is very dangerous. Hopefully the police will figure out who murdered him.
So now you have empathy for the guy?
Merely an observation.

Here's another: Obama aided and especially released (speaking of 'commuting sentences') a LOT of very bad people during his Presidency.

He released almost all of those incarcerated at GITMO, some more than one because once they were released they returned to engaging in terrorism again and were caught on the battle field AGAIN trying to kill US soldiers...and which point Obama released them...AGAIN.

He released the Taliban 5, the 5 worst terrorists Leaders in the Middle East. The week after one of them was released, his terrorist organization that he led attacked and slaughtered a village - men, women, and children.

Obama just released FLN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera, a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN. The FLN, and Rivera, sowed terror and death through its nine-year campaign of terror through the United States. In one bomb attack in the busy Fraunces Tavern, in New York’s financial district in January 1975, it killed four people and injured 60, many maimed. Rivera / FLN reportedly committed approx. 130 bombings throughout the United States. When he was arrested the police found 6 pounds od dynamite in his CHICAGO apartment. Like Obama's domestic terrorist buddy Bill Ayers, Rivera is an UN-repentant terrorist who initially refused to accept his pardon.

(BTW, Barak Obama is not the 1st US President to pardon an FLN Terrorist in the waning minutes of his Presidency - there have been 3 to do so - all, surprise, surprise, have been Democrats: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barak Obama.)
- Obama’s Pardon For Oscar Lopez Rivera Trades A Terrorist For Votes

The 'funny' part of the Rivera story is the news is reporting THIS:

'The news is that Lopez will go back to 'community organizing'.'

Heyt, isn't THAT what Barry used to do? :p
So now you have empathy for the guy?
Merely an observation.

Here's another: Obama aided and especially released (speaking of 'commuting sentences') a LOT of very bad people during his Presidency.

He released almost all of those incarcerated at GITMO, some more than one because once they were released they returned to engaging in terrorism again and were caught on the battle field AGAIN trying to kill US soldiers...and which point Obama released them...AGAIN.

He released the Taliban 5, the 5 worst terrorists Leaders in the Middle East. The week after one of them was released, his terrorist organization that he led attacked and slaughtered a village - men, women, and children.

Obama just released FLN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera, a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN. The FLN, and Rivera, sowed terror and death through its nine-year campaign of terror through the United States. In one bomb attack in the busy Fraunces Tavern, in New York’s financial district in January 1975, it killed four people and injured 60, many maimed. Rivera / FLN reportedly committed approx. 130 bombings throughout the United States. When he was arrested the police found 6 pounds od dynamite in his CHICAGO apartment. Like Obama's domestic terrorist buddy Bill Ayers, Rivera is an UN-repentant terrorist who initially refused to accept his pardon.

(BTW, Barak Obama is not the 1st US President to pardon an FLN Terrorist in the waning minutes of his Presidency - there have been 3 to do so - all, surprise, surprise, have been Democrats: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barak Obama.)
- Obama’s Pardon For Oscar Lopez Rivera Trades A Terrorist For Votes

The 'funny' part of the Rivera story is the news is reporting THIS:

'The news is that Lopez will go back to 'community organizing'.'

Heyt, isn't THAT what Barry used to do? :p
Yet Oblama had to have congressional approval to do so..

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