Companies are boycotting Facebook. But who does it hurt more?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
An interesting take on who is hurt most by boycotts. I'm not sure I entirely agree with the premise, there is certainly some credence; but it's one opinion. Ultimately, regardless of who is impacted most, in the end Mark will look like a hero who stood for principle and your First Amendment while other companies and their leaders will look soft.

Of course the initial narrative will be some noble one, "fight racism!" They will use this excuse for collective punishment of hundreds of millions all to get the 0.001% who are racist. You can bet we will see it in the NBA as well once jersey names go from fighting racism to promoting communism or political parties.

Billions of dollars of its market value has disappeared and its chief executive officer has been bumped down a notch in his place among the world's wealthiest.

But despite these big losses, Facebook is unlikely to suffer significant damage from the growing ad boycott over its policies to prohibit hate speech in its advertisements, say some marketing experts.

Indeed, some of the companies, depending on their size, could be hurting themselves more by limiting their exposure on the social media giant, suggest some industry experts.

"A few brands pulling their Facebook ads for a month will have little to no bearing on Facebook's bottom line," Mari Smith, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, said in an email to CBC News.

And if small and medium businesses cut their ads altogether, even for one month, this could cause a massive loss of revenue for those business owners, Smith said.

"Joining the ad boycott would actually hurt their bottom line infinitely more than it would Facebook's," she said.
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Every time facebook allows the terrorist groups, BLM and antifa. to express their anti American opinions, they're allowing hate speech.
Every time facebook allows the terrorist groups, BLM and antifa. to express their anti American opinions, they're allowing hate speech.
Sue them then already.
I really don't care what FaceBook does it is a private company and may do as they please to attract revenue and I have no interest with FaceBook.
I see the list of companies boycotting and truthfully, I had no idea that any of them advertised on Facebook.
An interesting take on who is hurt most by boycotts. I'm not sure I entirely agree with the premise, there is certainly some credence; but it's one opinion. Ultimately, regardless of who is impacted most, in the end Mark will look like a hero who stood for principle and your First Amendment while other companies and their leaders will look soft.

Of course the initial narrative will be some noble one, "fight racism!" They will use this excuse for collective punishment of hundreds of millions all to get the 0.001% who are racist. You can bet we will see it in the NBA as well once jersey names go from fighting racism to promoting communism or political parties.

Billions of dollars of its market value has disappeared and its chief executive officer has been bumped down a notch in his place among the world's wealthiest.

But despite these big losses, Facebook is unlikely to suffer significant damage from the growing ad boycott over its policies to prohibit hate speech in its advertisements, say some marketing experts.

Indeed, some of the companies, depending on their size, could be hurting themselves more by limiting their exposure on the social media giant, suggest some industry experts.

"A few brands pulling their Facebook ads for a month will have little to no bearing on Facebook's bottom line," Mari Smith, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, said in an email to CBC News.

And if small and medium businesses cut their ads altogether, even for one month, this could cause a massive loss of revenue for those business owners, Smith said.

"Joining the ad boycott would actually hurt their bottom line infinitely more than it would Facebook's," she said.
bullshit and an attempt to sell crap. whoever wrote this has zero idea on marketing and brand value and how easily you can lose that value. ad placement, where people see, how people see it, when people see it - so much is taken into consideration that if you move too far away they won't care about the numbers.

facebook to me is a cesspool as it is. when it comes to advertising i ignore it. most people do. the odd part is most of what i see for ads are TRUMP RULES type shit but nothing NOTHING from the left.

people are moving to Parler in droves but Parler is going to have to be more than the right yelling the left sucks. i tried it out and i certainly want options; but i want options for balance, not simply the other side screaming. i've been able to tone down facebook to make it tolerable and i keep track of things i need to keep track of there. Parler won't let me do that.

And don't DARE tell laura loomer that you're tired of attack politics. they don't like that talk over there. :)

but brand value is huge. this article is trying to say "come back to the bullshit, we've got cookies and shit" and the huge advertisers simply won't care. verizon had paid countless millions upon millions over time to develop their brand. what their reps say, how they say it and most importantly, where.

if they view facebook as toxic they won't want anything to do with it.

for me - i don't buy ANYTHING from paid ads on facebook. i use the garage sale areas and call it a day. i've seen scam ad after scam ad and you have no way to report it, no way to block it (they just put up another) and no way to keep them off your feed. no you can't get a home depot rolling tool chest for $90. they're $600, i have a couple. then these do it yourself pretty equalizers for $20. look on the internet and you can find them but they're several hundred dollars off facebook.

facebook doesn't check their ads, don't care where the verizon ads lands (and if it lands next to t-mobile there will be hell to pay) and shit like that.

at this point the cost to fix facebooks rep in peoples minds is huge. i'd honestly consider selling it all and buying an island outside of hawaii and building a seawall to keep people away from me.

wouldn't that be ironic for mr social media to run away from society. :)

but this article is bullshit whiney ass crap out to justify bad behavior that in the end will be ferreted out.
An interesting take on who is hurt most by boycotts. I'm not sure I entirely agree with the premise, there is certainly some credence; but it's one opinion. Ultimately, regardless of who is impacted most, in the end Mark will look like a hero who stood for principle and your First Amendment while other companies and their leaders will look soft.

Of course the initial narrative will be some noble one, "fight racism!" They will use this excuse for collective punishment of hundreds of millions all to get the 0.001% who are racist. You can bet we will see it in the NBA as well once jersey names go from fighting racism to promoting communism or political parties.

Billions of dollars of its market value has disappeared and its chief executive officer has been bumped down a notch in his place among the world's wealthiest.

But despite these big losses, Facebook is unlikely to suffer significant damage from the growing ad boycott over its policies to prohibit hate speech in its advertisements, say some marketing experts.

Indeed, some of the companies, depending on their size, could be hurting themselves more by limiting their exposure on the social media giant, suggest some industry experts.

"A few brands pulling their Facebook ads for a month will have little to no bearing on Facebook's bottom line," Mari Smith, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, said in an email to CBC News.

And if small and medium businesses cut their ads altogether, even for one month, this could cause a massive loss of revenue for those business owners, Smith said.

"Joining the ad boycott would actually hurt their bottom line infinitely more than it would Facebook's," she said.
There should be an alternative to FaceBook for mainstream people

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