Companies are refusing to hire college students who support Hamas terrorism and murder of civilians

I guess it depends where you live. I mean, I could move to Chicago to a poor area and live next to some gang bangers or I could live in a more afluent area. You seem to have the idea that even affluent areas of the South(yeah, there are plenty) are chalk full of rednecks.

Yup... pretty much. Of course, that will change as more northerners get tired of living in Jesusland.

The dumbest thing your side did was overturn Roe. It put everything in perspective for the half of population that became unwilling breeding machines.
Yup... pretty much. Of course, that will change as more northerners get tired of living in Jesusland.

They won't get tired of it. The only reason they would leave is because they continue to vote for Democrats and make our area just like the place they fled. Some of them are wise enough to change their voting habits.

The dumbest thing your side did was overturn Roe. It put everything in perspective for the half of population that became unwilling breeding machines.

I have no idea what this has to do with anything we are discussing, but, maybe you need a lesson on what prevents pregnancy. No one is forced to be a breeding machine, but there is some responsibility that comes with having sex. Responsibility is Kryptonite to most Democrats.
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Yup... pretty much. Of course, that will change as more northerners get tired of living in Jesusland.

The dumbest thing your side did was overturn Roe. It put everything in perspective for the half of population that became unwilling breeding machines.

No, two people make a choice. Its not unwilling.
They won't get tired of it. The only reason they would leave is because they continue to vote for Democrats and make our area just like the place they fled. Some of them are wise enough to change their voting habits.

Except they really aren't fleeing so much as being recruited when those big corporations realize Cleetus and Billy Bob can't do complex math.

I have no idea what this has to do with anything we are discussing, but, maybe you need a lesson on what prevents pregnancy. No one is forced to be a breeding machine, but there is some responsibility that comes with having sex. Responsibility is Kryptonite to most Democrats.

Um, yeah, it's always fun when you wingnuts say the quiet part out loud.

Please keep doing that.
Well, I'd never move down there. A dear friend of mine did because they offered her a bunch of money to relocate. She hates it down there, the schools suck, most of her neighbors are rednecks (she's Filipina).

Joey, you're full of shit.

You wrote that, not me. I want criminals like Trump and Menendez to pay the price, but you put politics in front of the law.

The irony is so thick you could cut it with a Sawzall.

You’re mistaken
No, he's lying.
Except they really aren't fleeing so much as being recruited when those big corporations realize Cleetus and Billy Bob can't do complex math.

Nope, I have talked to many of them. The vast majority actively seeked employment here and complain about the high taxes and the high cost of living where they left.
Nope, I have talked to many of them. The vast majority actively seeked employment here and complain about the high taxes and the high cost of living where they left.

I'm sure they are telling you what you want to hear.

Secretly they think, "Man, what a rube! I can't wait until we open a Whole Foods and some Starbucks!"
Their resumes are easy to spot, already.

They are the ones that list their pronouns.
That's a really bad strategy for job hunting. The number of hiring managers who would put a resume that listed pronouns on the top of the stack is far less than the number who would automatically throw such a resume in the round file.

We got our first one this year at my school. An Art teacher, who was moved to our school because she didn't get along at three other schools in the district. She lists her pronouns in her email signature as if anyone cares.
That's a really bad strategy for job hunting. The number of hiring managers who would put a resume that listed pronouns on the top of the stack is far less than the number who would automatically throw such a resume in the round file.

Okay, here's the thing. I write resumes as a business. Hundreds of them every year. I have YET to see a resume with "pronouns" on them.

I do see pronouns on LinkedIn Profiles, but LinkedIn is openly encouraging them. So are a lot of major corporations. The company I work for sent out an HR Email encouraging us to put our pronouns in our email blocks.

The one place I can see where pronouns could be useful is if one has a name where the gender isn't apparent. For instance, I worked with a lady whose first name was Hiroe, because she was born in Japan. People versed in Japanese culture would know that it was a female name and is pronounced: "he-ro-ee". But half the people who called in looking for her thought she was a dude and pronounced it "Hero".

We got our first one this year at my school. An Art teacher, who was moved to our school because she didn't get along at three other schools in the district. She lists her pronouns in her email signature as if anyone cares.

Um, Art Teachers are by definition kind of flaky. (And full disclosure, my late mother was an art teacher.)
Okay, here's the thing. I write resumes as a business. Hundreds of them every year. I have YET to see a resume with "pronouns" on them.

I do see pronouns on LinkedIn Profiles, but LinkedIn is openly encouraging them. So are a lot of major corporations. The company I work for sent out an HR Email encouraging us to put our pronouns in our email blocks.
I don't doubt it. Someone mentioned resumes. I would generalize it to a cover letter or an email signature.
The one place I can see where pronouns could be useful is if one has a name where the gender isn't apparent. For instance, I worked with a lady whose first name was Hiroe, because she was born in Japan. People versed in Japanese culture would know that it was a female name and is pronounced: "he-ro-ee". But half the people who called in looking for her thought she was a dude and pronounced it "Hero".
If I were her I would use another way to get across that I'm female. Also provide a phonetic version of the name. I use an email and phone specifically for job hunting. She could answer by saying her name rather tha correcting the person orbhaving her name said wrong until she retires.

I don't care if someone is nonbinary as long as they don't look crazy like female hair and makeup plus a beard. But I don't want to be "corrected" in advance about someone's pronoun choice.

Nor do I want to be "corrected" if I use the obvious pronoun but the person prefers another. If you're obviously male but you prefer female pronouns, ask me politely and I'll happily accommodate. Act like you caught me in a mistake or some character flaw and you ain't working for me because you'll treat my clients and partners the same.

Um, Art Teachers are by definition kind of flaky. (And full disclosure, my late mother was an art teacher.)
Yes I've seen that. This one is flaky even for an LBGT person. She looks like a lesbian, but there is no question she's female. She has a short haircut but a female haircut and a full hour glass figure. Her pic on her email has her with long hair and clearly a woman.

So why tell us her pronoun is "she/her" when no one would assume otherwise? Her way of asserting we need her permission to use the obvious pronoun?
I'm sure they are telling you what you want to hear.

Secretly they think, "Man, what a rube! I can't wait until we open a Whole Foods and some Starbucks!"
Funny I'm actually sitting across from a Whole Foods and beside a Starbucks right now. We have electricity, indoor plumbing and running water too. It's quite amazing.
MAGA hats are a political statement
Just like those college students made.
Only they are refusing to wear hats
The difference is if you're offended by my MAGA hat, I definitely don't want to work for you.

Are you wearing your "I'm offended by MAGA" hat?
I don't doubt it. Someone mentioned resumes. I would generalize it to a cover letter or an email signature.

Again, haven't seen that, either. (I also provide cover letter templates, the issue never comes up.)

If I were her I would use another way to get across that I'm female. Also provide a phonetic version of the name. I use an email and phone specifically for job hunting. She could answer by saying her name rather tha correcting the person orbhaving her name said wrong until she retires.

Actually, she just kind of acquiesced to people pronouncing her name wrong. She was often impressed that I took the time and care to pronounce her name correctly.

I don't care if someone is nonbinary as long as they don't look crazy like female hair and makeup plus a beard. But I don't want to be "corrected" in advance about someone's pronoun choice.

YOu seem to spend an awful lot of time being upset about something you don't care about.

Nor do I want to be "corrected" if I use the obvious pronoun but the person prefers another. If you're obviously male but you prefer female pronouns, ask me politely and I'll happily accommodate. Act like you caught me in a mistake or some character flaw and you ain't working for me because you'll treat my clients and partners the same.

Well, first, no one believes you are in a hiring position.
Secondly, the reason why REAL businesses are taking this pronoun business seriously is because they don't want the lawsuits.

Yes I've seen that. This one is flaky even for an LBGT person. She looks like a lesbian, but there is no question she's female. She has a short haircut but a female haircut and a full hour glass figure. Her pic on her email has her with long hair and clearly a woman.

So why tell us her pronoun is "she/her" when no one would assume otherwise? Her way of asserting we need her permission to use the obvious pronoun?

I suspect it is a way of showing solidarity with the LGBTQ community, even if she is a het/cis female.

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