Computer Geeks Please 'Splain!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
So, I am a Mac user who , due to Corporate Standards, uses a PC at work. Last Thursday, I had to do "8 Urgent Updates". And today I had to do "4 Urgent Updates".

Why do PCs need so many Frelling Urgent Updates. Many of these Every Frelling Week.

What is wrong with Windows that this obscenely time-wasting amount of updating is necessary?
So, I am a Mac user who , due to Corporate Standards, uses a PC at work. Last Thursday, I had to do "8 Urgent Updates". And today I had to do "4 Urgent Updates".

Why do PCs need so many Frelling Urgent Updates. Many of these Every Frelling Week.

What is wrong with Windows that this obscenely time-wasting amount of updating is necessary?

I don't know but I hate it. It seems like every other day my computer shuts down automatically to install a few dozen imaginary updates
What is wrong with Apple that they expect you to pay for minor updates that Windows hands out for free?
What Microsoft does is they develop their next operating system release, sell it to their customers who then beta test it for them by using it. Basically being the big boy on the block hackers/virus creators go to town looking for weaknesses/holes they can exploit. If Mac or Linux were the top dog they'd be the target.
Urgent Updates are security patches...

... that patch security holes in bad programming code...

... supposedly to keep the lil' hackers, script kiddies, and VX'ers...

... outta yer `puter.
So, I am a Mac user who , due to Corporate Standards, uses a PC at work. Last Thursday, I had to do "8 Urgent Updates". And today I had to do "4 Urgent Updates".

Why do PCs need so many Frelling Urgent Updates. Many of these Every Frelling Week.

What is wrong with Windows that this obscenely time-wasting amount of updating is necessary?

In a nutshell?

Windows' sucks.
What Microsoft does is they develop their next operating system release, sell it to their customers who then beta test it for them by using it. Basically being the big boy on the block hackers/virus creators go to town looking for weaknesses/holes they can exploit. If Mac or Linux were the top dog they'd be the target.

Except with UNIX/LINUX it's much easier to see what's going on...since you can check stuff like the /bin or /etc directories for things that don't belong.

The Window's registry?

Holy heck..
It's open source, beta. Most of those are security related updates.

If windows OS were closed source like mac Os, they wouldn't require updates so frequently. Though you woul dpay for them, along with pushing out any positive script writers and like Mac, bar competitive app creations on your OS.
So, I am a Mac user who , due to Corporate Standards, uses a PC at work. Last Thursday, I had to do "8 Urgent Updates". And today I had to do "4 Urgent Updates".

Why do PCs need so many Frelling Urgent Updates. Many of these Every Frelling Week.

What is wrong with Windows that this obscenely time-wasting amount of updating is necessary?
Follow the links to the MS knowledge base and you get detailed infos for every update. The most updates fix security holes. Windows - as platform with a market share of more than 90 % - is the number one target of attacks. This is why Microsoft invests so much energy in updates.
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So, I am a Mac user who , due to Corporate Standards, uses a PC at work. Last Thursday, I had to do "8 Urgent Updates". And today I had to do "4 Urgent Updates".

Why do PCs need so many Frelling Urgent Updates. Many of these Every Frelling Week.

What is wrong with Windows that this obscenely time-wasting amount of updating is necessary?

I don't know but I hate it. It seems like every other day my computer shuts down automatically to install a few dozen imaginary updates
I am not a computer expert but I know most of those updates are fixes for newly discovered vulnerabilities. So the updates are a good thing.
Yes, we all know, Linux is so much better. This is also why almost everyone uses Windows, though Linux is free.

Almost everyone uses Windows because of Microsoft's early marketing strategy and consumers who know nothing else and/or want to know nothing else. Such is the fact of consumerism and successful marketing.
Not saying Windows doesn't have it pluses or that Linux doesn't have it's negatives, I use both for different reasons.
Yes, we all know, Linux is so much better. This is also why almost everyone uses Windows, though Linux is free.

Almost everyone uses Windows because of Microsoft's early marketing strategy and consumers who know nothing else and/or want to know nothing else. Such is the fact of consumerism and successful marketing.
Not saying Windows doesn't have it pluses or that Linux doesn't have it's negatives, I use both for different reasons.
I dislike Linux mostly because of some of its users. They say, Windows is dirt and for noobs and worship their Ubuntu, which really is for noobs and does not provide any advantage compared to Windows.
Of course. For fun I installed some editions. Ubuntu, Red Star OS, Puppy Linux, but neither did my programs and games run with Ubuntu (what was clear) nor my UMTS device. I am not able to get online with Linux, Windows and MAC OS are supported.
Yes, we all know, Linux is so much better. This is also why almost everyone uses Windows, though Linux is free.

Almost everyone uses Windows because of Microsoft's early marketing strategy and consumers who know nothing else and/or want to know nothing else. Such is the fact of consumerism and successful marketing.
Not saying Windows doesn't have it pluses or that Linux doesn't have it's negatives, I use both for different reasons.
I dislike Linux mostly because of some of its users. They say, Windows is dirt and for noobs and worship their Ubuntu, which really is for noobs and does not provide any advantage compared to Windows.
Of course. For fun I installed some editions. Ubuntu, Red Star OS, Puppy Linux, but neither did my programs and games run with Ubuntu (what was clear) nor my UMTS device. I am not able to get online with Linux, Windows and MAC OS are supported.

That statement alone shows how much you do not know about operating systems, or what an operating system even is. Nice Googling. :doubt:

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