Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

Whether or not recounts will change the election results, it needs to be determined if any voting machines were hacked. If so the people responsible should go to prison and the type of voting machines that were hacked should never be used again.

This is more about confirming and/or guaranteeing the integrity if this election and all future elections.

Good God

You don't need a recount to determine if a machine was hacked.

You sound like a tolerant leftist. Oh wait... nevermind.
What happened? Your brain had too much trouble stringing words together?

There is no leftist that can leave me without words. Nothing from them surprise me anymore.

You do realize that tolerant leftist doesn't exist, do ya?

You see, you got no problem comparing anyone to "Alzheimer's patient", but if any of us did it, you would scream your lungs out how we're the intolerant and insensitive ones. Keep going...
Wait, first off, AGAIN I'm not a lefty. Second off, third loss in a row calling foul? Yea, two of the last three loses the Democrats have lost the Electoral Vote while winning the popular vote, which has only happened 4 times in U.S. history.

You don't like the Democrats crying foul? Then let them challenge the results, have then hand counted and proven wrong.

Once again, I think you're just scared that something if wrong and hacking will be proven and YOUR candidate Trump will be shown as a Russian shill.

You can keep saying you're not a leftist, but all you posted here is saying otherwise.

You can keep screaming "popular vote" and nobody but leftists idiots care, since popular votes are not those that count. Got it yet?

You can scream challenge, but why aren't the democrats that are challenging it, but Greens?

Keep saying "hacking", but unless there is an evidence of hacking instead of statistical guesses, all you can do is scream and be obnoxious.

And last, Trump is not OUR candidate, Trump your and mine president elect. Say it... do it, do it now.

OH because I believe in fairness I'm a lefty? Gotcha.

This is like trying to describe Calculus to a kindergartner. READ THE FUCKING ARTICLES. You can't prove hacking without a paper hand count of the machines. The malware destroys and erases itself leaving no evidence it was ever there.
You sound like a tolerant leftist. Oh wait... nevermind.
What happened? Your brain had too much trouble stringing words together?

There is no leftist that can leave me without words. Nothing from them surprise me anymore.

You do realize that tolerant leftist doesn't exist, do ya?

You see, you got no problem comparing anyone to "Alzheimer's patient", but if any of us did it, you would scream your lungs out how we're the intolerant and insensitive ones. Keep going...
Aw you poor victim :itsok:
The professor has been saying for over a decade that the voting machines are vulnerable as has others. It was up to the states to listen, the didn't. That's not the fault of the political parties.

The professor, reeee....

And what were you waiting for for over a decade?

We've been telling you that there is a voted fraud for over three decades, and every time we've been accused of voter suppression. Do you believe us now?
The professor has been saying for over a decade that the voting machines are vulnerable as has others. It was up to the states to listen, the didn't. That's not the fault of the political parties.

The professor, reeee....

And what were you waiting for for over a decade?

We've been telling you that there is a voted fraud for over three decades, and every time we've been accused of voter suppression. Do you believe us now?

Wait... so when a Republican complains it has merit but when a different candidate does it is whining. Congrats you proved your hypocrisy! :gay:
"Harvard"....says the unsophisticated, unremarkable, intellectually dishonest Repug lump of shit.

There are no "rules", dumb fuck. The electoral college can vote any way they please, including voting for Clinton. And since Clinton won the popular vote by a large margin, she has a stronger claim to the presidency than Trump does.

No, she doesn't. The electoral college does not vote based on the popular vote of the entire country, they vote to represent the voters of their state.

If they were to vote based on popular vote, then we wouldn't need an electoral college now would we? They would just count who has the most votes and candidates would adjust their campaign strategy to get the most votes instead of getting the most electoral votes.
I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.
Yeah just like the people in other banana republics who win by tampering with voting machines and ignoring the majority of their citizens

You are an idiot
I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.
Yeah just like the people in other banana republics who win by tampering with voting machines and ignoring the majority of their citizens

You are an idiot
A genius next to you komrade
OH because I believe in fairness I'm a lefty? Gotcha.

This is like trying to describe Calculus to a kindergartner. READ THE FUCKING ARTICLES. You can't prove hacking without a paper hand count of the machines. The malware destroys and erases itself leaving no evidence it was ever there.

No, you're leftist because you're whining about obvious.

If you can't understand that popular votes doesn't count in US elections, I doubt you can describe calculus to anyone, let alone to a kindergartner.

Nope, there is always a trace, unless highly sophisticated tools (such as Bleachbit, ask Hillary about it) are used.

True, there are malware and viruses that can uninstall themselves, so the antivirus software can't detect them, but what you're talking (self deleting malware) would still leave a trace. Voting machines most likely have safety triggers that would detect if there is anything out of order.

In order for malware or virus to work, you need to know exactly how original software is written, so you can alter it. What you're saying is that "Russians" know exactly what is in our voting machines and how they work?

Russians again... really?
OH because I believe in fairness I'm a lefty? Gotcha.

This is like trying to describe Calculus to a kindergartner. READ THE FUCKING ARTICLES. You can't prove hacking without a paper hand count of the machines. The malware destroys and erases itself leaving no evidence it was ever there.

No, you're leftist because you're whining about obvious.

If you can't understand that popular votes doesn't count in US elections, I doubt you can describe calculus to anyone, let alone to a kindergartner.

Nope, there is always a trace, unless highly sophisticated tools (such as Bleachbit, ask Hillary about it) are used.

True, there are malware and viruses that can uninstall themselves, so the antivirus software can't detect them, but what you're talking (self deleting malware) would still leave a trace. Voting machines most likely have safety triggers that would detect if there is anything out of order.

In order for malware or virus to work, you need to know exactly how original software is written, so you can alter it. What you're saying is that "Russians" know exactly what is in our voting machines and how they work?

Russians again... really? know there is ALWAYS a trace? Are you a Princeton educated Computer Programmer? Why would the Russians NOT be able to know how the voting machines work and what is in them? It's not Top Secret information? And even if it was, Russians know U"S Top Secret information all the time.

Are you really this dense?
The professor has been saying for over a decade that the voting machines are vulnerable as has others. It was up to the states to listen, the didn't. That's not the fault of the political parties.

The professor, reeee....

And what were you waiting for for over a decade?

We've been telling you that there is a voted fraud for over three decades, and every time we've been accused of voter suppression. Do you believe us now?

Wait... so when a Republican complains it has merit but when a different candidate does it is whining. Congrats you proved your hypocrisy! :gay:

You should learn what hypocrisy means first.

It would be hypocrisy if you leftists allowed the investigation when there were numerous complains about voter fraud. But you didn't, you were shutting down every try to even talk about it. Second, for the voter fraud that Republicans are complaining there are actual proofs it did happen. For what leftists are complaining there are no proofs, just butthurt hunches.

See the difference? I doubt it, but I had to ask. know there is ALWAYS a trace? Are you a Princeton educated Computer Programmer? Why would the Russians NOT be able to know how the voting machines work and what is in them? It's not Top Secret information? And even if it was, Russians know U"S Top Secret information all the time.

Are you really this dense?

No, I am not Princeton educated, but I am University of Michigan's Electrical Engineering MSE and Oakland University's Computer Science MSE. I am working on one more postgrad, but irrelevant for this. Now, if you want to talk programming, lets talk, just spare me of bullshit that voting machine's software is an "open source".

By the way, who do we have to thank if Russians had access to our voting machines?

Edit: I forgot the last one... Yes, I am dense for any leftist bullshit. It simply doesn't past by me. But, kudos for trying.
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The professor has been saying for over a decade that the voting machines are vulnerable as has others. It was up to the states to listen, the didn't. That's not the fault of the political parties.

The professor, reeee....

And what were you waiting for for over a decade?

We've been telling you that there is a voted fraud for over three decades, and every time we've been accused of voter suppression. Do you believe us now?

Wait... so when a Republican complains it has merit but when a different candidate does it is whining. Congrats you proved your hypocrisy! :gay:

You should learn what hypocrisy means first.

It would be hypocrisy if you leftists allowed the investigation when there were numerous complains about voter fraud. But you didn't, you were shutting down every try to even talk about it. Second, for the voter fraud that Republicans are complaining there are actual proofs it did happen. For what leftists are complaining there are no proofs, just butthurt hunches.

See the difference? I doubt it, but I had to ask.

No the hypocrisy is that you say Trump is the winner, but you're too afraid to allow the system take its course and prove that he did. It's not costing you a dime to prove it, and prove the machines are correct and unhackable. But... instead you'd rather argue about stuff you don't research, or read the articles or the quotes when they are provided for you.

Nope, instead you trying to act like a bully... when really you are just showing that you are a: know there is ALWAYS a trace? Are you a Princeton educated Computer Programmer? Why would the Russians NOT be able to know how the voting machines work and what is in them? It's not Top Secret information? And even if it was, Russians know U"S Top Secret information all the time.

Are you really this dense?

No, I am not Princeton educated, but I am University of Michigan's Electrical Engineering MSE and Oakland University's Computer Science MSE. I am working on one more postgrad, but irrelevant for this. Now, if you want to talk programming, lets talk, just spare me of bullshit that voting machine's software is an "open source".

By the way, who do we have to thank if Russians had access to our voting machines?

Edit: I forgot the last one... Yes, I am dense for any leftist bullshit. It simply doesn't past by me. But, kudos for trying.

Awesome, if you are a Michigan grad, then why don't you contact the professor at Michigan in all this and argue with him? Then come back and tell us what you learned? know there is ALWAYS a trace? Are you a Princeton educated Computer Programmer? Why would the Russians NOT be able to know how the voting machines work and what is in them? It's not Top Secret information? And even if it was, Russians know U"S Top Secret information all the time.

Are you really this dense?

No, I am not Princeton educated, but I am University of Michigan's Electrical Engineering MSE and Oakland University's Computer Science MSE. I am working on one more postgrad, but irrelevant for this. Now, if you want to talk programming, lets talk, just spare me of bullshit that voting machine's software is an "open source".

By the way, who do we have to thank if Russians had access to our voting machines?

Edit: I forgot the last one... Yes, I am dense for any leftist bullshit. It simply doesn't past by me. But, kudos for trying.

Awesome, if you are a Michigan grad, then why don't you contact the professor at Michigan in all this and argue with him? Then come back and tell us what you learned?

Why should I, because I went there? I can't stand what my University has become in past few years.
Since for me this is no issue, I don't have an urge to talk to that attention whore leftist piece of crap. Maybe you should ask Larry Page to talk to him, and let me know what he said.

The question for you is, have you learn anything? You see, unlike you, I know enough to understand how computer code works, so I don't swallow every bullshit served. You were told "it's Russians", and since that's the only thing you know for now, you believe in it. That's OK, once you know more, you may or may not change your mind.Just don't expect that I buy every crap they sell to you. It's not just because it's crap, it's also where its coming from. know there is ALWAYS a trace? Are you a Princeton educated Computer Programmer? Why would the Russians NOT be able to know how the voting machines work and what is in them? It's not Top Secret information? And even if it was, Russians know U"S Top Secret information all the time.

Are you really this dense?

No, I am not Princeton educated, but I am University of Michigan's Electrical Engineering MSE and Oakland University's Computer Science MSE. I am working on one more postgrad, but irrelevant for this. Now, if you want to talk programming, lets talk, just spare me of bullshit that voting machine's software is an "open source".

By the way, who do we have to thank if Russians had access to our voting machines?

Edit: I forgot the last one... Yes, I am dense for any leftist bullshit. It simply doesn't past by me. But, kudos for trying.

Awesome, if you are a Michigan grad, then why don't you contact the professor at Michigan in all this and argue with him? Then come back and tell us what you learned?

Why should I, because I went there? I can't stand what my University has become in past few years.
Since for me this is no issue, I don't have an urge to talk to that attention whore leftist piece of crap. Maybe you should ask Larry Page to talk to him, and let me know what he said.

The question for you is, have you learn anything? You see, unlike you, I know enough to understand how computer code works, so I don't swallow every bullshit served. You were told "it's Russians", and since that's the only thing you know for now, you believe in it. That's OK, once you know more, you may or may not change your mind.Just don't expect that I buy every crap they sell to you. It's not just because it's crap, it's also where its coming from.

Wait, you just said that you have all these credentials, and that you went to the university of Michigan... but won't take this opportunity to challenge him? You hate that place so much, then why don't you prove him wrong???

Here let me draft an email you can send him:

"Dear Professor Halderman,

I am a fellow Wolverine Alum, class of (Insert Year) and I saw you wrote an article that said that Hillary Clinton should challenge the election results in WI, MI, and PA. You wrote a detailed report on problems could have arisen to cause the machines to give incorrect results. One of your explanations is that malware could have been attached to voting ballot files downloaded from computers attached to the internet and then transferred to the voting machines via an external memory card. Once in the machine you said that the malrware can do its work then erase and delete itself, leaving no trace it was ever there. I think you are full of shit and know more than you do. There is ALWAYS a trace unless someone runs another specific program afterwards to erase it. Please explain to me why someone teaching college Computer Science can make a statement like your's when I know you are wrong.

(Insert Name Here)"
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.

That's because the majority of Americans are idiots (the election of Obama twice is exhibit A). Using a majority popular vote to determine the POTUS is the worst thing we could do. Anyone who stayed awake in an Elementary government or politics class knows that.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.

That's because the majority of Americans are idiots (the election of Obama twice is exhibit A). Using a majority popular vote to determine the POTUS is the worst thing we could do. Anyone who stayed awake in an Elementary government or politics class knows that.
It would have spared us the Dubya disaster and would have spared us the next 4 years and possibly the end of the republic

Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.

That's because the majority of Americans are idiots (the election of Obama twice is exhibit A). Using a majority popular vote to determine the POTUS is the worst thing we could do. Anyone who stayed awake in an Elementary government or politics class knows that.
It would have spared us the Dubya disaster and would have spared us the next 4 years and possibly the end of the republic


Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of the stupidity I was talking about.

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