Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

Okay, so what you're asking for is to recount ballots where there was absolutely no evidence of hacking, just assumptions based on expected "poll" results that didn't materialize, based on some clown who created the perfect environment which this could be done, which wouldn't be an issue had your candidate won.

And you don't see how ridiculous this is?

What else did you expect? The talking points are in and they'll go with it as long as it takes.

Here is what Krugman says about it:
[N]ow that it’s out there, I’d say that an independent investigation is called for…Without an investigation, the suspicion of a hacked election will never go away.
But now that it's out there, I'd say that an independent investigation is called for. Not sour grapes -- we *need* to clear this shadow
Paul Krugman Twitter

Even there is no evidence of hacking or manipulation, they wan't recount, just in case.

But when there were proofs of voter fraud, but they were wining the elections, the same people were saying there is no voter fraud.

OK, let them do recount, they collecting money for it thru Jill Stein (why not HIllary?) and that is some shady business since money is deposited in increments of $160k an hour, like bot is doing it. I would like to know where money is really coming from.
The money is coming from George Soros.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -
This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...
Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
Hillary accepted her defeat -- why won't you?

That's the thing, she hasn't.

Remember, she said that is important to have two opinions, private and public.

While publicly accepting the defeat, and looking gracious and calm, I believe that privately, this is all her doing thru the proxies.
Why is it so fucking ridiculous? This is as good a time as ever given the previous hacks by the Russians. It's not coming out of YOUR pocket, or the government's pocket, and how will we ever know if the electronic voting equipment is correct unless there is an audit? Hillary ISN'T MY candidate. This would be an issue to me regardless because I believe in fair elections.

Yeah right. Hil-Liar had some inside information that the media was hyping her poll numbers which is why she (all along) was complaining about the Russians.

Why is it ridiculous? Because there is no evidence of hacking, that's why. It's like the cops looking for a murderer when they don't even have a missing persons report yet alone a body.

Plus this is the third Democrat presidential defeat in a row where you on the left made all sorts of phony claims about your candidate losing. Because of the last two, the country had to spend tens of millions of dollars trying to placate you crybabies on the left. And again, no evidence that anything was wrong, just speculation because you on the left are sore losers.

This BS has got to stop and it needs to stop right now. We can't go thought this every damn time you people lose a presidential election.
This BS has got to stop and it needs to stop right now. We can't go thought this every damn time you people lose a presidential election.

After initial shock, they regrouped and attacked. They started plotting against electors, bullying them with death treats, and when that didn't work, it's of course all fault of default Boogieman - the Russians.

I say let them do it. We know and they know Trump won fair and square. They can't accept it, and they will keep whining until recount happens. Then what? When proven wrong, they will shut up, not just for this elections but for the future ones as well.
This BS has got to stop and it needs to stop right now. We can't go thought this every damn time you people lose a presidential election.

After initial shock, they regrouped and attacked. They started plotting against electors, bullying them with death treats, and when that didn't work, it's of course all fault of default Boogieman - the Russians.

I say let them do it. We know and they know Trump won fair and square. They can't accept it, and they will keep whining until recount happens. Then what? When proven wrong, they will shut up, not just for this elections but for the future ones as well.

I disagree. A Democrat never learns anything. Besides, that's what we though the last two times they pulled similar stunts; that shame will preclude them from doing the same kinds of things in the future. And once again, we see Democrats have no shame.
This BS has got to stop and it needs to stop right now. We can't go thought this every damn time you people lose a presidential election.

After initial shock, they regrouped and attacked. They started plotting against electors, bullying them with death treats, and when that didn't work, it's of course all fault of default Boogieman - the Russians.

I say let them do it. We know and they know Trump won fair and square. They can't accept it, and they will keep whining until recount happens. Then what? When proven wrong, they will shut up, not just for this elections but for the future ones as well.

I disagree. A Democrat never learns anything. Besides, that's what we though the last two times they pulled similar stunts, that shame will preclude them from doing the same kinds of things in the future. And once again, we see Democrats don't have any shame.
and like i mentioned in a recent thread, this is the same stunt Gore tried to pull, just pick where he wants the recounts,,no! we do all 57 states, or no recall !!!!
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

Bull, these are computer scientists, not statisticians.

I started posting the fact that Clinton required a 3.9% lead in the national polls going into the elections to have a 50% chance of winning the election, weeks before the election.

She amassed a 9million + surplus vote lead in the States she should have won while Trump had a 4 million + lead in the states he should have won.

That meant she was going into the swing states with a 5 million vote deficit.

Her lead was less than 3% meaning she had little chance at winning the majority of swing states and the marginal blue states would bleed votes Trumps way.
This BS has got to stop and it needs to stop right now. We can't go thought this every damn time you people lose a presidential election.

After initial shock, they regrouped and attacked. They started plotting against electors, bullying them with death treats, and when that didn't work, it's of course all fault of default Boogieman - the Russians.

I say let them do it. We know and they know Trump won fair and square. They can't accept it, and they will keep whining until recount happens. Then what? When proven wrong, they will shut up, not just for this elections but for the future ones as well.

I disagree. A Democrat never learns anything. Besides, that's what we though the last two times they pulled similar stunts; that shame will preclude them from doing the same kinds of things in the future. And once again, we see Democrats have no shame.

Yep, all they've done is fabricate a basis to delegitimize trump, which they've been doing since day 1 and will continue to do literally forever.

some of them are still whining about 2000, and this will be no different.
I disagree. A Democrat never learns anything. Besides, that's what we though the last two times they pulled similar stunts; that shame will preclude them from doing the same kinds of things in the future. And once again, we see Democrats have no shame.

It does make sense, since they have no shame, they will whine regardless.

In my defense, giving them what they want, and proving them wrong again, would be priceless. :D

I wanna see more of this...

Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

Bull, these are computer scientists, not statisticians.

I started posting the fact that Clinton required a 3.9% lead in the national polls going into the elections to have a 50% chance of winning the election, weeks before the election.

She amassed a 9million + surplus vote lead in the States she should have won while Trump had a 4 million + lead in the states he should have won.

That meant she was going into the swing states with a 5 million vote deficit.

Her lead was less than 3% meaning she had little chance at winning the majority of swing states and the marginal blue states would bleed votes Trumps way.

Exactly, what they've presented are statistics, and these supposed anamolies have already been refuted by actual statisticians.

On top of that they twisted what the group told them, according to one of them, and not even that group thinks it's likely any hacking occurred.

This whole thing is nonsense. utter BS spun out by the dems, that comes down to "well, it could've happened" "We have no proof, literally none, but it could've happened."
The part I don't get is why Jill Stein is doing it?

She was talking shit about Hill to get votes from such, she would have thought Hill would have won by a large margin.
There is zero reason to do this other than trying to hurt Trump.

Unless, money. The initial recount founding goal was set to $4 million. Then they moved the goal post to $7 million. She already said money won't "necessarily go towards recount" but for "future integrity" and other classic bullshit.

By the way... Michigan has already been recounted, that's what they have been doing for the past two weeks, and even if they stuff the ballots and flip PA and WI, they'll still be short. So, what's the point?
The part I don't get is why Jill Stein is doing it?

She was talking shit about Hill to get votes from such, she would have thought Hill would have won by a large margin.
There is zero reason to do this other than trying to hurt Trump.

Unless, money. The initial recount founding goal was set to $4 million. Then they moved the goal post to $7 million. She already said money won't "necessarily go towards recount" but for "future integrity" and other classic bullshit.

By the way... Michigan has already been recounted, that's what they have been doing for the past two weeks, and even if they stuff the ballots and flip PA and WI, they'll still be short. So, what's the point?

Stein is doing it so hillary can say she had nothing to do with it.

After she and Obama sack kicked Trump for not outright stating he'd accept the results, and running around telling folks how the process was safe, bulletproof, and it was important that people trusted our voting system, and for people to accept the results, blah, blah, blah she'd look like the weasel she is if she was out in the open doing this herself.

Instead it's proxies doing it for her.
I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.
The part I don't get is why Jill Stein is doing it?

She was talking shit about Hill to get votes from such, she would have thought Hill would have won by a large margin.
There is zero reason to do this other than trying to hurt Trump.

Unless, money. The initial recount founding goal was set to $4 million. Then they moved the goal post to $7 million. She already said money won't "necessarily go towards recount" but for "future integrity" and other classic bullshit.

By the way... Michigan has already been recounted, that's what they have been doing for the past two weeks, and even if they stuff the ballots and flip PA and WI, they'll still be short. So, what's the point?

It is called integrity... I don't agree with all things Stein says but I will agree she has integrity...

The Red team can't see this... The Red team thinks Russians are better than Moderate Democrats..

You can't see things outside we win or blue team wins... That's quite sad, there is a quite high amount of people that will side with a War Criminal over their fellow Americans...
I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.

Yep, deligitimizing him is the goal. that is the same goal behind their very organized caterwauling about the irrelevant popular vote totals.

Imo, this is utterly fabricated BS with ulterior motives
I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.

Simple minded people don't like full investigations... At the moment there is doubt, getting rid of that doubt should be in everyone's interest...
I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.

Simple minded people don't like full investigations... At the moment there is doubt, getting rid of that doubt should be in everyone's interest...

There is only doubt from loons who are clinging and grasping for any's over. Done
Why is it so fucking ridiculous? This is as good a time as ever given the previous hacks by the Russians. It's not coming out of YOUR pocket, or the government's pocket, and how will we ever know if the electronic voting equipment is correct unless there is an audit? Hillary ISN'T MY candidate. This would be an issue to me regardless because I believe in fair elections.

Yeah right. Hil-Liar had some inside information that the media was hyping her poll numbers which is why she (all along) was complaining about the Russians.

Why is it ridiculous? Because there is no evidence of hacking, that's why. It's like the cops looking for a murderer when they don't even have a missing persons report yet alone a body.

Plus this is the third Democrat presidential defeat in a row where you on the left made all sorts of phony claims about your candidate losing. Because of the last two, the country had to spend tens of millions of dollars trying to placate you crybabies on the left. And again, no evidence that anything was wrong, just speculation because you on the left are sore losers.

This BS has got to stop and it needs to stop right now. We can't go thought this every damn time you people lose a presidential election.

Wait, first off, AGAIN I'm not a lefty. Second off, third loss in a row calling foul? Yea, two of the last three loses the Democrats have lost the Electoral Vote while winning the popular vote, which has only happened 4 times in U.S. history.

You don't like the Democrats crying foul? Then let them challenge the results, have then hand counted and proven wrong.

Once again, I think you're just scared that something if wrong and hacking will be proven and YOUR candidate Trump will be shown as a Russian shill.
Wait, first off, AGAIN I'm not a lefty. Second off, third loss in a row calling foul? Yea, two of the last three loses the Democrats have lost the Electoral Vote while winning the popular vote, which has only happened 4 times in U.S. history.

You don't like the Democrats crying foul? Then let them challenge the results, have then hand counted and proven wrong.

Once again, I think you're just scared that something if wrong and hacking will be proven and YOUR candidate Trump will be shown as a Russian shill.

No, I think that if left in the hands of Democrats to do a recount, that's when the cheating will take place. And if Russians are doing anything, then the whole damn country needs to be recounted--not just states that may give Hil-Liar an edge.

If you want to protest voting machines, the time to do it is before the election and not after. You can't wait to see if your candidate loses, and if they do, then change the rules of the game. We all agreed to use these voting machines to count the ballots, and that's the way it should stay. If you think they can be hacked, then urge your representatives to change the way of counting ballots simple as that. Electronic voting machines have about a 3% tolerance. This was known before going in the game.
Simple minded people don't like full investigations... At the moment there is doubt, getting rid of that doubt should be in everyone's interest...

Yes, doubt without evidence. Brilliant. The only doubt is on your side, and you only doubt because your candidate lost.

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