Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

They didn't just base it on a theory, they replicated the fucking theory. THEY actually hacked a machine and changed the results of a mock election, on a same machine that is used in the election. If you fucking Rightwingers are going to comment about something, at least rad the fucking articles.

To do the hack, you have to have access to the machines.

So one claim is that someone had access to the machines to load the program, second is that someone are Russians. Really?

IMO, if anyone hacked the machines, that would be in favor of Democrats.

Your opinion? Once again... did you fucking read the actual article written from the professor?
They didn't just base it on a theory, they replicated the fucking theory. THEY actually hacked a machine and changed the results of a mock election, on a same machine that is used in the election. If you fucking Rightwingers are going to comment about something, at least rad the fucking articles.

To do the hack, you have to have access to the machines.

So one claim is that someone had access to the machines to load the program, second is that someone are Russians. Really?

IMO, if anyone hacked the machines, that would be in favor of Democrats.


The LWNJ meltdown continues unabated!!


I don't want Hillary in office... but because of posters like you, I'm cheering for this hand recount and I pray that Hillary wins just so I can see you have a nervous breakdown. Honestly.

Get a fucking life. Seriously. You're unhinged.

No... someone that trolls numerous threads with a gif of a crying baby is unhinged. Please make sure to take video of yourself when they recount and make Hillary the POTUS. That's a gif I'd like to see.

Don't hold your breath

Three whacko IT specialist? Try a professor at Michigan University and two guys from Princeton University. They've been calling for the government to look into the voting machines for over a decade. This didn't just start this year with this election. Jesus Christ you Trump supporters are fucking numb nuts.

Keep saying that. We... the uneducated, deplorable, racist,, homophobes just kicked your ass, because you leftist think you're above everyone else. We just proved to you that we know how to use voting machines.
Yeah... if they can't do, they teach at prestigious schools. Makes perfect sense! You are the perfect example of a Trump supporter. Too ignorant to understand the world around you.

Right, when can't prove point, the first thing leftist does is to label and insult.

You know who normally does that? The ignorant.

I can bet my two MSEs that longknife is better educated than you.
Yeah... if they can't do, they teach at prestigious schools. Makes perfect sense! You are the perfect example of a Trump supporter. Too ignorant to understand the world around you.

Right, when can't prove point, the first thing leftist does is to label and insult.

You know who normally does that? The ignorant.

I can bet my two MSEs that longknife is better educated than you.

Coming from a poster that makes comments about an article without reading it... yeah, I'll take your opinion for what it's worth.
I agree! Hillary was cheated. Plus, she now has over 2 million popular votes ahead of Trump.

Are you saying that popular votes are relevant in our elections?

That would be something like saying that ace of hearts is relevant in game of chess...
The ballots are downloaded using the internet at the county voting offices. These offices have been proven able to be hacked. It's been done by the Russians. They showed how the ballots are then transfered from the voting offices to each of the machines using a memory card. Not real sure what is difficult to understand here. And has been said many times, until someone actually puts the system through the hand counting of paper ballots, we will never know if hacking has occurred.

So now you're making stuff up as you go along? How convincing.

The problem here is this assumption that there was no malware software when they created those sample ballots. Your author never touched on that point, and only assumed.

What he did was create the most ideal situation for voter tampering to happen. Possible? Maybe. Probable? Never.

The election is over. There is no evidence of voter machine hacking. I think it's time for you and yours to, because this is going nowhere which is why Hil-Liar isn't even entertaining it.
The ballots are downloaded using the internet at the county voting offices. These offices have been proven able to be hacked. It's been done by the Russians. They showed how the ballots are then transfered from the voting offices to each of the machines using a memory card. Not real sure what is difficult to understand here. And has been said many times, until someone actually puts the system through the hand counting of paper ballots, we will never know if hacking has occurred.

So now you're making stuff up as you go along? How convincing.

The problem here is this assumption that there was no malware software when they created those sample ballots. Your author never touched on that point, and only assumed.

What he did was create the most ideal situation for voter tampering to happen. Possible? Maybe. Probable? Never.

The election is over. There is no evidence of voter machine hacking. I think it's time for you and yours to, because this is going nowhere which is why Hil-Liar isn't even entertaining it.

What am I making up? Everything I just said was in the article you SAID you read. Of course there is no evidence of hacking... because if you read the article, it says that the malware can be designed to destroy and erase itself from the machine after the election is over and not leave a trace.
What am I making up? Everything I just said was in the article you SAID you read. Of course there is no evidence of hacking... because if you read the article, it says that the malware can be designed to destroy and erase itself from the machine after the election is over and not leave a trace.

Okay, so what you're asking for is to recount ballots where there was absolutely no evidence of hacking, just assumptions based on expected "poll" results that didn't materialize, based on some clown who created the perfect environment which this could be done, which wouldn't be an issue had your candidate won.

And you don't see how ridiculous this is?
What am I making up? Everything I just said was in the article you SAID you read. Of course there is no evidence of hacking... because if you read the article, it says that the malware can be designed to destroy and erase itself from the machine after the election is over and not leave a trace.

Okay, so what you're asking for is to recount ballots where there was absolutely no evidence of hacking, just assumptions based on expected "poll" results that didn't materialize, based on some clown who created the perfect environment which this could be done, which wouldn't be an issue had your candidate won.

And you don't see how ridiculous this is?

Why is it so fucking ridiculous? This is as good a time as ever given the previous hacks by the Russians. It's not coming out of YOUR pocket, or the government's pocket, and how will we ever know if the electronic voting equipment is correct unless there is an audit? Hillary ISN'T MY candidate. This would be an issue to me regardless because I believe in fair elections.
What am I making up? Everything I just said was in the article you SAID you read. Of course there is no evidence of hacking... because if you read the article, it says that the malware can be designed to destroy and erase itself from the machine after the election is over and not leave a trace.

You're certain that Russians were there, you just can't prove it.

Oh, the only proof you really offer here is that Hillary lost, and you can't live with it.

Russians. It's always Russians.
Okay, so what you're asking for is to recount ballots where there was absolutely no evidence of hacking, just assumptions based on expected "poll" results that didn't materialize, based on some clown who created the perfect environment which this could be done, which wouldn't be an issue had your candidate won.

And you don't see how ridiculous this is?

What else did you expect? The talking points are in and they'll go with it as long as it takes.

Here is what Krugman says about it:
[N]ow that it’s out there, I’d say that an independent investigation is called for…Without an investigation, the suspicion of a hacked election will never go away.
But now that it's out there, I'd say that an independent investigation is called for. Not sour grapes -- we *need* to clear this shadow
Paul Krugman Twitter

Even there is no evidence of hacking or manipulation, they wan't recount, just in case.

But when there were proofs of voter fraud, and they were wining the elections, the same people were saying there is no voter fraud.

OK, let them do recount, they collecting money for it thru Jill Stein (why not HIllary?) and that is some shady business since money is deposited in increments of $160k an hour, like bot is doing it. I would like to know where money is really coming from.
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Why is it so fucking ridiculous? This is as good a time as ever given the previous hacks by the Russians. It's not coming out of YOUR pocket, or the government's pocket, and how will we ever know if the electronic voting equipment is correct unless there is an audit? Hillary ISN'T MY candidate. This would be an issue to me regardless because I believe in fair elections.

It's the Russians. Nope, just because Hillary suspect Russians did DNC hack, it doesn't mean they did it. She claims that 17 agencies confirmed it, and that's also a lie. They did not.

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