Comrade now denies Access Hollywood tapes

This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's an unconfirmed report by an unnamed source. Why do you believe it?
The New York Times isn't saying who their sources are, but they know who those sources are. The editors aren't going to publish stuff like that unless they've got a damned good idea it's true. That's why.

The NY Times has repeatedly reported fake news. They've even been caught publishing fake news manufactured from whole cloth (google Jason Blair).

If you want to trust them at their word, you deserve to be fooled.

You should read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent".

All news is to be distrusted unless verified and sourced.
Yes, sir. Thing is, I trust that the NYT actually does that, and if they're wrong, they'll correct it.

When a MSM like NYT KNOWN for biased exaggeration, blown out of proportion NEWS continues to rely on "reliable sources" all I have to do is refer you to this situation:
"The Washington Post, citing five people briefed on the requests who spoke on condition of anonymity"
This from the same paper that said:
But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey.
Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.
Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey
My original question still stands.

What is the name of the Senator that Trump reportedly told this to?

The triggered, foaming at the mouth, Trump haters have such an insatiable need for more red meat, they'll believe anything.


December 1: The 27-Cent Foreclosure
At Politico on December 1, Lorraine Woellert published a shocking essay claiming that Trump’s pick for secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, had overseen a company that “foreclosed on a 90-year-old woman after a 27-cent payment error.” According to Woellert: “After confusion over insurance coverage, a OneWest subsidiary sent [Ossie] Lofton a bill for $423.30. She sent a check for $423. The bank sent another bill, for 30 cents. Lofton, 90, sent a check for three cents. In November 2014, the bank foreclosed.”

The story received widespread coverage, being shared nearly 17,000 times on Facebook. The New York Times’s Steven Rattner shared it on Twitter (1,300 retweets), as did NBC News’s Brad Jaffy (1,200 retweets), the AP’s David Beard (1,900 retweets) and many others.

The problem? The central scandalous claims of Woellert’s article were simply untrue. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Ted Frank pointed out, the woman in question was never foreclosed on, and never lost her home. Moreover, “It wasn’t Mnuchin’s bank that brought the suit.”

Politico eventually corrected these serious and glaring errors. But the damage was done: the story had been repeated by numerous media outlets including Huffington Post (shared 25,000 times on Facebook), the New York Post, Vanity Fair, and many others. 16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?


December 1: The 27-Cent Foreclosure
At Politico on December 1, Lorraine Woellert published a shocking essay claiming that Trump’s pick for secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, had overseen a company that “foreclosed on a 90-year-old woman after a 27-cent payment error.” According to Woellert: “After confusion over insurance coverage, a OneWest subsidiary sent [Ossie] Lofton a bill for $423.30. She sent a check for $423. The bank sent another bill, for 30 cents. Lofton, 90, sent a check for three cents. In November 2014, the bank foreclosed.”

The story received widespread coverage, being shared nearly 17,000 times on Facebook. The New York Times’s Steven Rattner shared it on Twitter (1,300 retweets), as did NBC News’s Brad Jaffy (1,200 retweets), the AP’s David Beard (1,900 retweets) and many others.

The problem? The central scandalous claims of Woellert’s article were simply untrue. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Ted Frank pointed out, the woman in question was never foreclosed on, and never lost her home. Moreover, “It wasn’t Mnuchin’s bank that brought the suit.”

Politico eventually corrected these serious and glaring errors. But the damage was done: the story had been repeated by numerous media outlets including Huffington Post (shared 25,000 times on Facebook), the New York Post, Vanity Fair, and many others. 16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?
Who cares? Your concern, like mine, should be about the economy. Trump can lie all God damn day and as long as it has no effect on the economy or the people who cares?
Once you come to terms with the man's lack of integrity things become much easier. Stop fretting about the superfluous BULLSHIT that has no impact on anyone or anything.
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?
Who cares? Your concern, like mine, should be about the economy. Trump can lie all God damn day and as long as it has no effect on the economy or the people who cares?
Once you come to terms with the man's lack of integrity things become much easier. Stop fretting about the superfluous BULLSHIT that has no impact on anyone or anything.
That a president is an incessant, pathological liar should be the concern of everyone – including his lies about the economy and the impact his policies have concerning the economy, based on his lies.

Indeed, it’s impossible to engage in good faith debate concerning any important issue with Republicans who do nothing but lie, Trump in particular.

He is, after all, supposed to be your party’s ‘leader’ – someone who does nothing but lie can’t be expected to lead.
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?
Who cares? Your concern, like mine, should be about the economy. Trump can lie all God damn day and as long as it has no effect on the economy or the people who cares?
Once you come to terms with the man's lack of integrity things become much easier. Stop fretting about the superfluous BULLSHIT that has no impact on anyone or anything.
That a president is an incessant, pathological liar should be the concern of everyone – including his lies about the economy and the impact his policies have concerning the economy, based on his lies.

Indeed, it’s impossible to engage in good faith debate concerning any important issue with Republicans who do nothing but lie, Trump in particular.

He is, after all, supposed to be your party’s ‘leader’ – someone who does nothing but lie can’t be expected to lead.
Lies about the economy? My work & retirement are huffing it at a brisk pace. Who cares what he says....the results are what matters.
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?
Who cares? Your concern, like mine, should be about the economy. Trump can lie all God damn day and as long as it has no effect on the economy or the people who cares?
Once you come to terms with the man's lack of integrity things become much easier. Stop fretting about the superfluous BULLSHIT that has no impact on anyone or anything.
That a president is an incessant, pathological liar should be the concern of everyone – including his lies about the economy and the impact his policies have concerning the economy, based on his lies.

Indeed, it’s impossible to engage in good faith debate concerning any important issue with Republicans who do nothing but lie, Trump in particular.

He is, after all, supposed to be your party’s ‘leader’ – someone who does nothing but lie can’t be expected to lead.
Lies about the economy? My work & retirement are huffing it at a brisk pace. Who cares what he says....the results are what matters.

Gee, you sound like you idolize Liars! Cool!
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?
Who cares? Your concern, like mine, should be about the economy. Trump can lie all God damn day and as long as it has no effect on the economy or the people who cares?
Once you come to terms with the man's lack of integrity things become much easier. Stop fretting about the superfluous BULLSHIT that has no impact on anyone or anything.
That a president is an incessant, pathological liar should be the concern of everyone – including his lies about the economy and the impact his policies have concerning the economy, based on his lies.

Indeed, it’s impossible to engage in good faith debate concerning any important issue with Republicans who do nothing but lie, Trump in particular.

He is, after all, supposed to be your party’s ‘leader’ – someone who does nothing but lie can’t be expected to lead.
Lies about the economy? My work & retirement are huffing it at a brisk pace. Who cares what he says....the results are what matters.

Gee, you sound like you idolize Liars! Cool!
I've called out Trump for the chump he is for well over a year. Sounds like you idolize blind ignorance.
Calling out unhinged idiots does not make me a lap dog.

Focus on the shit that matters dumbass.
And his stupid hate brigade will obsess endlessly over it.

The man is president. I didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But one of us is acting like a petulant child while the other accepts the outcome.

And the Liar in Chief just continuously makes himself look like an IDIOT. Does he really think he can get anyone, other than his cult, to believe this lie?
Who cares? Your concern, like mine, should be about the economy. Trump can lie all God damn day and as long as it has no effect on the economy or the people who cares?
Once you come to terms with the man's lack of integrity things become much easier. Stop fretting about the superfluous BULLSHIT that has no impact on anyone or anything.
That a president is an incessant, pathological liar should be the concern of everyone – including his lies about the economy and the impact his policies have concerning the economy, based on his lies.

Indeed, it’s impossible to engage in good faith debate concerning any important issue with Republicans who do nothing but lie, Trump in particular.

He is, after all, supposed to be your party’s ‘leader’ – someone who does nothing but lie can’t be expected to lead.
Lies about the economy? My work & retirement are huffing it at a brisk pace. Who cares what he says....the results are what matters.

Gee, you sound like you idolize Liars! Cool!
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

The sad part of this insanity are his followers.

They believed him when he admitted and apologized. Now he called it fake————- his followers also called it’s a fake. Who in the world are these people? Planet Snowflakes?
Sad isn’t it?

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