Comrade now denies Access Hollywood tapes

You see it with your eyes. You hear it with your ears. He apologizes....and now it was fake. Although Billy Bush was there and confirmed his sleazy remarks and his boasts about sexual deviant.

Who says he is denying it? What are their names?

He told a Senator it was probably fake. The theory is something big is about to come down, like maybe a tape of him sexually molesting a female.

The man is a frigin Lunatic!

What is the Senator's name?

When did a "Senator" become a "White house member" like the article says?

Trump told senator and adviser that 'Access Hollywood' tape may not be authentic: report

Now....suck on it! You are very, very Stupid!

Here is what the "report" you linked to says:

President Trump reportedly told a senator earlier this year that the infamous recording in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent may not be authentic, and repeated that claim recently to an adviser.​

What is the name of the Senator? What is the name of the adviser?
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's possible it was edited together. The left wouldn't ever do that.... not.
That did not happen, Norman. Trump admitted he said those things, apologized for them and said he wasn't proud of them. He can't backtrack now without looking mentally compromised.

False. The tape does not exist at all.

"President Trump reportedly told a senator earlier this year that the infamous recording in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent may not be authentic"

There is no tape where Trump admits to kissing women without their consent.

Nope, just grabbing Pussy.

With consent. Same you would WISH to be doing, but as a loser, it's not that likely you ever get to.
He distracting again. Something big is coming down. Maybe another indictment, guilty plea, or sleazy tape.

Confirmed...Norman is a Bot.
Zander is just stupid.
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's possible it was edited together. The left wouldn't ever do that.... not.
That did not happen, Norman. Trump admitted he said those things, apologized for them and said he wasn't proud of them. He can't backtrack now without looking mentally compromised.

False. The tape does not exist at all.

"President Trump reportedly told a senator earlier this year that the infamous recording in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent may not be authentic"

There is no tape where Trump says he is kissing women without their consent. In the tape you refer he CLEARLY says that "they let him do it". Because as you might have discovered (or more likely not discovered as a loser leftist) large wallet = wet vagina. Turns out Trump has a very large wallet and perhaps even larger balls to boot. He's probably surrounded by willing women, just look at his wife.
Play all the rhetorical games you wish, Norman. We all have Trump's words pretty much committed to memory at this point. He implies not worrying about "consent," although he also implies they "let him" because he's a star. Apparently not ALL the women appreciated the "help yourself" attitude, since they complained about his behavior after the tape came out.
So if Trump is disagreeing with the wording, it is with the wording the media coverage has given it, not the tape itself. Is he so out in left field he can no longer sort that out?
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's possible it was edited together. The left wouldn't ever do that.... not.
That did not happen, Norman. Trump admitted he said those things, apologized for them and said he wasn't proud of them. He can't backtrack now without looking mentally compromised.

False. The tape does not exist at all.

"President Trump reportedly told a senator earlier this year that the infamous recording in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent may not be authentic"

There is no tape where Trump says he is kissing women without their consent. In the tape you refer he CLEARLY says that "they let him do it". Because as you might have discovered (or more likely not discovered as a loser leftist) large wallet = wet vagina. Turns out Trump has a very large wallet and perhaps even larger balls to boot. He's probably surrounded by willing women, just look at his wife.
Play all the rhetorical games you wish, Norman. We all have Trump's words pretty much committed to memory at this point. He implies not worrying about "consent," although he also implies they "let him" because he's a star. Apparently not ALL the women appreciated the "help yourself" attitude, since they complained about his behavior after the tape came out.
So if Trump is disagreeing with the wording, it is with the wording the media coverage has given it, not the tape itself. Is he so out in left field he can no longer sort that out?

Mueller is driving him crazy. Literally...he may lose his tiny mind.
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's possible it was edited together. The left wouldn't ever do that.... not.
That did not happen, Norman. Trump admitted he said those things, apologized for them and said he wasn't proud of them. He can't backtrack now without looking mentally compromised.

False. The tape does not exist at all.

"President Trump reportedly told a senator earlier this year that the infamous recording in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent may not be authentic"

There is no tape where Trump says he is kissing women without their consent. In the tape you refer he CLEARLY says that "they let him do it". Because as you might have discovered (or more likely not discovered as a loser leftist) large wallet = wet vagina. Turns out Trump has a very large wallet and perhaps even larger balls to boot. He's probably surrounded by willing women, just look at his wife.
Play all the rhetorical games you wish, Norman. We all have Trump's words pretty much committed to memory at this point. He implies not worrying about "consent," although he also implies they "let him" because he's a star. Apparently not ALL the women appreciated the "help yourself" attitude, since they complained about his behavior after the tape came out.
So if Trump is disagreeing with the wording, it is with the wording the media coverage has given it, not the tape itself. Is he so out in left field he can no longer sort that out?

Yes, they let him do it. Which means consent you moron.

Many leftist sources deliberately has reported this wrong. The one that was put here included. But that's not surprise they are fake news and willing to do anything for their Marxist ideology.

He should definitely sue...
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's possible it was edited together. The left wouldn't ever do that.... not.
That did not happen, Norman. Trump admitted he said those things, apologized for them and said he wasn't proud of them. He can't backtrack now without looking mentally compromised.

False. The tape does not exist at all.

"President Trump reportedly told a senator earlier this year that the infamous recording in which he can be heard boasting about groping and kissing women without their consent may not be authentic"

There is no tape where Trump says he is kissing women without their consent. In the tape you refer he CLEARLY says that "they let him do it". Because as you might have discovered (or more likely not discovered as a loser leftist) large wallet = wet vagina. Turns out Trump has a very large wallet and perhaps even larger balls to boot. He's probably surrounded by willing women, just look at his wife.
Play all the rhetorical games you wish, Norman. We all have Trump's words pretty much committed to memory at this point. He implies not worrying about "consent," although he also implies they "let him" because he's a star. Apparently not ALL the women appreciated the "help yourself" attitude, since they complained about his behavior after the tape came out.
So if Trump is disagreeing with the wording, it is with the wording the media coverage has given it, not the tape itself. Is he so out in left field he can no longer sort that out?

Mueller is driving him crazy. Literally...he may lose his tiny mind.

Mueller is driving only you crazy, can't stop talking about him.

Trump is s safe, we will see what's your tone after 8 years of nothing happening. Will you admit that you were retarded and delusional?
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's an unconfirmed report by an unnamed source. Why do you believe it?
The New York Times isn't saying who their sources are, but they know who those sources are. The editors aren't going to publish stuff like that unless they've got a damned good idea it's true. That's why.

The NY Times has repeatedly reported fake news. They've even been caught publishing fake news manufactured from whole cloth (google Jason Blair).

If you want to trust them at their word, you deserve to be fooled.

You should read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent".

All news is to be distrusted unless verified and sourced.
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.

Did Trump say "I grab them by the pussy and you can do anything"???

Did Trump admit HE GRABBED them by the pussy?


Here is exactly what he said from the transcript:

Trump: "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

Whatever you want,” Bush responded.

Trump: "Grab’em by the pussy," Trump then said. "You can do anything.”
Trump's most infamous video will be played near the White House

DID Trump say HE GRABBED them by the pussy? Be honest. You want it to be that he DID say that. But did he admit that "I Donald Trump, grabbed them by the pussy"?

Now did Obama say "Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too" Yes he did! He said those exact words. Do you believe that he actually did "gotta have them ribs and pussy too"?

You tell me the difference between the two statements. Trump did not admit to "grabbing pussy" any more then Obama said he had to have ribs and pussy!
He distracting again. Something big is coming down. Maybe another indictment, guilty plea, or sleazy tape.

Nah, I think the buzz about his so-called support of Roy Moore has just gotten him thinking about the unproven allegations about him that came out after the Access Hollywood tape.
I could be wrong. But another indictment is probably in the hopper, anyway.
This is getting worrisome. Does the man not remember saying those things? Obviously not, if he's beginning to wonder if it was his voice.

It's an unconfirmed report by an unnamed source. Why do you believe it?
The New York Times isn't saying who their sources are, but they know who those sources are. The editors aren't going to publish stuff like that unless they've got a damned good idea it's true. That's why.

The NY Times has repeatedly reported fake news. They've even been caught publishing fake news manufactured from whole cloth (google Jason Blair).

If you want to trust them at their word, you deserve to be fooled.

You should read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent".

All news is to be distrusted unless verified and sourced.
Yes, sir. Thing is, I trust that the NYT actually does that, and if they're wrong, they'll correct it.
He d
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
He did not said that. This is a tactic to make President Trump into a liar. They will say, "At least Al Franken admitted that he had used his position to prey on young pretty women. But Pres.Trump and the rest had lied".But pres.Trump was out spoken about his locker room talk. And so if Pres.Trump did not tweeted it, then he did not said it at all. That is why they are trying their best to stop him from tweeting. So that they can manipulate the public's minds.
"It looked like me. It sounded like me. Billy Bush said it was me. BUT IT WASN'T ME!

T R U S T. M E!" says the walking, talking piece of Ding.
He d
Trump Now Says the Access Hollywood Tape May Be Fake

And his stupid cult will believe the lying piece of Dung.
He did not said that. This is a tactic to make President Trump into a liar. They will say, "At least Al Franken admitted that he had used his position to prey on young pretty women. But Pres.Trump and the rest had lied".But pres.Trump was out spoken about his locker room talk. And so if Pres.Trump did not tweeted it, then he did not said it at all. That is why they are trying their best to stop him from tweeting. So that they can manipulate the public's minds.

The Comrade is a habitual liar. He lies over 5 times a day.

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