Concerning Carter Page

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Page is a Naval Academy graduate (top 10% of his class) and a UN intel officer at one point. He followed his father into the energy business and forged ties to the Russian fields. There is a claim that he's a Russian spy and it's true he's been somewhat pro-Putin to promote his oil and gas interests there. So how "dumb", (according to the FSB he's an idiot) can this guy be and how did he latch on to the Trump campaign? Apparently as Trump was casting around for foreign-policy advisors, Page was mentioned. Once again it seems Trump trusted people early on who had their own agendas.

Page had a FISA warrant issued to monitor him in 2014. They found nothing treasonous and haven't to this day but they kept getting warrants on him. Comey knew that. Brennan knew that. Clapper knew that. So here's the question....why wasn't Trump advised this guy was sketchy when he joined a campaign that was already under surveillance at the bequest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The answer is obvious....Obama's FBI and DOJ figured they had a hidden bomb they could detonate should Trump somehow become President. Page never was anybody in the campaign because Trump has an innate sense about people and Page was let go, told not to come around, in October.

So from March, 2016 to October, 2016, Obama's intel agencies allowed him to stay on the fringe of the Trump campaign with one pick up "incidental contact" information from other Trump campaign people and family members. Disgraceful.

In early December 2016, Page returned to Moscow where he said he had “the opportunity to meet with an executive from” Sechin’s state oil company.

In April 2017, Page confirmed that he met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence officer in 2013. Court documents include an intercept in April 2013 of conversations between the Russians discussing their effort to recruit Page as “as an intelligence source.”

A Russian intelligence officer said of Page: “He got hooked on Gazprom … I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money … For now his enthusiasm works for me. I also promised him a lot … You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”

In late December 2016, Sechin’s chief of staff, Oleg Erovinkin “who may have been a source for ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier,” according to multiple reports, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow.

A Second Look at the Steele Dossier

In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report
Page is a Naval Academy graduate (top 10% of his class) and a UN intel officer at one point. He followed his father into the energy business and forged ties to the Russian fields. There is a claim that he's a Russian spy and it's true he's been somewhat pro-Putin to promote his oil and gas interests there. So how "dumb", (according to the FSB he's an idiot) can this guy be and how did he latch on to the Trump campaign? Apparently as Trump was casting around for foreign-policy advisors, Page was mentioned. Once again it seems Trump trusted people early on who had their own agendas.

Page had a FISA warrant issued to monitor him in 2014. They found nothing treasonous and haven't to this day but they kept getting warrants on him. Comey knew that. Brennan knew that. Clapper knew that. So here's the question....why wasn't Trump advised this guy was sketchy when he joined a campaign that was already under surveillance at the bequest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The answer is obvious....Obama's FBI and DOJ figured they had a hidden bomb they could detonate should Trump somehow become President. Page never was anybody in the campaign because Trump has an innate sense about people and Page was let go, told not to come around, in October.

So from March, 2016 to October, 2016, Obama's intel agencies allowed him to stay on the fringe of the Trump campaign with one pick up "incidental contact" information from other Trump campaign people and family members. Disgraceful.


Your timeline is fairly confused.

Page was not under any surveillance, FISA or otherwise, during his time advising the Trump campaign. As for warning the campaign about him, what makes you think they didn't?

It's been confirmed that they warned the campaign about Flynn, but that didn't seem to make much of an impression on Trump.
In early December 2016, Page returned to Moscow where he said he had “the opportunity to meet with an executive from” Sechin’s state oil company.

In April 2017, Page confirmed that he met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence officer in 2013. Court documents include an intercept in April 2013 of conversations between the Russians discussing their effort to recruit Page as “as an intelligence source.”

A Russian intelligence officer said of Page: “He got hooked on Gazprom … I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money … For now his enthusiasm works for me. I also promised him a lot … You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”

In late December 2016, Sechin’s chief of staff, Oleg Erovinkin “who may have been a source for ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier,” according to multiple reports, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow.

A Second Look at the Steele Dossier

In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report

Your problem is Page was tight with a Russian oligarch to make money in his oil business. His ties to Clinton/Fusion dossier are sketchy at best and nothing you posted verifies anything different. The Russians figured he could be an intel source inside a Trump administration not the campaign But then Carter Page isn't a traitor or a spy or even a dupe....he made money from his contacts and probably still is. And after 3 years of surveillance if he was anything else, he'd have been indicted and convicted. You lose. (again).
In early December 2016, Page returned to Moscow where he said he had “the opportunity to meet with an executive from” Sechin’s state oil company.

In April 2017, Page confirmed that he met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence officer in 2013. Court documents include an intercept in April 2013 of conversations between the Russians discussing their effort to recruit Page as “as an intelligence source.”

A Russian intelligence officer said of Page: “He got hooked on Gazprom … I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money … For now his enthusiasm works for me. I also promised him a lot … You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”

In late December 2016, Sechin’s chief of staff, Oleg Erovinkin “who may have been a source for ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier,” according to multiple reports, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow.

A Second Look at the Steele Dossier

In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report

Your problem is Page was tight with a Russian oligarch to make money in his oil business. His ties to Clinton/Fusion dossier are sketchy at best and nothing you posted verifies anything different. The Russians figured he could be an intel source inside a Trump administration not the campaign But then Carter Page isn't a traitor or a spy or even a dupe....he made money from his contacts and probably still is. And after 3 years of surveillance if he was anything else, he'd have been indicted and convicted. You lose. (again).

This is the timeline problem I mentioned before.

Page wasn't under surveillance for 3 years - he was under surveillance for a few months in 2014, and then 3 years later, he was put under surveillance again.
Your problem is Page was tight with a Russian oligarch to make money in his oil business. His ties to Clinton/Fusion dossier are sketchy at best and nothing you posted verifies anything different. The Russians figured he could be an intel source inside a Trump administration not the campaign But then Carter Page isn't a traitor or a spy or even a dupe....he made money from his contacts and probably still is. And after 3 years of surveillance if he was anything else, he'd have been indicted and convicted. You lose. (again).

Russian Spies Thought Trump Adviser Carter Page Was an 'Idiot'—But ...

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Your timeline is fairly confused.

Page was not under any surveillance, FISA or otherwise, during his time advising the Trump campaign. As for warning the campaign about him, what makes you think they didn't?

It's been confirmed that they warned the campaign about Flynn, but that didn't seem to make much of an impression on Trump.

You're fairly confused....but what else is new for this board's Adam Schiff? Page certainly was under surveillance during the time he was with the Trump anything that proves otherwise? Trump won the GOP nomination and yet Comey or the others said nothing even if they did tip him off before October, which they obviously didn't or he'd have been gone in August. As to Flynn, Comey never said anything about Flynn until he had a perfectly legal conversation with his Russian opposite number AFTER the election and during the transition.
Your timeline is fairly confused.

Page was not under any surveillance, FISA or otherwise, during his time advising the Trump campaign. As for warning the campaign about him, what makes you think they didn't?

It's been confirmed that they warned the campaign about Flynn, but that didn't seem to make much of an impression on Trump.

You're fairly confused....but what else is new for this board's Adam Schiff? Page certainly was under surveillance during the time he was with the Trump anything that proves otherwise? Trump won the GOP nomination and yet Comey or the others said nothing even if they did tip him off before October, which they obviously didn't or he'd have been gone in August. As to Flynn, Comey never said anything about Flynn until he had a perfectly legal conversation with his Russian opposite number AFTER the election and during the transition.


The only FISA surveillance of Page that has been confirmed was put into place after he left Trump's campaign. Whether Page was under FISA surveillance in 2014 is speculation.

FISA warrants are only good for 90 days at a time, and the first confirmed warrant taken out on Page occurred in October of 2016, weeks after he had been dismissed from the Trump campaign.
In early December 2016, Page returned to Moscow where he said he had “the opportunity to meet with an executive from” Sechin’s state oil company.

In April 2017, Page confirmed that he met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence officer in 2013. Court documents include an intercept in April 2013 of conversations between the Russians discussing their effort to recruit Page as “as an intelligence source.”

A Russian intelligence officer said of Page: “He got hooked on Gazprom … I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money … For now his enthusiasm works for me. I also promised him a lot … You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”

In late December 2016, Sechin’s chief of staff, Oleg Erovinkin “who may have been a source for ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier,” according to multiple reports, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow.

A Second Look at the Steele Dossier

In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report

You just happened to leave out Page worked with the FBI to convict Russians. But, of course, that would blow a hole in the Sipher machinations. Another fact that was conveniently left out of the FISA applications.

This entire mess is backfiring on Democrats and they're running out of deflections. FISA judges were duped.

Page and other media are requesting the full FISA applications. Signed by FBI and DOJ.

You don't sue the government for information that will prove you committed a crime.

Democrats, FBI, and DOJ are on defense. Including Mueller. They're hiding the toads in the mail room now.

They are going to have to appear before Nunes if they don't answer his questions.

The only FISA surveillance of Page that has been confirmed was put into place after he left Trump's campaign. Whether Page was under FISA surveillance in 2014 is speculation.

FISA warrants are only good for 90 days at a time, and the first confirmed warrant taken out on Page occurred in October of 2016, weeks after he had been dismissed from the Trump campaign.

So the only way a person can be monitored is with a FISA warrant?
With the resources already expended on Page, do you seriously believe they'd drop their investigation of him AFTER HE JOINED THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN???? I know the absence of common sense is what makes a leftist a leftist but that's a stretch for even you. Please, get "woke".
You just happened to leave out Page worked with the FBI to convict Russians. But, of course, that would blow a hole in the Sipher machinations. Another fact that was conveniently left out of the FISA applications.

This entire mess is backfiring on Democrats and they're running out of deflections. FISA judges were duped.

Page and other media are requesting the full FISA applications. Signed by FBI and DOJ.

You don't sue the government for information that will prove you committed a crime.

Democrats, FBI, and DOJ are on defense. Including Mueller. They're hiding the toads in the mail room now.

They are going to have to appear before Nunes if they don't answer his questions.

Thanks! People here don't read OPs over a paragraph, maybe two so I figured I'd fill in some blanks continuing down the thread. I believe there's a good chance Page was under surveillance because he was providing the CIA/FBI with good intel on the Russian game of cutting off gas supplies to eastern Europe...weaponizing energy. If that's the case, I'll give the intel community a pass for not tipping off Trump to his peculiar relationship with the Ivans, but not until

The only FISA surveillance of Page that has been confirmed was put into place after he left Trump's campaign. Whether Page was under FISA surveillance in 2014 is speculation.

FISA warrants are only good for 90 days at a time, and the first confirmed warrant taken out on Page occurred in October of 2016, weeks after he had been dismissed from the Trump campaign.

So the only way a person can be monitored is with a FISA warrant?
With the resources already expended on Page, do you seriously believe they'd drop their investigation of him AFTER HE JOINED THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN???? I know the absence of common sense is what makes a leftist a leftist but that's a stretch for even you. Please, get "woke".


You're not keeping up with the story very well, are you?

The initial investigation that Page was involved in closed in 2013 or 2014, after it was determined that he was in fact too stupid to be collaborating with the Russians. He was never even a subject of that investigation.

A new, and different investigation of Page began in September of 2016, regarding his contacts with Kislyak during the Republican National Convention in July.
That you hold Russia's useful idiot in high regard is freaking hilarious :laugh2:


You're not keeping up with the story very well, are you?

The initial investigation that Page was involved in closed in 2013 or 2014, after it was determined that he was in fact too stupid to be collaborating with the Russians. He was never even a subject of that investigation.

A new, and different investigation of Page began in September of 2016, regarding his contacts with Kislyak during the Republican National Convention in July.

Once again saying I'm "not keeping up" is a playground tactic that proves, as we all can see, that it's you who's saying things you can't prove and have been disproved....are you Adam Schiff's little brother by any chance?

As to Kislyak, anybody who didn't meet with him should be under investigation...the guy is a smoozer...he takes anybody breathing out for lavish dinners if he thinks they might spill something after the vodka starts to flow. Jeff Sessions knew the guy well enough he didn't even remember saying hello to him in a reception line and ended up flaking out and recusing himself for it. They never "closed" the Carter Page saga....he's probably still being wiretapped by Mueller.
That you hold Russia's useful idiot in high regard is freaking hilarious :laugh2:


I don't have an opinion one way or another about's your side who is obsessed with proving him...and therefore Trump, a traitor. A tawdry final chapter of a corrupt and deceitful democrat party.... America is finished with your lying crooks.
You just happened to leave out Page worked with the FBI to convict Russians. But, of course, that would blow a hole in the Sipher machinations. Another fact that was conveniently left out of the FISA applications.

This entire mess is backfiring on Democrats and they're running out of deflections. FISA judges were duped.

Page and other media are requesting the full FISA applications. Signed by FBI and DOJ.

You don't sue the government for information that will prove you committed a crime.

Democrats, FBI, and DOJ are on defense. Including Mueller. They're hiding the toads in the mail room now.

They are going to have to appear before Nunes if they don't answer his questions.

Thanks! People here don't read OPs over a paragraph, maybe two so I figured I'd fill in some blanks continuing down the thread. I believe there's a good chance Page was under surveillance because he was providing the CIA/FBI with good intel on the Russian game of cutting off gas supplies to eastern Europe...weaponizing energy. If that's the case, I'll give the intel community a pass for not tipping off Trump to his peculiar relationship with the Ivans, but not until

They are always trying to derail threads with some moronic crap which is not based in fact. As I pointed out, you don't sue the government to release the FISA applications if you know the applications are going to prove you've committed a crime.

I don't know if Page is an idiot or a genius, and like you stated, I'll reserve judgement for now. But I know of no one stupid enough to force the government to produce information that will prove you committed espionage or any other crime.

Just wanted to make sure your thread didn't get derailed with a bunch of fiction right from the start.
Page is a Naval Academy graduate (top 10% of his class) and a UN intel officer at one point. He followed his father into the energy business and forged ties to the Russian fields. There is a claim that he's a Russian spy and it's true he's been somewhat pro-Putin to promote his oil and gas interests there. So how "dumb", (according to the FSB he's an idiot) can this guy be and how did he latch on to the Trump campaign? Apparently as Trump was casting around for foreign-policy advisors, Page was mentioned. Once again it seems Trump trusted people early on who had their own agendas.

Page had a FISA warrant issued to monitor him in 2014. They found nothing treasonous and haven't to this day but they kept getting warrants on him. Comey knew that. Brennan knew that. Clapper knew that. So here's the question....why wasn't Trump advised this guy was sketchy when he joined a campaign that was already under surveillance at the bequest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The answer is obvious....Obama's FBI and DOJ figured they had a hidden bomb they could detonate should Trump somehow become President. Page never was anybody in the campaign because Trump has an innate sense about people and Page was let go, told not to come around, in October.

So from March, 2016 to October, 2016, Obama's intel agencies allowed him to stay on the fringe of the Trump campaign with one pick up "incidental contact" information from other Trump campaign people and family members. Disgraceful.

The FBI has known about Paige for years being a Russian agent. Of course you defend him, since the scumbag you voted for is in the pocket of Moscow.
why wasn't Trump advised this guy was sketchy when he joined a campaign that was already under surveillance at the bequest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

What the fuck? Carter was under surveilance because he was a recruit for Russian Intelligence. DNC and Clinton had OBVIOUSLY ZERO to do with Carter, he WAS NOT surveiled while he was with capaign/transition.
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Page is a Naval Academy graduate (top 10% of his class) and a UN intel officer at one point. He followed his father into the energy business and forged ties to the Russian fields. There is a claim that he's a Russian spy and it's true he's been somewhat pro-Putin to promote his oil and gas interests there. So how "dumb", (according to the FSB he's an idiot) can this guy be and how did he latch on to the Trump campaign? Apparently as Trump was casting around for foreign-policy advisors, Page was mentioned. Once again it seems Trump trusted people early on who had their own agendas.

Page had a FISA warrant issued to monitor him in 2014. They found nothing treasonous and haven't to this day but they kept getting warrants on him. Comey knew that. Brennan knew that. Clapper knew that. So here's the question....why wasn't Trump advised this guy was sketchy when he joined a campaign that was already under surveillance at the bequest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The answer is obvious....Obama's FBI and DOJ figured they had a hidden bomb they could detonate should Trump somehow become President. Page never was anybody in the campaign because Trump has an innate sense about people and Page was let go, told not to come around, in October.

So from March, 2016 to October, 2016, Obama's intel agencies allowed him to stay on the fringe of the Trump campaign with one pick up "incidental contact" information from other Trump campaign people and family members. Disgraceful.

The FBI has known about Paige for years being a Russian agent. Of course you defend him, since the scumbag you voted for is in the pocket of Moscow.

Prove Page is a Russian agent and why does Trump have to tell the intelligence agencies to do their job? Damn, they know what their job is. That's why Trump put them in. Fake outrage and laughs for the rest of us. Thanks..

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