Concerning Carter Page

What the fuck? Carter was under surveilance because he was a recruit for Russian Intelligence. DNC and Clinton had OBVIOUSLY ZERO to do with Carter, he WAS NOT surveiled while he was with capaign/transition.

Oh? Wasn't it Page that a FISA warrant was approved for from Hildabeast's phony "dossier"? There's your collusion sonny boy......she's been in Putin's pocket for years.
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Page is a Naval Academy graduate (top 10% of his class) and a UN intel officer at one point. He followed his father into the energy business and forged ties to the Russian fields. There is a claim that he's a Russian spy and it's true he's been somewhat pro-Putin to promote his oil and gas interests there. So how "dumb", (according to the FSB he's an idiot) can this guy be and how did he latch on to the Trump campaign? Apparently as Trump was casting around for foreign-policy advisors, Page was mentioned. Once again it seems Trump trusted people early on who had their own agendas.

Page had a FISA warrant issued to monitor him in 2014. They found nothing treasonous and haven't to this day but they kept getting warrants on him. Comey knew that. Brennan knew that. Clapper knew that. So here's the question....why wasn't Trump advised this guy was sketchy when he joined a campaign that was already under surveillance at the bequest of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The answer is obvious....Obama's FBI and DOJ figured they had a hidden bomb they could detonate should Trump somehow become President. Page never was anybody in the campaign because Trump has an innate sense about people and Page was let go, told not to come around, in October.

So from March, 2016 to October, 2016, Obama's intel agencies allowed him to stay on the fringe of the Trump campaign with one pick up "incidental contact" information from other Trump campaign people and family members. Disgraceful.

The FBI has known about Paige for years being a Russian agent. Of course you defend him, since the scumbag you voted for is in the pocket of Moscow.

Prove Page is a Russian agent and why does Trump have to tell the intelligence agencies to do their job? Damn, they know what their job is. That's why Trump put them in. Fake outrage and laughs for the rest of us. Thanks..

(From a case where Russian spy ring was busted in NY)

"The Russian spies, however, had one promising lead. This was a guy—an energy consultant based in New York City. Unlike the women, he was eager to help. And, it appeared, keen to make money in Moscow. There was a drawback: The source—whom the FBI called “Male-1”—was something of a dimwit.

The FBI intercepts record:

PODOBNYY: [Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practise the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on [the Russian state energy company] Gazprom, thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious he wants to earn loads of money.

SPORYSHEV: Without a doubt.

Podobnyy explained he intended to string Male-1 along. That meant feeding him “empty promises.” Podobnyy would play up his connections to Russia’s trade delegation, to Sporyshev, and pretend his SVR colleague might “push contracts” the American’s way.

PODOBNYY: This is intelligence method to cheat! How else to work with foreigners? You promise a favour for a favour. You get the documents from him and go tell him to fuck himself. But not to upset you I will take you to a restaurant and give you an expensive gift. You just need to sign for it. That is ideal working method.

Why Carter Page Was Worth Watching
What the fuck? Carter was under surveilance because he was a recruit for Russian Intelligence. DNC and Clinton had OBVIOUSLY ZERO to do with Carter, he WAS NOT surveiled while he was with capaign/transition.

Oh? Wasn't it Page that a FISA warrant was approved for from Hildabeast's phony "dossier"? There's your collusion sonny boy......she's been in Putin's pocket for years.

FISA warrant was re-issued on Carter Page a month AFTER he left Trump compaign.

And Putin's pocket? Ignoramus, after Clinton was stoking anti-Putin demonstrations and working hard to put in place crippling sanctions against Russia she was Kremlin's public enemy number one. During compaign Putin-vision was pumping out anti-Clinton propagnda daily.

Putin backing Clinton is straight up LUNACY.

The only FISA surveillance of Page that has been confirmed was put into place after he left Trump's campaign. Whether Page was under FISA surveillance in 2014 is speculation.

FISA warrants are only good for 90 days at a time, and the first confirmed warrant taken out on Page occurred in October of 2016, weeks after he had been dismissed from the Trump campaign.

So the only way a person can be monitored is with a FISA warrant?
With the resources already expended on Page, do you seriously believe they'd drop their investigation of him AFTER HE JOINED THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN???? I know the absence of common sense is what makes a leftist a leftist but that's a stretch for even you. Please, get "woke".


You're not keeping up with the story very well, are you?

The initial investigation that Page was involved in closed in 2013 or 2014, after it was determined that he was in fact too stupid to be collaborating with the Russians. He was never even a subject of that investigation.

A new, and different investigation of Page began in September of 2016, regarding his contacts with Kislyak during the Republican National Convention in July.
Of course Carter was "too fucking stupid" to EVER know that every time Kislyak farted the FBI recorded it.
Cater KNOWS he's been under surveillance since 2013.
You just happened to leave out Page worked with the FBI to convict Russians. But, of course, that would blow a hole in the Sipher machinations. Another fact that was conveniently left out of the FISA applications.

Hopefully that above little factoid did not hurt coming out of your ass.......Page "may" have been the BAIT used by the FBI to go after the 3 Russian spies that were trying to recruit him....two of those spies fled back to Russia and one was convicted and "freed" by the Trump administration last year.
FISA warrant was re-issued on Carter Page a month AFTER he left Trump compaign.

And Putin's pocket? Ignoramus, after Clinton was stoking anti-Putin demonstrations and working hard to put in place crippling sanctions against Russia she was Kremlin's public enemy number one. During compaign Putin-vision was pumping out anti-Clinton propagnda daily.

Putin backing Clinton is straight up LUNACY.

Clinton broke their alliance by quietly backing Putin's election other words, she double-crossed him, same as she has every other ally she deemed no longer useful. This means she'd been compromised by Putin after the Uranium One deal and knew that would eventually come out. With Putin defeated and out of power she could laugh off any accusations he made and ask the American people: "who are you going to or your lying eyes?" (Putin). And then Trump beat her fair and square, much to the surprise and chagrin of the intel big shots. Then, trying to hold on to power and/or not being sent to prison, the scenario changed to revenge (impeachment). Enjoy the fruit of the rotten tree your side tried to feed us. :puke:
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What do you suppose Vlad had to say to his patsy that he had to whisper it?


Every picture tells a story, don't it?

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