Condemning Fascism


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
This is sister thread to one started a bit ago, asking liberals to condemn communism. HEre I will take that thread's op, and just replace "liberals"

with the word "conservatives" and "communism" with "fascism". I am not specifying "nazism" because the other thread was a general question

and I want to give conservatives, just as much chance to get into the details of definitions as liberals have.

Here is the other op, adjusted.

Naturally, on a political discussion site, there is a lot of discussion about fascism. The pattern that I see over and over is condemnation of fascism

from lefties, and support and defense of fascism from righties. Why don't we see lefties condemning fascism? Even in this very thread, we will

see fascism trying to protect fascism with attempts to derail the thread instead of condemning fascism. Why don't fascism condemn it?
I will go first. As a rightie.

I condemn fascism. I condemn it all. I know that NAZISM, which was the worst example of fascism, gives other fascists a bad name and that it might be unfair of me to condemn them all,

BUT, considering the track record, I don't care.
First, your premise is crap. The Righties do not support and defend fascism, which essentially is gov't control of the economy and the country. I.E., big gov't and an enormous amount of red tape, regs, and rules that hamstrings private business, and that is the goal of the Left, not the Right. Which party wants to spend more money than the other? The Democrats, EVERY TIME. The Democrats want to control damn near everything from healthcare to education, to energy (climate change) to housing and on and on.

The problem may be that the Left and the Right have a different definition or interpretation of what fascism is. IMHO, it's basically a totalitarian form of gov't where the citizen's rights are subservient to and dictated by the state. It's fair to say that Trump has some fascist tendencies, but it's also fair to say that the Right did not allow him to enact those tendencies, much to his dismay. He wanted to abolish the filibuster so he could get his policies passed through Congress, true? Just like the Far Left wants to do today. And there was talk back when Obama was president of doing the same thing then. All of which to me is a step towards fascism from both the Left and the right when they are in power, trying to accumulate and cement their political power. When I see the Democrats howling about the filibuster and packing the courts and admitting Puerto Rico and DC as new states and I see them trying to pass legislation to control state elections, all of that is fascist in nature that I do not see the Right wanting or doing.
I condemn fascism, and am actively fighting the spread of fascism.

BTW, the other thread isn't actually about identifying or requesting the condemnation of communism. Lefties have fought hard to change that thread into a thread about what communism is. They will fight hard to change the meaning of this thread too.
I condemn fascism, and am actively fighting the spread of fascism.

BTW, the other thread isn't actually about identifying or requesting the condemnation of communism. Lefties have fought hard to change that thread into a thread about what communism is. They will fight hard to change the meaning of this thread too.

my bad. Still, i think comparing the behavior of righting in this thread, to lefties in that thread, can be enlightening.
I condemn fascism, and am actively fighting the spread of fascism.

BTW, the other thread isn't actually about identifying or requesting the condemnation of communism. Lefties have fought hard to change that thread into a thread about what communism is. They will fight hard to change the meaning of this thread too.
So you have issues with assholes like Orban and Putin?
Fascism exists on a continuum so is it difficult to pin down. It's not a specific ideology that can be easily compared from country to country. There's usually a glorious leader, two official classes of people, one party, one official church, everything runs on bribes, nationalism is compulsory, only one offical version of reality, intellectuals are suspect, lots of scapegoating, lots of forced labor, militarized police, check points, borders meant to keep people in and military parades. There's more and every instance is different in how it turned out but it usually starts the same. The rich and their useful idiots decide they need to be ruling with an iron fist.
Fascism exists on a continuum so is it difficult to pin down. It's not a specific ideology that can be easily compared from country to country. There's usually a glorious leader, two official classes of people, one party, one official church, everything runs on bribes, nationalism is compulsory, only one offical version of reality, intellectuals are suspect, lots of scapegoating, lots of forced labor, militarized police, check points, borders meant to keep people in and military parades. There's more and every instance is different in how it turned out but it usually starts the same. The rich and their useful idiots decide they need to be ruling with an iron fist.

Generalizations are general. Yes. THanks for the tip.
All totalitarianism is unacceptable, and does not spring from the classical liberalism of the Founding Fathers.

The model they created has been corrupted by both current partisan philosophies. Either it be repaired by the will of the people, or permanent dictatorship is inevitable.

The disadvantage here is that the people have been mis-educated over several generations by the most malevolent faction. Best of luck.
I condemn fascism, and am actively fighting the spread of fascism.

BTW, the other thread isn't actually about identifying or requesting the condemnation of communism. Lefties have fought hard to change that thread into a thread about what communism is. They will fight hard to change the meaning of this thread too.
How can you condemn something without even knowing what it means?
So you have issues with assholes like Orban and Putin?
I don't mind replying to your evasion of the opening post, but your evasion will not be addressed until you post a reply that demonstrates that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Thread topic first, commie evasion second.
How can you condemn something without even knowing what it means?
I don't mind replying to your evasion of the opening post, but your evasion will not be addressed until you post a reply that demonstrates that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Thread topic first, commie evasion second.
I don't mind replying to your evasion of the opening post, but your evasion will not be addressed until you post a reply that demonstrates that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Thread topic first, commie evasion second.
If you oppose fascism, how come you support fascist goals?
my bad. Still, i think comparing the behavior of righting in this thread, to lefties in that thread, can be enlightening.
Watch the usmb lefties evade the thread topic. They will protect fascism from being discussed as the opening post specifies. No matter how long you hold the feet of these usmb commies to the fire, they will still evade discussing the opening post topic as specified. Fascism, communism, authoritarianism, and censorship are the lifeblood of today's commies.

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