Condemning Fascism

If the communists want public education, why should I oppose that just because they said it?

I have no idea what education and industry means. Is that like trade school?
LOL - I'm not saying you should. I'm citing those as documented goals of the Communist Manifesto. These are the kinds of things that characterize the communist movement - actual values and intermediate goals that are worth covering in a genuine discussion of communism. Gay marriage isn't on there. Neither is most of the crap Trumpsters get freaked out about.
Watch the usmb lefties evade the thread topic. They will protect fascism from being discussed as the opening post specifies. No matter how long you hold the feet of these usmb commies to the fire, they will still evade discussing the opening post topic as specified. Fascism, communism, authoritarianism, and censorship are the lifeblood of today's commies.
You are a dumb piece of shit. I mean, that's really all that needs to be said. Ignored.
The OP makes the mistake of equating Fascism with Conservatism. This is false.

Fascism is on the same end of the totalitarian vs. liberty spectrum as Communism, Socialism, Dictatorship and all the other "isms" and "archies" in which individuals are slaves, serfs and de facto owned by the state.

When did YOU start calling Americans Fascists and Communists? Do you do that socially.. at family gatherings and dinner parties?
The Righties do not support and defend fascism, which essentially is gov't control of the economy and the country.

Many of them actually do, with their support of bailouts, corproprate welfare, etcetera.....What they profess from their mouths doesn't match up at all with their actions.
I suspect that more righties oppose bailouts, corp welfare, cradle to grave social welfare, etc., than otherwise. It all depends on who gets the money, Pubs and Dems alike will support their constituents getting favorable treatment, but by an large the Pubs are for less spending and less gov't than the Dems are. Which is another way of saying the Dems want more gov't control, i.e., they are more fascist. Have you seen their Green New Deal? Good Lord, that is monstrous.
I suspect that more righties oppose bailouts, corp welfare, cradle to grave social welfare, etc., than otherwise. It all depends on who gets the money, Pubs and Dems alike will support their constituents getting favorable treatment, but by an large the Pubs are for less spending and less gov't than the Dems are. Which is another way of saying the Dems want more gov't control, i.e., they are more fascist. Have you seen their Green New Deal? Good Lord, that is monstrous.
It all depends on who gets the money,

It's qualifications just like this which proves that "the right" is fine with fascism, as long as it benefits them.
American conservatives today are the exact opposite of fascists.....fascism is simply one type of socialism..the government control of the means of production.....
There's a whole lot to it, but as far as I've read, the fascists of the 1920's regarded their political objectives as "the third way". A bridge between authoritarian nanny state global collectivist marxism, and libertarian free market republican governments. They were a group of pseudo intellectual bed wetters that I would oppose then, and the modern bed wetters who proclaim to be "anti-fascist" leftists I oppose now. Some of them like to call themselves "moderates" in conventional terms, because they love them some big gubmint, hate private property and individuals who can defend themselves.

Liberals have condemned fascism since the beginning of the last Century; and liberals continue to oppose and condemn fascism today – as it manifests in Europe, South America, and the United States.

In fact, liberals and progressives are among the first victims of fascist regimes as they pose the greatest threat to fascist despots and dictators.

It was the liberals who did not want to go to war against Hitler and Mussolini.
American conservatives today are the exact opposite of fascists.....fascism is simply one type of socialism..the government control of the means of production.....

It's definitely a Corporatocracy-Government partnership. I'm not sure if what we have now is the government controlling corporations, or the corporations controlling the government. I am inclined towards the latter.
I suspect that more righties oppose bailouts, corp welfare, cradle to grave social welfare, etc., than otherwise. It all depends on who gets the money ...
Exactly. That could be the prime directive of both major parties: "It all depends on who gets the money".
When did YOU start calling Americans Fascists and Communists? Do you do that socially.. at family gatherings and dinner parties?

^^^ Diagnosis: Not very bright ^^^
Lets just leave it at this. Anyone that doesnt want universal healthcare is a piece of shit. So that is about 90% of Congress and President Biden.
It all depends on who gets the money,

It's qualifications just like this which proves that "the right" is fine with fascism, as long as it benefits them.

Nah, by that metric everybody is fascist. LOL, so who is the bigger fascist? IMHO, the party that wants to spend the most money to gain more gov't control of the public. And by that metric the Democrats are way more fascist than the Pubs.
Right.. Supporting civil rights is a sure sign you're a Communist.

You guys don't support Civil we see as you attempt to segregate society by race, destroy lives through cancel culture, and remove the safeguards of the separation of power and checks and balances in our government......

You guys play a good game, but you actually are totalitarians...

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