Was there ever really a "Constitutional right" to have an abortion?

Trump is "religious"?
You could read passages from different religions and trump would be unable to tell you anything about that passage.

Diet Christianity.png

Yes, we have a Constitutional right to privacy.
But not the right to murder another human being
If ONLY a fetus was a human being.
and half of us didn't want the government to imprison the other half, like now.
That's funny, because if it is unclear which political side you support, then you wouldn't know which side you were talking about.

"Lock her up"............ ring a bell?
"He Belongs in Prison"......said by both sides.
The fetus inside a woman is a pre-born human being.
Right, therefore the difference between a FETUS and a HUMAN BEING.

If you want to claim that a fetus has the same rights as a born human being, that's great, you have every right to that claim.
It doesn't make you correct though.

Trump claims he could Shoot (and I include KILL) a 'person on 5th avenue and he wouldn't lose ANY votes.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

If trump did this, would YOU still vote for him, he says you would.
I would still vote for Trump because the person probably deserved it.
Well there you go.

Protect an unborn fetus and call it Murder, no matter what the situation.


Protect POS trump because, the other person 'deserved it'

You can't make this shit up.
But you just did......WOW.
Protect POS trump because, the other person 'deserved it'
Was the person trying to rob him?
Broke into his house?
Threatening his family?
Trump shooting a violent criminal wouldn't stop me from voting for him. .... :thup:

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