Confederate Monuments: Built to Change History Not Preserve it


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.
The statue issue seems to be instigated as another weapon just to bait Trump on, and it is an attempt at taking control of this country via white guilt or the accusations of guilt by association even if the storyline is tremendously flawed..
Here's another article, that Six Flags Over Texas will keep and not remove the official Confederate Flag as one of the Six that flew over Texas:

Six Flags Over Texas will not remove Confederate flag

However, the article also cites a petition with over 2,000 signatures that makes me curious:

"The Confederacy represents not only treason against the United States but a system of institutionalized terrorism against non-white people and a militant defense of one of the most brutal forms of chattel slavery to ever exist in human history. We do not seek to erase this past from our history; what we seek is to erase attempts to romanticize, praise, and glorify this past," the petition stated.

Why is it okay to denounce Confederate soldiers as terrorists and treasonous, but not denounce ISIS related terrorist attacks on US soil against current citizens???

This is why this seems *Politically motivated* to bait and attack conservatives and rile up the right in order to bring them down when they respond, while placating and downplaying Muslim and ISIS terrorism because that upsets conservatives on the right as well.

If so, this is a very sick cruel game. If this is karma for Christians and White oppressing Blacks, I don't think two wrongs make this right. I think it's just the left dancing in the same shoes they blame the right for wearing. And now it's their turn to stomp out the other side, thinking they are justified. Very sad and sick. This isn't about putting down oppression, but only doing it "when it is politically convenient". It is exploiting emotions on both right and left, in order to dominate and blame protestors deemed supporters of the oppression. Very sick and sad!
Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.
Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.
. Could ship them to a memorial Park like Stone mountain Georgia where they could be set in a historic type setting there just like in a museum. Then if people want to visit the park, and learn about this history of the period, then they of course are free to do so. If not then pass the park on by, it's as simple as that.
What if their cultural interpretation is DIFFERENT from the one YOU cite, is it
fair to impose YOURS as the ONLY interpretation and not the belief in States Rights
as worth fighting for, even if slavery was wrong, the principle should be that if States
want their rights the policies STILL have to meet Constitutional standards so no war is necessary.

Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.

So IsaacNewton if Mexicans lost the war and their land, they
are allowed to keep their culture and traditions for sake of embracing Diversity.
And it's not okay to force them to assimilate and learn English
and keep their Spanish in private at home.

But if people who believe that Southern Culture and Confederate history represents
States' Rights as their belief and tradition, this is NOT okay to keep those traditions?

Those have to be REMOVED from the public and kept in approved displays elsewhere,
where people can go enjoy them if they choose.

Does this sound right?
Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.
. Could ship them to a memorial Park like Stone mountain Georgia where they could be set in a historic type setting there just like in a museum. Then if people want to visit the park, and learn about this history of the period, then they of course are free to do so. If not then pass the park on by, it's as simple as that.

beagle9 I would agree if all the people especially descendants whose history is represented AGREE with that interpretation and AGREE with the solution to move it. But if they disagree, who is to say WHOSE interpretation should be acted upon?

In Freedmen's Town some descendants approved the move of founders homes to a separate park, but many OPPOSED and were not heard. This move DESTROYED the integrity of the houses and landmarks, but were moved for developer interests outside and hostile to that community. This has divided and destroyed the spirit of that community, by hijacking and exploiting just the people willing to agree to the move, at the expense of the history and historians objecting.

I don't think this is wise but divisive and just as hurtful.
People may mean well, but there should be consensus if the point is to heal old wounds.
Not stir them up, and cause such anger, that people are pressured to go with "demands".

History and hatred should not be exploited for political pressure to take sides and attack the other.

That is the issue I have with this. The intent is not purely healing if half the voices are left out,
it is just more of the same karma, or the shoe being on the other foot. If it isn't true justice it wont' bring peace.
What if their cultural interpretation is DIFFERENT from the one YOU cite, is it
fair to impose YOURS as the ONLY interpretation and not the belief in States Rights
as worth fighting for, even if slavery was wrong, the principle should be that if States
want their rights the policies STILL have to meet Constitutional standards so no war is necessary.

Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.

So IsaacNewton if Mexicans lost the war and their land, they
are allowed to keep their culture and traditions for sake of embracing Diversity.
And it's not okay to force them to assimilate and learn English
and keep their Spanish in private at home.

But if people who believe that Southern Culture and Confederate history represents
States' Rights as their belief and tradition, this is NOT okay to keep those traditions?

Those have to be REMOVED from the public and kept in approved displays elsewhere,
where people can go enjoy them if they choose.

Does this sound right?

Move all these Confederate statues to people's back yards. No problem. On public property where it's meant to intimidate the black race, no.

And stop with the false equivalencies. This has become the conservative national past time. Everything is equal to everything else so everything is a push. No it isn't.
If we have enough people pandering to political popular groups, we will tear down Bernini's statues and the Vatican it stands in, because somebody somewhere is offended by them. Offence? I Saw Robert Mapplethorpe's "PissChrist' and it offended me plenty, but I never moved to ban it, either. They know offence isn't a defensible reason to ban art, Libs need to lighten up.They are being hyper critical hypocrites, and they know it.
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Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America .

This is where the entire discussion goes awry.
The south coalesced and seceded and then were attacked by the north in an effort by the north to preserve the union as it had been. A direct parallel to what happened in the American revolution. Slavery was an issue but not THE issue until it was contrived as a wedge issue with the Emancipation Proclamation more than a year into the conflict.
The Confederate statues and symbols represent valor displayed in defending southern states' sovereignty. That is virtuous.
Removing them via mob rule is fascist. Which side do you support?
What if their cultural interpretation is DIFFERENT from the one YOU cite, is it
fair to impose YOURS as the ONLY interpretation and not the belief in States Rights
as worth fighting for, even if slavery was wrong, the principle should be that if States
want their rights the policies STILL have to meet Constitutional standards so no war is necessary.

Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.

So IsaacNewton if Mexicans lost the war and their land, they
are allowed to keep their culture and traditions for sake of embracing Diversity.
And it's not okay to force them to assimilate and learn English
and keep their Spanish in private at home.

But if people who believe that Southern Culture and Confederate history represents
States' Rights as their belief and tradition, this is NOT okay to keep those traditions?

Those have to be REMOVED from the public and kept in approved displays elsewhere,
where people can go enjoy them if they choose.

Does this sound right?

Move all these Confederate statues to people's back yards. No problem. On public property where it's meant to intimidate the black race, no.

And stop with the false equivalencies. This has become the conservative national past time. Everything is equal to everything else so everything is a push. No it isn't.

Sure IsaacNewton, if everyone agrees to the move.
But what if they don't. Are opponents allowed to ask for equal concessions?
So what if we struck deals such as letting "offensive" monuments be moved to private locations
in exchange letting "offensive" gay marriages be kept in private and not forced on the public
or on businesses "to whom that symbolizes something negative."

If businesses are being forced to "accept diversity" even if it offends their beliefs about gay marriage
and what that symbolizes, then what about accepting crosses, monuments, nativity scenes, etc.
that other people find offensive or symbolizing oppression or genocide or whatever.

Can we call an even truce?
If it's okay to remove one from public display and keep it for private choice of access and viewing only.
Can businesses also ask for the PRIVATE CHOICE whether to view or participate in
gay marriage or other activities that they don't believe in or find offensive, or which violate their beliefs?
Removing of Confederate statues is akin to Nazi book-burning.

The soldiers of the South fought to protect their people's freedom and sovereignty. Is that a dead concept in America now?
What if their cultural interpretation is DIFFERENT from the one YOU cite, is it
fair to impose YOURS as the ONLY interpretation and not the belief in States Rights
as worth fighting for, even if slavery was wrong, the principle should be that if States
want their rights the policies STILL have to meet Constitutional standards so no war is necessary.

Now here's an interesting take. The Confederate Monuments were part of the Southern Revisionist take on the war, rewriting it as reconciliation by the focus on "war heroes" instead of emancipation:
Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve It

I would say this is like how the narrative about Freed Slaves was changed to promote "Black dependence on Govt for Civil Rights" instead of the history of Freed Slaves building THEIR OWN churches and running businesses INDEPENDENT of government as Black Republicans promoted (like Booker T Washington), but are ignored or written out of history books by the liberal narrative of Democrats pushing the poor Black vote.

I still run into opponents arguing the Constitution is not designed to work for humanity equality and self-govt, but is for the benefit of the white racist property ownership that still enforces white privilege. So we are still arguing over the interpretation and meaning of laws and history.

I believe States Rights and Constitutional principles EMPOWER people to govern themselves. But this take on govt and history is completely "overwritten" by people who see it as an tool of oppression, and the slaves and now the millenial generations have to totally REJECT the past and Constitution in order to free people from oppression.

I don't think wiping out or removing history is going to heal or change things. But working with the ongoing process to bring it to fulfillment in everyone being educated, empowered and equal under law.
Confederate leaders' descendants want monuments pulled down
Here's another article where some descendants ARE calling to move the statues to museums where the entire history can be presented, instead of statues out of context which appear biased against blacks.
If this helps the country to heal.

Another person pointed out these statues were not an issue when Democrats had these states. But only when they switched to Republican, then they were used as pawns to bait and attack politically for points.
Disgusting. We should make decisions out of respect for history, not emotionally charged attacks.

Confederate statues are meant to pretend the South didn't 'lose' the war and to tell every black person walking by 'we're still in charge so keep your place'. I don't mind if these statues are in a museum, they DO serve a purpose there. But on a state capitol's grounds? No. In a Confederate cemetery, yes. And cemeteries should be off limits for anyone to tamper with.

Taking down monuments to losers of a war that was fought against America is not erasing anything except an attempt to elevate traitors. Take them down, respectfully as is possible, and put them in museums. All the history is recorded in countless books and historical records, absolutely nothing is being erased.

So IsaacNewton if Mexicans lost the war and their land, they
are allowed to keep their culture and traditions for sake of embracing Diversity.
And it's not okay to force them to assimilate and learn English
and keep their Spanish in private at home.

But if people who believe that Southern Culture and Confederate history represents
States' Rights as their belief and tradition, this is NOT okay to keep those traditions?

Those have to be REMOVED from the public and kept in approved displays elsewhere,
where people can go enjoy them if they choose.

Does this sound right?

Move all these Confederate statues to people's back yards. No problem. On public property where it's meant to intimidate the black race, no.

And stop with the false equivalencies. This has become the conservative national past time. Everything is equal to everything else so everything is a push. No it isn't.

Sure IsaacNewton, if everyone agrees to the move.
But what if they don't. Are opponents allowed to ask for equal concessions?
So what if we struck deals such as letting "offensive" monuments be moved to private locations
in exchange letting "offensive" gay marriages be kept in private and not forced on the public
or on businesses "to whom that symbolizes something negative."

If businesses are being forced to "accept diversity" even if it offends their beliefs about gay marriage
and what that symbolizes, then what about accepting crosses, monuments, nativity scenes, etc.
that other people find offensive or symbolizing oppression or genocide or whatever.

Can we call an even truce?
If it's okay to remove one from public display and keep it for private choice of access and viewing only.
Can businesses also ask for the PRIVATE CHOICE whether to view or participate in
gay marriage or other activities that they don't believe in or find offensive, or which violate their beliefs?

False equivalencies. Give it up. You don't get to throw all issues on Earth into a large pot and start picking them out 'we'll give up this if you give up this'.

The False Equivalency is beginning to become a religion for the right wing. The world doesn't operate on an us vs them basis. "Well the Flat Earthers will agree that water is wet if YOU will agree the Earth is flat".

It's like talking to children that have no idea how the adult world works. Stop embarrassing yourself holly hell.

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