Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim

It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, "saw the elephant" also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, "Will you fight?" Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that "biracial units" were frequently organized "by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids". Dr. Leonard Haynes, a African-American professor at Southern University, stated, "When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you've eliminated the history of the South."
DURING OUR WAR OF 1861, ex-slave Frederick Douglass observed, "There are at the present moment, many colored men in the Confederate Army doing duty not only as cooks, servants and laborers, but as real soldiers, having muskets on their shoulders and bullets in their pockets, ready to shoot down ... and do all that soldiers may do to destroy the Federal government."

Dr. Lewis Steiner, a Union Sanitary Commission employee who lived through the Confederate occupation of Frederick, Maryland said, "Most of the Negroes ... were manifestly an integral portion of the Southern Confederacy Army." Erwin L. Jordan's book "Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia" cites eyewitness accounts of the Antietam campaign of "armed blacks in rebel columns bearing rifles, sabers, and knives and carrying knapsacks and haversacks." After the Battle of Seven Pines in June 1862, Union soldiers said that "two black Confederate regiments not only fought but showed no mercy to the Yankee dead or wounded whom they mutilated, murdered and robbed."

In April 1861, a Petersburg, Virginia newspaper proposed "three cheers for the patriotic free Negroes of Lynchburg" after 70 blacks offered "to act in whatever capacity may be assigned to them" in defense of Virginia. Erwin L. Jordan cites one case where a captured group of white slave owners and blacks were offered freedom if they would take an oath of allegiance to the United States. One free black indignantly replied, "I can't take no such oaf as dat. I'm a secesh." A slave in the group upon learning that his master refused to take the oath said, "I can't take no oath dat Massa won't take." A second slave said, "I ain't going out here on no dishonorable terms." One of the slave owners took the oath but his slave, who didn't take the oath, returning to Virginia under a flag of truce, expressed disgust at his master's disloyalty saying, "Massa had no principles."

Horace Greeley, in pointing out some differences between the two warring armies said, "For more than two years, Negroes have been extensively employed in belligerent operations by the Confederacy. They have been embodied and drilled as rebel soldiers and had paraded with white troops at a time when this would not have been tolerated in the armies of the Union." General Nathan Bedford Forrest had both slaves and freemen serving in units under his command. After the war, General Forrest said of the black men who served under him "(T)hese boys stayed with me ... and better Confederates did not live."

It was not just Southern generals who owned slaves but northern generals owned them as well. General Ulysses Grant's slaves had to await the Thirteenth Amendment for freedom. When asked why he didn't free his slaves earlier, General Grant said, "Good help is so hard to come by these days."

These are but a few examples of the important role that blacks served, both as slaves and freemen in the Confederacy during the War Between the States.

The flap over the Confederate flag is not quite as simple as the nation's race experts make it. They want us to believe the flag is a symbol of racism. Yes, racists have used the Confederate flag, but racists have also used the Bible and the U.S. flag. Should we get rid of the Bible and lower the U.S. flag? Black civil rights activists and their white liberal supporters who're attacking the Confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic black ancestors who marched, fought and died to protect their homeland from what they saw as Northern aggression.

The Southern American
It doesn't surprise me that slaves fought on behalf of the Confederacy, since the Union troops would invade a southern town and utterly destroy it. Union troops didn't discriminate between southern soldiers, civilians, or slaves; they just killed them all.
It doesn't matter what it symbolized then, it matters what it symbolizes NOW! Now it symbolizes one of the darkest times in US history. Symbolizes white Americans for slavery! It symbolizes racism towards blacks! I solute the US flag only and every American should do the same! In every conflict there are also people who sell out there own, why should American Black slaves be any different?


It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, "saw the elephant" also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, "Will you fight?" Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that "biracial units" were frequently organized "by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids". Dr. Leonard Haynes, a African-American professor at Southern University, stated, "When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you've eliminated the history of the South."
DURING OUR WAR OF 1861, ex-slave Frederick Douglass observed, "There are at the present moment, many colored men in the Confederate Army doing duty not only as cooks, servants and laborers, but as real soldiers, having muskets on their shoulders and bullets in their pockets, ready to shoot down ... and do all that soldiers may do to destroy the Federal government."

Dr. Lewis Steiner, a Union Sanitary Commission employee who lived through the Confederate occupation of Frederick, Maryland said, "Most of the Negroes ... were manifestly an integral portion of the Southern Confederacy Army." Erwin L. Jordan's book "Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia" cites eyewitness accounts of the Antietam campaign of "armed blacks in rebel columns bearing rifles, sabers, and knives and carrying knapsacks and haversacks." After the Battle of Seven Pines in June 1862, Union soldiers said that "two black Confederate regiments not only fought but showed no mercy to the Yankee dead or wounded whom they mutilated, murdered and robbed."

In April 1861, a Petersburg, Virginia newspaper proposed "three cheers for the patriotic free Negroes of Lynchburg" after 70 blacks offered "to act in whatever capacity may be assigned to them" in defense of Virginia. Erwin L. Jordan cites one case where a captured group of white slave owners and blacks were offered freedom if they would take an oath of allegiance to the United States. One free black indignantly replied, "I can't take no such oaf as dat. I'm a secesh." A slave in the group upon learning that his master refused to take the oath said, "I can't take no oath dat Massa won't take." A second slave said, "I ain't going out here on no dishonorable terms." One of the slave owners took the oath but his slave, who didn't take the oath, returning to Virginia under a flag of truce, expressed disgust at his master's disloyalty saying, "Massa had no principles."

Horace Greeley, in pointing out some differences between the two warring armies said, "For more than two years, Negroes have been extensively employed in belligerent operations by the Confederacy. They have been embodied and drilled as rebel soldiers and had paraded with white troops at a time when this would not have been tolerated in the armies of the Union." General Nathan Bedford Forrest had both slaves and freemen serving in units under his command. After the war, General Forrest said of the black men who served under him "(T)hese boys stayed with me ... and better Confederates did not live."

It was not just Southern generals who owned slaves but northern generals owned them as well. General Ulysses Grant's slaves had to await the Thirteenth Amendment for freedom. When asked why he didn't free his slaves earlier, General Grant said, "Good help is so hard to come by these days."

These are but a few examples of the important role that blacks served, both as slaves and freemen in the Confederacy during the War Between the States.

The flap over the Confederate flag is not quite as simple as the nation's race experts make it. They want us to believe the flag is a symbol of racism. Yes, racists have used the Confederate flag, but racists have also used the Bible and the U.S. flag. Should we get rid of the Bible and lower the U.S. flag? Black civil rights activists and their white liberal supporters who're attacking the Confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic black ancestors who marched, fought and died to protect their homeland from what they saw as Northern aggression.

The Southern American
I assumed you would say the Nazi flag is the worse flag.

What's the flag of Islam look like?

Don't think I have ever seen it.

Quite right. Although many people equate the crescent moon (sometimes with a star) as the flag of Islam, no such thing actually exists. In fact many countries reject it because of it's roots.
It is "estimated" by whom?

Apologists for the Southern rebellion?

I doubt you'll find many apologists for southern slavery, which is what you seem to be referencing. But what about the north? There were five slave states that remained in the Union. There must be many northern apologists since so many believe the myth of the "moral north."
I doubt you'll find many apologists for southern slavery, which is what you seem to be referencing. But what about the north? There were five slave states that remained in the Union. There must be many northern apologists since so many believe the myth of the "moral north."

The victor writes the history books.
200,000 estimated freed slaves fought for North and the ones who fought for south mostly did near the end. It was a large debate in the south whether or not to have the slaves fight with them for one they would most likely have to free them or promise to free them after the war. I actually went to a lecture on the subject of allowing slaves to fight for the confederacy. They were a lot more slaves in the south then 13,000 and in the end it was to late when they did try to have them join their side plus it went against quite a bit of what they were fighting for.
And many of the Blacks who were forced to serve in the Confederate Army escaped to behind Union lines (often joining the U.S. Army); and when Blacks got the right to vote, they overwhelmingly voted for the Republican (that is, Unionist) Party.

Also, some of the accounts of Black Confederates attacking Unionists may have been propaganda intended to appeal to racist whites.
And many of the Blacks who were forced to serve in the Confederate Army escaped to behind Union lines (often joining the U.S. Army); and when Blacks got the right to vote, they overwhelmingly voted for the Republican (that is, Unionist) Party.

Also, some of the accounts of Black Confederates attacking Unionists may have been propaganda intended to appeal to racist whites.

Freed slaves were told they would be given land if they registered Republican, and of course they never were. They were also often intimidated or threatened if they tried to register as a Democrat.
Freed slaves were told they would be given land if they registered Republican, and of course they never were. They were also often intimidated or threatened if they tried to register as a Democrat.

Where are you getting this crap?

Jesus Christ on a crutch, you people really are fucking crazy. Bassically what you are attempting to imply is this:

The Slaves so loved their masters and their chains that they fought on behalf of their enslavement.

Yeah, right.

I almost believe that.
Where are you getting this crap?

Jesus Christ on a crutch, you people really are fucking crazy. Bassically what you are attempting to imply is this:

The Slaves so loved their masters and their chains that they fought on behalf of their enslavement.

Yeah, right.

I almost believe that.

That's not even close to what I'm implying. What I'm saying is that the slaves would probably fight on the side of the Confederacy for their lives. Northern armies were burning southern cities to the ground and murdering civilians. Do you really believe that slaves would have been exempt from that?
That's not even close to what I'm implying. What I'm saying is that the slaves would probably fight on the side of the Confederacy for their lives. Northern armies were burning southern cities to the ground and murdering civilians. Do you really believe that slaves would have been exempt from that?

Reads like bullshit to me, dude.
That's not even close to what I'm implying. What I'm saying is that the slaves would probably fight on the side of the Confederacy for their lives. Northern armies were burning southern cities to the ground and murdering civilians. Do you really believe that slaves would have been exempt from that?

I challenge you to find evidence of widespread murders perpetrated by Union soldiers on Southern civilians.
While war breeds horrific tragedies, you will find nothing more than localized unauthrorized events that were the exception to the norm.

Furthermore, just because an invading army is destroying cities does not mean that the civilians will fight against that army. Italy in WW2 highlights this. Italy suffered over 145,000 civilian deaths in WW2, most coming from Allied bombing and in the crossfire over the Italian countryside that were caused by the Allied invasion. Yet the Italians welcomed the Americans as liberators, and even rebelled against the Nazis. Slaves in the Civil War could be just like Italians in WW2.

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