Zone1 Virginia NAACP sues Shenandoah school board after district restored Confederate names

I think that motivated the slave owners

And why not?

Whites were born into slavery - 250 years of slavery - just as their black slaves were

This was radical social change, and no society is comfortable with that

If you cant understand that then you dont understand human nature
Save me from your Just Cause propaganda

The South saw the election of Lincoln as a threat to slavery and quickly seceded. Their Constitution was similar to ours except that it ensured slavery forever.

Every other nation on earth ended slavery without a civil war that killed 600,000
So why would you want to celebrate it by naming schools in its honor?
I don’t know which Democrat you are referring to specifically but the school wasn’t named after them to honor slavery. Those slave-owning Democrats became name-sakes for other various reasons. It was also Democrats who built these statues and named these schools to honor and celebrated these historical Democrats in the first place.

Why is it that Democrats today are so sensitive about a name of a school, or some statue somewhere, but then they still vote for the party that is responsible for all those things?
Save me from your Just Cause propaganda

The South saw the election of Lincoln as a threat to slavery and quickly seceded. Their Constitution was similar to ours except that it ensured slavery forever.

Every other nation on earth ended slavery without a civil war that killed 600,000
Slavery was only one of the issues dividing north and south that led to the civil war
I don’t know which Democrat you are referring to specifically but the school wasn’t named after them to honor slavery. Those slave-owning Democrats became name-sakes for other various reasons. It was also Democrats who built these statues and named these schools to honor and celebrated these historical Democrats in the first place.

Why is it that Democrats today are so sensitive about a name of a school, or some statue somewhere, but then they still vote for the party that is responsible for all those things?
It honors leaders of the confederacy which is a insult to the black community
Whether or not an area should have Confederate names and statues should be determined by the people who live in the area.

Many Southern whites revere the Confederacy and think the wrong side won the Civil War. They oppose the civil rights legislation and think Negroes should have been deported to Africa.
Whether or not an area should have Confederate names and statues should be determined by the people who live in the area.

Many Southern whites revere the Confederacy and think the wrong side won the Civil War. They oppose the civil rights legislation and think Negroes should have been deported to Africa.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper

So in your society, the majority gets to abuse the minority without concern.

So if you are a black family paying taxes in Shenandoah you should have to send your kids to a school named after someone who would have enslaved them
The naacp exists because of America's history, like it or not the confederates played a role in shaping the America we all live in now. You don't have to like them but at least tip your hat and show a little respect by keeping your mouth shut.

Everything that happened in America's past led to where we are right now. Including a country where a group like the naacp can exist and have to freedom to bitch and whine about our countries history freely and openly.

Be grateful youre here and not some shit hole country.

Besides, it's just a name. It has no bearing on today's America. These pieces of shit will never be happy and we need to stop indulging them. If you gave them every teeny tiny thing they wanted it would never ever end because they will never be satisfied or happy.

They serve absolutely no purpose or have any value, that's why they are constantly complaining because if they don't complain then people will realize they are nothing but useless tits and not pay attention to them.
You are getting close..

But slavery was not just “wrong” it was an EVIL of mankind

The Confederacy was not just wrong place/wrong time
They broke away from the US for the specific reason to preserve the institution of slavery forever.
They formed a nation whose economy was built on enforced free labor.

That is EVIL
And blacks in Afica have more slaves today than at any time in history, yet you remain silent about the horrors of slavery going on TODAY!

So your opinion is worthless.
At the root of the issue, is the distinct lack of actual things black people have to be “outraged” about today. Their victimhood depends on keeping the outrage alive. Even if it means digging up 150 year old micro aggressions.
At the root of the issue, is the distinct lack of actual things black people have to be “outraged” about today. Their victimhood depends on keeping the outrage alive. Even if it means digging up 150 year old micro aggressions.
Negrose like to blame others for problems they cause for themselves.

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