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Confirmation Bias; Why Atheists cant see the Evidence for God


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is hilarious to watch the news and see a President who claims the border is sealed and secure against ISIS and yet unaccompanied children can get across it. The children just don't count somehow to support the view that the border is NOT secure. The feds deny that radical Islamicist groups are the primary source for terrorism, and so a violent radical Jihadist who shot a bunch of people at Fort Hood screaming 'Allah Akbar!' and who recently asked ISIS to let him be an honorary citizen of the Caliphate was not a terrorist, and the shooting just 'work place violence'.

But those are just a few glaring examples of confirmation bias, a thing where people insist on putting what they perceive into nice neat little pigeon holes defined by an ideology or inflexible philosophy.

There is an old 16th century story of three blind men who are feeling parts of an elephant, an animal that they have never seen and have no idea exists, and one feels the leg and says it is a tree, the other feels the trunk and says it is a vine, another feels the belly and says there is a bolder above him. When told that it is all one great big huge animal they laugh and say the narrator is deluded.

You cannot show evidence to someone who refuses to accept even the remote possibility of the thing claimed. No mater how complex a life form maybe, like the human cell, and no matter what Darwin knew about the complexity of the cell and the impact were it overly complex, the atheist will insist it is all the product of unguided chance. No matter how finely tuned the universe the atheist will insist that it proves nothing and it isn't so finely tuned anyway.

So don't pitch your argument to persuade an atheist of anything. Speak to other theists or to the lurkers who just read and move on. The atheist is a fringe element cultist who has closed his mind long ago.
I feel that is important to reject nonsense. People are dumb enough. If there was any credible evidense of a supreme being EVEYONE with any sense would accept it. There is no evidense.

Some peole WANT there to be a god. They will say ANYTHING and do ANYTHING to promote their belief.

They will STEAL other peoples land. They will MURDER non believers. They will LIE as in making up so called documents and claim these human writings are in fact the words of a god.

I do not need to have "faith" to recognise these facts.

They commit fraud by preying on the fears of the uneducated. They prey on the fears of people that desperately want to believe that there is something after death. They make promises of an afterlife when no such place has been proven by the smallest scrap of evidense to exist.

In short..without the protections they have managed to incorporate into law these same people would be charged and convicted of fraud and sent to prison for their deceit. It is a ponzi scheme of a magnitude that is hard to comprehend.

Nothing in human history has shown more murder, theft and a waste of wealth than religion.

Religion and the concept of a "god" is a mental disease. It robs otherwise good people of their will and independance and their wealth.

And still these criminals have the nerve to ask why some people do not believe.

You cannot show evidence to someone who refuses to accept even the remote possibility of the thing claimed. No mater how complex a life form maybe, like the human cell, and no matter what Darwin knew about the complexity of the cell and the impact were it overly complex, the atheist will insist it is all the product of unguided chance. No matter how finely tuned the universe the atheist will insist that it proves nothing and it isn't so finely tuned anyway.

So don't pitch your argument to persuade an atheist of anything. Speak to other theists or to the lurkers who just read and move on. The atheist is a fringe element cultist who has closed his mind long ago.

A particular standard of evidence is required to prove any claim. This ‘standard’ is adjusted depending upon the nature of the claim. Since god’s existence is an extraordinary claim, perhaps the most extraordinary claim, proving it requires equally extraordinary evidence.

The standard of evidence required to prove a god’s existence is immediately more than any personal anecdote, witness testimony, ancient book or reported miracle – none of which can be considered extraordinarily reliable. The human mind is also highly susceptible to being fooled and even fooling itself. One could be suffering from an hallucination or a form of undiagnosed schizophrenia, hysteria or psychosis, ruling out even our own senses as reliable evidence gathering mechanisms in this case. As strange as it sounds, misunderstood aliens might even be attempting to interact with us using extremely advanced technology. In fact, reality itself could be a computer simulationwhich we unknowingly inhabit.

Every conceivable argument, every imaginable piece of evidence for god is not without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation which precludes it from being used as definitive proof. Note: This is not the same as being close-minded.

There is, however, a simple answer to this question: God is what it would take to convince an atheist. An omniscient god would know the exact standard of evidence required to convince any atheist of its existence and, being omnipotent, it would also be able to immediately produce this evidence. If it wanted to, a god could conceivably change the brain chemistry of any individual in order to compel them to believe. It could even restructure the entire universe in such a way as to make non-belief impossible.

In short, a god actually proving its own existence is what would convince any atheist of said god’s existence.

“Because if the only way the supreme creator of the entire universe can demonstrate his existence to me is to create images of Mary or Jesus on food items, I’m not impressed.” – Anonymous
It is hilarious to watch the news and see a President who claims the border is sealed and secure against ISIS and yet unaccompanied children can get across it. The children just don't count somehow to support the view that the border is NOT secure. The feds deny that radical Islamicist groups are the primary source for terrorism, and so a violent radical Jihadist who shot a bunch of people at Fort Hood screaming 'Allah Akbar!' and who recently asked ISIS to let him be an honorary citizen of the Caliphate was not a terrorist, and the shooting just 'work place violence'.

But those are just a few glaring examples of confirmation bias, a thing where people insist on putting what they perceive into nice neat little pigeon holes defined by an ideology or inflexible philosophy.

There is an old 16th century story of three blind men who are feeling parts of an elephant, an animal that they have never seen and have no idea exists, and one feels the leg and says it is a tree, the other feels the trunk and says it is a vine, another feels the belly and says there is a bolder above him. When told that it is all one great big huge animal they laugh and say the narrator is deluded.

You cannot show evidence to someone who refuses to accept even the remote possibility of the thing claimed. No mater how complex a life form maybe, like the human cell, and no matter what Darwin knew about the complexity of the cell and the impact were it overly complex, the atheist will insist it is all the product of unguided chance. No matter how finely tuned the universe the atheist will insist that it proves nothing and it isn't so finely tuned anyway.

So don't pitch your argument to persuade an atheist of anything. Speak to other theists or to the lurkers who just read and move on. The atheist is a fringe element cultist who has closed his mind long ago.

3000 or so years ago the Jews(not called Jews then) were being treated like dirt so they baked up this plan to convince themselves that they were special. The first really big lie came into being...that horseshit about Moses and the tablets. Then Jesus(if there really was a Jesus) outdid the Moses nonsense and/or the Christianity scam was born.

These charletons have had over 2,000 years to dumb down the human race even more than it was already.

Then around 500 years ago the printing press made it possible for just about any human being to become somewhat educated.

Fast forward to the invention of the transistor.

Now the computer and cell phones have made it impossible to keep avaerage people uninformed.

You evil bastages have had your chance to control the thinking of human beings.

Your time has come and gone. You are the walking dead. You just don't know it yet. You cling like dogshit to the soles of our shoes.

We all know in a matter of seconds that which you could once hide..from beheading non believers to raping small children.

As you cut off the heads or hang your heritics you kill your own worthless ideas.

Atheists don't HAVE to do anything. You are doing it to yourselves.

And not a moment too soon.
3000 or so years ago the Jews(not called Jews then) were being treated like dirt so they baked up this plan to convince themselves that they were special. The first really big lie came into being...that horseshit about Moses and the tablets. Then Jesus(if there really was a Jesus) outdid the Moses nonsense and/or the Christianity scam was born.

These charletons have had over 2,000 years to dumb down the human race even more than it was already.

Then around 500 years ago the printing press made it possible for just about any human being to become somewhat educated.

Fast forward to the invention of the transistor.

Now the computer and cell phones have made it impossible to keep avaerage people uninformed.

You evil bastages have had your chance to control the thinking of human beings.

Your time has come and gone. You are the walking dead. You just don't know it yet. You cling like dogshit to the soles of our shoes.

We all know in a matter of seconds that which you could once hide..from beheading non believers to raping small children.

As you cut off the heads or hang your heritics you kill your own worthless ideas.

Atheists don't HAVE to do anything. You are doing it to yourselves.

And not a moment too soon.

That is complete and utter bullshit. No scholar of any standing would support such absurdity.

Here is a theory; you want to be respected as an intelligent person, but you don't have the prerequisite of actual intelligence, so you picked out some people you think are intelligent and simply mimic them. You chose atheists not having a clue about how valid any of their claims are, but you like the no-bounds life-style and think it is easier to pick up atheists chicks, so you go atheist.

And all through your life you have been showing people who actually know what they are talking about how stupid in reality you are. You are dimly suspicious that those around you are aware of your posturing as someone with a brain, but you chose to ignore those bad vibes and just double up on the rhetoric, not realizing that it equally doubles up your display of stupidity, and an example of which was your ridiculous post I now respond to with chuckles and mirth.

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It is hilarious to watch the news and see a President who claims the border is sealed and secure against ISIS and yet unaccompanied children can get across it. The children just don't count somehow to support the view that the border is NOT secure. The feds deny that radical Islamicist groups are the primary source for terrorism, and so a violent radical Jihadist who shot a bunch of people at Fort Hood screaming 'Allah Akbar!' and who recently asked ISIS to let him be an honorary citizen of the Caliphate was not a terrorist, and the shooting just 'work place violence'.

But those are just a few glaring examples of confirmation bias, a thing where people insist on putting what they perceive into nice neat little pigeon holes defined by an ideology or inflexible philosophy.

There is an old 16th century story of three blind men who are feeling parts of an elephant, an animal that they have never seen and have no idea exists, and one feels the leg and says it is a tree, the other feels the trunk and says it is a vine, another feels the belly and says there is a bolder above him. When told that it is all one great big huge animal they laugh and say the narrator is deluded.

You cannot show evidence to someone who refuses to accept even the remote possibility of the thing claimed. No mater how complex a life form maybe, like the human cell, and no matter what Darwin knew about the complexity of the cell and the impact were it overly complex, the atheist will insist it is all the product of unguided chance. No matter how finely tuned the universe the atheist will insist that it proves nothing and it isn't so finely tuned anyway.

So don't pitch your argument to persuade an atheist of anything. Speak to other theists or to the lurkers who just read and move on. The atheist is a fringe element cultist who has closed his mind long ago.

Plato, Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Georges Lemaitre, Pasteur and all came to beliefs in the Creator due to reason, evidence and their experiences in life, and some rejected their polytheistic gods in favor of the Creator demonstrating that this was a deliberate rational choice.

And you think that a silly video that simply make an unwarranted assertion that all this reason, evidence, thought and experience is just fantasy is supposed to rebuke thousands of years of defense, explanation and argument for the Creator?

You are hysterical.
The atheist is a fringe element cultist who has closed his mind long ago.

I suggest you look up the definition of "cult" because you clearly don't know what one is.

I use the word 'cult' in the same sense that some today speak of fringe wacko groups as 'cults', like the 9-11 Truthers as a cult, or the Lunar Landing Deniers are a 'cult'.

Same damned thing, only the lunar landing deniers are far more reasonable. :D
"The world is so complicated" is not "evidence" of the existence of a God.

Who made that argument?

If you think that that is a valid summation of the Teleological Argument or is the equivalent of 'Fine Tuning', you really need to reread the topic, dude.
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I feel that is important to reject nonsense. People are dumb enough. If there was any credible evidense of a supreme being EVEYONE with any sense would accept it. There is no evidense.

Some peole WANT there to be a god. They will say ANYTHING and do ANYTHING to promote their belief.

They will STEAL other peoples land. They will MURDER non believers. They will LIE as in making up so called documents and claim these human writings are in fact the words of a god.

I do not need to have "faith" to recognise these facts.

They commit fraud by preying on the fears of the uneducated. They prey on the fears of people that desperately want to believe that there is something after death. They make promises of an afterlife when no such place has been proven by the smallest scrap of evidense to exist.

In short..without the protections they have managed to incorporate into law these same people would be charged and convicted of fraud and sent to prison for their deceit. It is a ponzi scheme of a magnitude that is hard to comprehend.

"Nothing in human history has shown more murder, theft and a waste of wealth than religion."

Religion and the concept of a "god" is a mental disease. It robs otherwise good people of their will and independance and their wealth.

And still these criminals have the nerve to ask why some people do not believe.


Out of all that hysteria and lies I will pick just one lie to respond to as I don't have the time to waste on your repeated nonsense.

Nothing in human history has shown more murder, theft and a waste of wealth than religion.

The above lie has been disproven repeatedly as atheism far surpassed any other single religion or ALL RELIGONS TOTALED TOGETHER in its barbarity, theft and murderousness in just one century, the 20th, alone.

Lol, talk about nerve, that is all atheism has any more.
You cannot show evidence to someone who refuses to accept even the remote possibility of the thing claimed. No mater how complex a life form maybe, like the human cell, and no matter what Darwin knew about the complexity of the cell and the impact were it overly complex, the atheist will insist it is all the product of unguided chance. No matter how finely tuned the universe the atheist will insist that it proves nothing and it isn't so finely tuned anyway.

So don't pitch your argument to persuade an atheist of anything. Speak to other theists or to the lurkers who just read and move on. The atheist is a fringe element cultist who has closed his mind long ago.

A particular standard of evidence is required to prove any claim. This ‘standard’ is adjusted depending upon the nature of the claim. Since god’s existence is an extraordinary claim, perhaps the most extraordinary claim, proving it requires equally extraordinary evidence.

I am not responding to all your crap, but I will respond to this one as the epitome of your irrationality.

No, extraordinary claims do NOT demand extraordinary evidence. They require exactly the SAME evidence as any other proposition. This demand for extraordinary evidence is the very example of what confirmation bias is and how it works, duh.

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