Confirmed, corporations and businesses leaving California

Cali is a victim of own success . The booming Cali economy causes wages and housing costs to go up. So many people and companies can’t hang .

You rubes think it’s because of taxes ?
Cali is a victim of own success . The booming Cali economy causes wages and housing costs to go up. So many people and companies can’t hang .

You rubes think it’s because of taxes ?

Taxes which increase the cost of living. Their minimum wage is about three dollars an hour over the federal minimum wage, fuel is expensive there, supporting all those illegals is a huge expense, so they need the money to do that (largest welfare state in the union) and they have to have huge taxes.
This isn’t surprising, but I’m not sure why I should care about what happens in Mexifornia.

Simple, because if businesses are leaving the state, they have to go somewhere. It's my hope they consider my state to move to. Much lower cost of living, lower taxation, less in employee pay, Republican controlled...... Our state (like most non-liberal states) are more business friendly.

Let's face it, if California had crappy weather, everybody would have left the state by now. It's all they really have going for them.
You mean besides the farming, the businesses, the technology, the educational institutions, and all the money they pay to the federal government?
Yeah, that's why corporations and businesses are leaving, huh. Idiot.

It’s DENTARD. He will never understand.
Ray why do you root against working people? Why the hatred. I root for employees to make more money not less. I will never understand some peoples total disdain for employees.
Posts like yours are proof that smart productive workers are always willing to walk off the job into better pay at another job especially when most needed.. Loyalty is the sign of a bad worker in todays us. I feel bad for todays young workforce. This is probably the brightest hardest working generation and their futures are not great. Scary.

I hope that employees make more money because they earn more money, not because gov't decides they should be paid more than an employer thinks they are worth. That's the beauty of near full employment, if an employee thinks they are underpaid they can go find a better paying job at any time and there's nothing wrong with that. And an employer knows that, so if he/she is underpaying their employees, especially the smart, productive ones then the employer suffers the consequences when they up and leave. So, it's a 2-way street, if you want my labor then you gotta pay a fair price for it that we both agree on and if I want to earn more money then it's on me to do what it takes to increase my value to the employer.

As for today's young workforce, if you think they are the brightest hardest working generation then we'll have to agree to disagree cuz that's not what I'm seeing at all. I do agree however that their futures are not as great as they could be, primarily due to the heavy burden of public and private debt that will negatively impact future economic growth.
I learned a long time ago the reason California is so valuable is because it's run by progressives. It has nothing to do with geography.

The fall has nothing to do with progressives and immigration.

And it's only a coincidence that California was once a beautiful State, which happened to be run by Republicans.
This isn’t surprising, but I’m not sure why I should care about what happens in Mexifornia.

Simple, because if businesses are leaving the state, they have to go somewhere. It's my hope they consider my state to move to. Much lower cost of living, lower taxation, less in employee pay, Republican controlled...... Our state (like most non-liberal states) are more business friendly.

Let's face it, if California had crappy weather, everybody would have left the state by now. It's all they really have going for them.
You mean besides the farming, the businesses, the technology, the educational institutions, and all the money they pay to the federal government?
Yeah, that's why corporations and businesses are leaving, huh. Idiot.
Uh, not so much.

Leaving California: Here's who's moving out, who's moving in.

Seems like the uneducated and those with no skills are moving out. You know, your kind.
The rich and the educated are moving in.

This isn’t surprising, but I’m not sure why I should care about what happens in Mexifornia.

Simple, because if businesses are leaving the state, they have to go somewhere. It's my hope they consider my state to move to. Much lower cost of living, lower taxation, less in employee pay, Republican controlled...... Our state (like most non-liberal states) are more business friendly.

Let's face it, if California had crappy weather, everybody would have left the state by now. It's all they really have going for them.
You mean besides the farming, the businesses, the technology, the educational institutions, and all the money they pay to the federal government?
Yeah, that's why corporations and businesses are leaving, huh. Idiot.
Uh, not so much.

Leaving California: Here's who's moving out, who's moving in.

Seems like the uneducated and those with no skills are moving out. You know, your kind.
The rich and the educated are moving in.

Your OPINION piece by Luis Gomez (lol) didn't mention the corporations and businesses leaving.
Cali is a victim of own success . The booming Cali economy causes wages and housing costs to go up. So many people and companies can’t hang .

You rubes think it’s because of taxes ?
do you live there timmy?....
This isn’t surprising, but I’m not sure why I should care about what happens in Mexifornia.

Simple, because if businesses are leaving the state, they have to go somewhere. It's my hope they consider my state to move to. Much lower cost of living, lower taxation, less in employee pay, Republican controlled...... Our state (like most non-liberal states) are more business friendly.

Let's face it, if California had crappy weather, everybody would have left the state by now. It's all they really have going for them.
You mean besides the farming, the businesses, the technology, the educational institutions, and all the money they pay to the federal government?
Yeah, that's why corporations and businesses are leaving, huh. Idiot.
Uh, not so much.

Leaving California: Here's who's moving out, who's moving in.

Seems like the uneducated and those with no skills are moving out. You know, your kind.
The rich and the educated are moving in.

how long did you live there dean?....people are moving out for more reasons than the article you put up....and many moving in are considered uneducated....'s expensive is this bad while all those corporations outsourcing to India, etc. is ok?

It's just bad for California. It's good for the rest of the country because there's a chance those jobs would move to a lower taxed state, and then you'd have less outsourcing.
Say progressives, what you figure was a better State, before or after California went blue? The State was conservative before Clinton and tech. companies. I look around as California deteriorates under a highly progressive chaotic state, it strikes me this should be an easy call.

We border California, though I know Ca. well, and I can say I'M PISSED. It was such a beautiful State and I've seen it reduced to a real shit storm. On top of that everyone is leaving to make room for the chaos, but many bring the ideology with them. All because they didn't learn a mother fucking thing. So what happened, Nevada is blue too and in time we're fucked as well.

The title of this is misleading. Without reading, it was probably labeled by a progressive. After all, progressive propaganda is dishonest as fuck: After decades of Republican victories, here’s how California became a blue state again
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Say progressives, what you figure was a better State, before or after California went blue? The State was conservative before Clinton and tech. companies. I look around as California deteriorates under a highly progressive chaotic state, it strikes me this should be an easy call.

We border California, though I know Ca. well, and I can say I'M PISSED. It was such a beautiful State and I've seen it reduced to a real shit storm. On top of that everyone is leaving to make room for the chaos, but many bring the ideology with them. All because they didn't learn a mother fucking thing. So what happened, Nevada is blue too and in time we're fucked as well.

The title of this is misleading. Without reading, it was probably labeled by a progressive. After all, progressive propaganda is dishonest as fuck: After decades of Republican victories, here’s how California became a blue state again
I lived there when Reagan was governor. What a disaster. Heartless man.

He emptied homes for those with mental issues so he could give tax cuts for the rich.

What is it with these tax cuts for rich people? The majority of Republicans are not rich. Oh, but they are white. And that's why they vote for a leadership they think is on their side. The GOP base is being used.

Democrats are a coalition. A very different dynamic.
What is it with these tax cuts for rich people? The majority of Republicans are not rich.

Why? Because Republicans are less selfish. We don't vote because of what's the government is going to give us. We vote for what's best for the country.

Why tax cuts for the rich? Because the rich pay almost all the income taxes, that's why. They are paying my share, your share, and everybody on this forums share. Nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax at all. How do you give somebody tax cuts that doesn't pay income tax????
Say progressives, what you figure was a better State, before or after California went blue? The State was conservative before Clinton and tech. companies. I look around as California deteriorates under a highly progressive chaotic state, it strikes me this should be an easy call.

We border California, though I know Ca. well, and I can say I'M PISSED. It was such a beautiful State and I've seen it reduced to a real shit storm. On top of that everyone is leaving to make room for the chaos, but many bring the ideology with them. All because they didn't learn a mother fucking thing. So what happened, Nevada is blue too and in time we're fucked as well.

The title of this is misleading. Without reading, it was probably labeled by a progressive. After all, progressive propaganda is dishonest as fuck: After decades of Republican victories, here’s how California became a blue state again
I lived there when Reagan was governor. What a disaster. Heartless man.

He emptied homes for those with mental issues so he could give tax cuts for the rich.

What is it with these tax cuts for rich people? The majority of Republicans are not rich. Oh, but they are white. And that's why they vote for a leadership they think is on their side. The GOP base is being used.

Democrats are a coalition. A very different dynamic.

Sorry you had to move, were you in one of those homes emptied?

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