Confirmed, corporations and businesses leaving California

Cali is a victim of own success . The booming Cali economy causes wages and housing costs to go up. So many people and companies can’t hang .

You rubes think it’s because of taxes ?

Taxes which increase the cost of living. Their minimum wage is about three dollars an hour over the federal minimum wage, fuel is expensive there, supporting all those illegals is a huge expense, so they need the money to do that (largest welfare state in the union) and they have to have huge taxes.

Why do you make stuff up? Post links to prove you have an inkling of what you write.
Bad news for California and bad news for everywhere else these Dumb-asses settle.

They learn nothing from the mess they are fleeing...and insist on repeating the same policies that caused the mess in the new places they parasite on.

Parasites are backward ass red states that take more from the government than they pay in.
lots of parasites in California too....yea i know i was shocked too...
Cali is a victim of own success . The booming Cali economy causes wages and housing costs to go up. So many people and companies can’t hang .

You rubes think it’s because of taxes ?

Taxes which increase the cost of living. Their minimum wage is about three dollars an hour over the federal minimum wage, fuel is expensive there, supporting all those illegals is a huge expense, so they need the money to do that (largest welfare state in the union) and they have to have huge taxes.

Why do you make stuff up? Post links to prove you have an inkling of what you write.
are you saying that cal does not spend a hell of a lot of money on the illegal crowd Wry?...
Cali is a victim of own success . The booming Cali economy causes wages and housing costs to go up. So many people and companies can’t hang .

You rubes think it’s because of taxes ?

Taxes which increase the cost of living. Their minimum wage is about three dollars an hour over the federal minimum wage, fuel is expensive there, supporting all those illegals is a huge expense, so they need the money to do that (largest welfare state in the union) and they have to have huge taxes.

Why do you make stuff up? Post links to prove you have an inkling of what you write.

are you saying that cal does not spend a hell of a lot of money on the illegal crowd Wry?...

Of course not. I've argued that Trump has exacerbated the situation and The Congress has abdicated its duty. The Federal Government, notwithstanding which party is in power, has failed to create a fair, safe and long term solution.

How do we fix it? A good question with no simple answers. Trump's simple solution is a disaster, anyone who has listened to NBR's broadcast to the BBC International knows how badly trump has harmed our country's reputation, and not only on this issue alone.

But I digress. Since the termination of the bracero program in 1964 illegal immigration has been an issue.

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