Confirmed Government employing Internet Trolls


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Jan 6, 2007
[ame=]YouTube - Confirmed Government employing Internet Trolls Shills and Agents for Facebook and YouTube[/ame]
There's a reason why Zuckerberg sat next to Obama at dinner in San Francisco recently.

Just sayin'.

(And anybody who puts their life on Facebook is nuts, imo.)
[ame=]YouTube - Internet Trolls: What you should know[/ame]

perhaps the simplest and most elegant psyops campaign is simply to construct and disseminate embellished truths- that is, accounts of your misdeeds that are made out to be more convoluted and brilliant than is actually the case. Once you seed the conspiracy theorists' own ranks with these stories, they will themselves embellish them further and make them more incredible. This, plus their association with persons and groups already considered to be of dubious sanity and reliability, causes their evidence not to be viewed with suspicion, but dismissed out of hand and not considered at all.

Then you factor in that most people don't wish to believe such things and will also prefer the simplest explanation...

In short, the perfect 'disinformation'-type PsyOps campaign... sounds much like a post by Eots
So... where's my fucking check? Dammit, I got bills to pay.

I dunno. I've been accused of being some kind of agent by just about every truthtard out there and I have yet to see a dime! What I don't get in money, I do get in laughs though. Some of the shit these chuckleheads come up with is just too much! :lol:

eots is still pissed off that all his "theories" (also known as complete and utter bullshit) have been thoroughly trashed along with his credibility. Since he can't deal with his own failures as a human being, he has to try and pretend everyone responsible for exposing his childish tantrums for what they are are really part of the conspiracy. :lol:
So... where's my fucking check? Dammit, I got bills to pay.

I dunno. I've been accused of being some kind of agent by just about every truthtard out there and I have yet to see a dime! What I don't get in money, I do get in laughs though. Some of the shit these chuckleheads come up with is just too much! :lol:

eots is still pissed off that all his "theories" (also known as complete and utter bullshit) have been thoroughly trashed along with his credibility. Since he can't deal with his own failures as a human being, he has to try and pretend everyone responsible for exposing his childish tantrums for what they are are really part of the conspiracy. :lol:

did you say something ?
I don't actually doubt that there are paid internet trolls, partisans etc.

I do rather doubt that our government is paying them, though. Interest groups certainly, but the government? Probably not.

I would NOT be surprised to learn that the government monitors sites, however.

These sites are, after all, a good way to take the pulse of public sentiment, and especially the pulse of people who are truly interested in public issues.

Plus, they might be used to identify the potential nutters.

In that case, were I running that OP, I'd create sites designed to attract potential nutters...sort of like THIS one, to be frank.

I think it prudent to assume that your every keystroke can be monitored.

I also think that unless you are doing something truly untoward in the real world, it probably isn't, but the potential is certainly there.

Chinese proverb-- The tallest nail is first hammered.
So we're redistributing the wealth to idiots. I bet it was in that stimulus bill that Nancy said we had to read to find out what was in it. We are so fucked up.
Google & Facebook are the Government's largest Internet Trolls. In fact i think the Government actually created both Facebook & Google. They are by far the most effective Government spy tools. Their top Execs meet with this White House regularly. Why would they have to meet with the White House so often? I avoid Google and Facebook for the most part. They're just Government spy-tools in the end.
And look out for the new Google Chrome Laptop. They don't have Hard Drives. They store all your information via Internet. You wont be able to access your files unless you're online. Now does anyone really trust Google for privacy? They might be phasing out Hard Drives all together. Scary thought huh?
Google & Facebook are the Government's largest Internet Trolls. In fact i think the Government actually created both Facebook & Google. They are by far the most effective Government spy tools. Their top Execs meet with this White House regularly. Why would they have to meet with the White House so often? I avoid Google and Facebook for the most part. They're just Government spy-tools in the end.

Frankly, our government isn't capable of creating something like Google or Facebook. It requires imagination and talent, both of which avoid government work at all costs! :lol:

Now, do I think the government is enlisting the aid of google and facebook? Absolutely! Then again, unless you're doing some bad shit you really don't want anyone to know about, you have nothing to worry about. Does everyone really think the government cares about who is in a relationship with who or what happened to Suzie over the weekend? No.
And look out for the new Google Chrome Laptop. They don't have Hard Drives. They store all your information via Internet. You wont be able to access your files unless you're online. Now does anyone really trust Google for privacy? They might be phasing out Hard Drives all together. Scary thought huh?

First off, you're right about storing all your personal info on the internet is a really BAD idea. The Amazon cloud going down and the Playstation Network getting hacked are two really good examples of why storing personal data anywhere not in your control is a generally bad idea. You're basically trusting other people with your information and that they will be honest with you if it is ever compromised or that the data will always be there for you when you need it.

Hard drives or other local storage mediums will always be around. There will always be people who don't want to rely on their internet connection to get to their stuff and a lot of times the stuff they want to get to is "inconvenient" to access over the web due to size. I have close to 18 TB of disk storage at home that stores my movie collections. I couldn't imagine the headaches of trying to put that in the cloud somewhere.

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