Rigged Elections Have Consequences.

" He's an obese, flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair who had to sit in a courtroom and listen to a porn star testify about how bad he is in bed."

Paul Begala
At least he doesn't shit himself and stammer when he mumbles like Biden.
" He's an obese, flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair who had to sit in a courtroom and listen to a porn star testify about how bad he is in bed."

Paul Begala
Yeah, well that happened. Some even read the transcripts/articles. So it's not a particularly profound quote. Begala is the left's Tucker Carlson.
Stolen election? :laughing0301:

What an enormous, smelly pile of horse GOP MAGAtt elephant $hit...


Your Orange Baboon-God lost in 2020 fair-and-square...

You lie...

So does your Orange Fuhrer Felon...
Yet true. That looks like Dems going into that bag.
All run by demscum
Not sure why this matters. Are you stating 'demscum' are so much smarter than magaturds that magaturds have no other options but to become addicted to the 'demscum' Fakebook, the 'demscum' Twatters and the 'demscum' Google faggots?

Sounds like spousal abuse syndrome to me. :dunno:
I know I know….The election wasn’t rigged. EXCEPT FOR THE…..
Voting guidelines changed in the 11th hour bypassing state legislatures

This does not invalidate an election. The high courts ruled that elections are held under the rules, whether valid or invalid, at the time of the election.

Griffin v. Burns, a 1978 decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, offers an early example of a court recognizing that altering voting rules after Election Day violates due process. In Griffin, voters reasonably believed that they could vote by absentee ballot in a party primary election because Rhode Island had mailed absentee ballots to them. After they cast these absentee ballots, the state changed course, taking the position that existing state law only authorized the use of absentee ballots in general elections, and that therefore the absentee ballots cast in the party primary were invalid. The 1st Circuit, affirming the federal district court, held that the retroactive invalidation of what were otherwise properly cast absentee ballots, on the basis of a new legal interpretation of state law unannounced before the election, was a violation of the voters’ federal due process rights.

Plus it's up to the states highest court to determine if legislative action was required, especially since many states were operating under "emergency" powers.

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