Confiscate Assets In Excess Of $20 Million?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Who else thinks it would be a good idea for the IRS to confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

Intelligent responses are requested. Adolescents and mentally limited adults are asked to direct their schoolyard ad hominems and empty insults elsewhere.
In any event $20MM is way too high. The government feeds you and houses you and give you free health care so you have no need to own anything
Um...Maybe because those things don't belong to you?

Maybe because out-and-out looting doesn't become "social justice", just because you're a member of the biggest mob?

A true Socialist, glad you can admit it.... :clap2:
I'm not a socialist in the literal sense of the word. I.e., I don't advocate centralized control of production and collectivist distribution. I believe in allowing the capitalist system to function but imposing certain socialistic controls to prevent the inevitable consequences of limitless acquisition and hoarding of wealth (toxic greed).

In stark contrast to the collectivist model I envision many more millionaires but no billionaires and such universal benefits as infrastructure restoration via massive work programs. That alone would give rise to many thriving industries.

Imagine free college educations for all qualified students, free medical care for all, free day-care centers for working and student mothers, massive public transportation facilities including inter-state bullet trains.

All of the above and much more is possible without eliminating affluence or compromising the ordinary wage-earner in any way.
Who else thinks it would be a good idea for the IRS to confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

By what authority could the IRS claim such a right?
By the same authority which enables them to collect the existing income tax.

The need to impose such radical controls are comparable to the need to conduct the War On Drugs, the objective being control of the addiction to money (greed), which is destroying this Nation.

If government has the authority to prohibit the use of drugs it has the authority to prohibit the accumulation of excess wealth.
A true Socialist, glad you can admit it.... :clap2:
I'm not a socialist in the literal sense of the word. I.e., I don't advocate centralized control of production and collectivist distribution. I believe in allowing the capitalist system to function but imposing certain socialistic controls to prevent the inevitable consequences of limitless acquisition and hoarding of wealth (toxic greed).

In stark contrast to the collectivist model I envision many more millionaires but no billionaires and such universal benefits as infrastructure restoration via massive work programs. That alone would give rise to many thriving industries.

Imagine free college educations for all qualified students, free medical care for all, free day-care centers for working and student mothers, massive public transportation facilities including inter-state bullet trains.

All of the above and much more is possible without eliminating affluence or compromising the ordinary wage-earner in any way.

"I don't advocate centralized control of production and collectivist distribution."

"Imagine free college educations for all qualified students, free medical care for all, free day-care centers for working and student mothers, massive public transportation facilities including inter-state bullet trains."
A true Socialist, glad you can admit it.... :clap2:
I'm not a socialist in the literal sense of the word. I.e., I don't advocate centralized control of production and collectivist distribution. I believe in allowing the capitalist system to function but imposing certain socialistic controls to prevent the inevitable consequences of limitless acquisition and hoarding of wealth (toxic greed).

In stark contrast to the collectivist model I envision many more millionaires but no billionaires and such universal benefits as infrastructure restoration via massive work programs. That alone would give rise to many thriving industries.

Imagine free college educations for all qualified students, free medical care for all, free day-care centers for working and student mothers, massive public transportation facilities including inter-state bullet trains.

All of the above and much more is possible without eliminating affluence or compromising the ordinary wage-earner in any way.

Really????? just how would this be possible saying and putting in place is lght years apart.

what happens when the first IRS agent receives a 9mm dent in his/her forehead from a relectent citizen having his hard work stolen??

putting it another way,really stupid idea!
Who else thinks it would be a good idea for the IRS to confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

By what authority could the IRS claim such a right?
By the same authority which enables them to collect the existing income tax.

The need to impose such radical controls are comparable to the need to conduct the War On Drugs, the objective being control of the addiction to money (greed), which is destroying this Nation.

If government has the authority to prohibit the use of drugs it has the authority to prohibit the accumulation of excess wealth.

Collecting an income tax and confiscation of property and assets are not even in the same ballpark. Take for one small example, ballparks. Pick your sport I don't think any franchise is worth less than $20 million. (an arbitrary number if there ever was one) How is a $20 million dollar "owner" supposed to pay a $20 million dollar athlete his due?

The only destructive greed is that of the government in it's lust for money and power and that includes the unnecessary war on drugs. "Free" education and "free" health care makes virtual slaves of teachers and doctors and creates a de-facto monopoly as well. No thanks to all of the above.

Government greed is killing the economy and I'm sorry to add, they are not to big to fail.
Who else thinks it would be a good idea for the IRS to confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

Useful idiot is useful.

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