CDZ Confucius


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
If a state is governed by the principles of reason, poverty and misery are the subjects of shame; if a state is not governed by the principles of reason, riches and honor are the subjects of shame- Confucius

Reason is a sound explanation-

I put this here in hopes of avoiding thread derailing personal attacks vs reading an article and making reasoned comments.

A New Year's Wish

From the comments:
Well, when one’s got gangrene, one has no other option but to cut to the bone and let nature take its course [it happened before. Can/will happen again].

Thanks for staying on this topic like a pitbull. Appreciated.

From the article:

And Israel has never truly paid any price for the horrific bombing and torpedoing of the U.S.S. Liberty fifty-three years ago, which killed 34 Americans and injured over one hundred more.

There is a lot more in the article- and 2 names appearing again that the last time I posted them went unnoticed- wonder why that is?

Attacking the messenger won't change the facts-
I would suggest that the attack was discussed between the US and the apartheid regime and it was settled in a manner that was suitable for both sides.

The facts indicate that the death of Americans was the price that America agreed to pay for US/apartheid regime foreign relations that would effect ME politics of cooperation between the two countries.

Of course there would be no possibility of the US every admitting that a few American lives would be traded off for Zionist regime security.

But do pursue the question further! It's far past time that some facts and truths are brought out to the light of day on that regime's behaviour.

There will be a lot of pressure to just write it off for some excuse of it being for the common good. Everybody will have to decide whether or not that's good enough for excusing it.
Trying to "Confuseus"?
The Chinese have honed certain skills over their thousands of years of societal existence. Sun Tzu, Lao Tzu, Confucius, the I Ching have devastatingly clear messages that transcend time. Confucius' above quoted observation is clearly true, but such an attitude is considered 'left' in America's current, adolescent, superficial political climate. Politicians take the people to be the fools that they so often show themselves to be. The élite (high IQ) exploits the rest. It happens repeatedly in history, each epoch lasting until a truly intelligent régime puts things in order (for a while, at least). False hearts at the helm are the ruin of us all.
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Well, there is a lot more in the article- if anyone dares read it.

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