Confused Elderly Man with Poor Memory Wonders Around Behind Podium


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
It was elderly abuse 4 years ago. Now it’s just cruelty. I wonder why Joe’s handlers won’t let a cognitive test be taken.

It just sickens me to know that Mr. Potato Head is just a figure head of this country while Marxists/Demofascists are destroying it from within.

Democrats love nominating people like Biden and Harris because they will do as they're told by the establishment elitists. Today, Republicans are the party of the American worker. Democrats have reverted to their original love, which is slavery. MAGA
Some Republicans are the party of the American Worker. Establishment Republicans couldnt give a damn as seen by the Senate vote to steal money from the workers to pay for Ukraine border control.
It was elderly abuse 4 years ago. Now it’s just cruelty. I wonder why Joe’s handlers won’t let a cognitive test be taken.

He's going to be on a milk carton soon.
It was elderly abuse 4 years ago. Now it’s just cruelty. I wonder why Joe’s handlers won’t let a cognitive test be taken.

At least he wasn’t talking about feeding our allies to the enemy.
It was elderly abuse 4 years ago. Now it’s just cruelty. I wonder why Joe’s handlers won’t let a cognitive test be taken.

According to Chuck Schumer, all reports of Joe Biden being deeply senile are just right wing propaganda. We shouldn't believe what we see Biden doing or what we hear Biden saying.

Yup. That's the story Dems are sticking to.

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It was elderly abuse 4 years ago. Now it’s just cruelty. I wonder why Joe’s handlers won’t let a cognitive test be taken.

When Trump's reign of terror was just beginning everyone in the admin was confused.

The White House Is Still Changing Its Story on Comey's Firing

After the last two weeks of jaw-dropping news coming from the nation’s capital, here’s maybe the most important question to ask: Why did President Trump fire FBI Director James Comey, and did the firing have anything to do with the FBI’s probe into Russia? Well, there’s been changing answers coming from the Trump White House.

  • May 10: The White House denies that Trump had already decided to fire Comey. Q: “Sarah, isn’t it true that the President had already decided to fire James Comey, and he asked the Justice Department to put together the rationale for that firing?” HUCKABEE SANDERS: “No.”
  • May 11: In his interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Trump said he firing Comey regardless of what Rosenstein recommended. “I was going to fire regardless of recommendation,” Trump said. And he suggested the Russia investigation was a reason behind the dismissal. “When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.”

The serial excusers had no idea this was just the beginning.
When Trump's reign of terror was just beginning everyone in the admin was confused.

The White House Is Still Changing Its Story on Comey's Firing

After the last two weeks of jaw-dropping news coming from the nation’s capital, here’s maybe the most important question to ask: Why did President Trump fire FBI Director James Comey, and did the firing have anything to do with the FBI’s probe into Russia? Well, there’s been changing answers coming from the Trump White House.

  • May 10: The White House denies that Trump had already decided to fire Comey. Q: “Sarah, isn’t it true that the President had already decided to fire James Comey, and he asked the Justice Department to put together the rationale for that firing?” HUCKABEE SANDERS: “No.”
  • May 11: In his interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Trump said he firing Comey regardless of what Rosenstein recommended. “I was going to fire regardless of recommendation,” Trump said. And he suggested the Russia investigation was a reason behind the dismissal. “When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.”

The serial excusers had no idea this was just the beginning.
Reign of Terror? Did President Trump's mean tweets , terrify you, you bed wetter, you?

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