Confused Hillary Asks Young Voter to Speak More Slowly So She Can Understand!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
That HEAD WOUND seems to be more CRITICAL than reported!

Grabien ^ | December 23, 2015
Hillary Clinton, appearing Tuesday at a townhall in Keota, Iowa, had a hard time understanding a young voter asking about immigration. The voter introduced herself and began asking a question about the ICE's "reputation" for deporting low-priority immigrants and poor treatment of women. "Can you just slow down a little bit, I'm having a hard time," Clinton interjected. The young woman did not appear to be speaking abnormally quickly. "I want to hear you, so just slow down a little," Clinton repeated. The voter then asked about Pastor Max Villatoro who was deported to Honduras after convictions for drunken driving...

Hillary is very old, and belongs in a nursing home, not in the White House.
Hillary can't even hold her water during a Presidential debate.

That's an old people problem. Old people wear Depends diapers.

Why didn't Hillary wear diapers so she would not have to interrupt the debate?
I'm not sure she has the stamina to make it through another year of campaigning.
She could die of exhaustion before the election is over.
Damn I HOPE so!
I would rather she was soundly beaten. If she died, liberals would be saying the same thing they said about Bobby Kennedy. "He would have won if he hadn't died before the election". I think her health will continue to decline through the campaign, especially facing Trump. He'll drive her health down and she'll start not showing up at rallies, late for debates, showing confusion during debates. Trump will eat her lunch.
She was more than a little late coming back after a commercial break on the final Dem nomination debates...

I actually didn't think it was due to her health though, I just felt it was a bit... unprofessional and unbecoming of her. I did appreciate that the show didn't wait for her and just continued without her - perhaps a bit out of spite I admit (As I've mentioned I have serious issues with her putting her personal convenience over the security of the county with the email server thing. I'm having a very hard time forgiving her for it, I think mostly because of how she is portraying that she did nothing wrong, which lends me to feel that she would do something similar. ~shrug~)
Confused Hillary Asks Young Voter to Speak More Slowly So She Can Understand!

That can happen in arenas and halls...

... where the acoustics are not that great...

... and if there is any distracting background noise...

... of course the age of the speaker or hearer...

... can come into play as a factor too...

... also some people speak faster than others...

... northerners tend to speak at a faster clip than southerners...

... would imagine one's own dialect would also influence one's hearing...

... kinda like our trying to understand an English speaker with a brogue British accent.
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