Confusion: Dem senator claims she held no meeting with Russia, but tweeted about them twice


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The Russians ate Missouri Sen.Claire McCaskill’s memories!

The Democrat senator, up for re-election in a state Donald Trump won, sought to push the narrative that his administration has been having nefarious contacts with the Russians.

Claire McCaskill


I've been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years.No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com
CONFUSION: Dem Senator Claims She Held ‘No Meeting’ With Russia, But Tweeted About Them — Twice! - Vessel News

Oh no another DEM caught lying and even admits it .........................Imagine that.
So, the Dems were in cahoots with the Russians to rig the elections. No wonder they are running around accusing Republicans of doing so. Time for McCaskill to resign in disgrace and the DoJ to investigate the entire Dem party for their Russia connections.

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