CONFUSION: The Wording of the Thirteenth Amendment


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

So if we are not slaves , where does Obama and his minions get the idea that they can prevent us from owning "assault" rifles and High Capacity Magazines.

What difference does it make that the 2A is "confusing"?!?!?!?

State and federal courts and legislatures will determine who can or cannot legally own so-called "assault weapons" and "high-capacity magazines"...
State and federal courts and legislatures will determine who can or cannot legally own so-called "assault weapons" and "high-capacity magazines"...

NONE of those entities have any authority to infringe upon our right to defend our lives. WE THE PEOPLE will determine what constitutes an infringement.



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