Congratulations Laura Loomer!! QAnon Is Gaining Steam

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852
She's an America hating muslim SKANK that Soetoro forced on America that married her fucking BROTHER, and she's about as "beautiful" as a DOG TURD.

I guarantee you, put her and I somewhere alone, I won't be the one scared.

Get a clue, ass clown.
Wise up, dumbass...


Well if rightwingnut fake news says it, it must be true, huh?


Analysis / Bias

The Geller Report (GR) is a right-wing source, run by Pamela Geller. GR is more of a personal blog than an actual news source, parroting the most extreme rhetoric of the right in general, and anti-Muslim sentiment in particular. There is no attempt at factual reporting or presenting opposing views in the stories, and they are heavily biased in their wording and content. The sources GR uses in the stories are either from other extreme sources or misrepresented. For the heavy bias and extremism, Geller Report is rated Questionable.

Imbecile, it was an Internet rumor started on s forum like this one by a raving lunatic like you. Like the bullshit you post, just saying it doesn't make it true.

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852
You misspelled "shamelessly corrupt".
hand over all of that evidence you (don't) have to Barr....

Or is Barr too much of a cuck to do anything about it?
It's right under Keith Ellison's nose....But hes too much of a corrupt wife beating asshole to enforce state laws.
Oh, ok.....well, good for her she didn't commit any federal crimes -- because Barr would be all over her huh?

By the way...why isn't Hillary in prison yet?

Is child sex trafficking and drinking the blood of children in a ritual cannibalistic Satanic sacrifice not enough for Barr to act on??
We don't know that federal crimes weren't committed, yet.

And as I pointed out yesterday, the "blood of children" in the very well documented ghoulish spirit cooking rituals is symbolic and not real...Seems to be a theme with you; detachment from reality.
Laura Loomer knows.......but she can't tell you what those crimes are until you elect her

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852
She's an America hating muslim SKANK that Soetoro forced on America that married her fucking BROTHER, and she's about as "beautiful" as a DOG TURD.

I guarantee you, put her and I somewhere alone, I won't be the one scared.

Get a clue, ass clown.
Oh, aren't you a tough guy...

and exactly what would you do to this lady if you had her somewhere alone??

You are an incel cuck -- the last time you a woman somewhere alone -- a restraining order followed
You're a person that admires America hating muslim filth.

Why don't you get the fuck otta my country, and take your America hating muslim shit stain filth with ya.
Omar is an American success story......

The actual America haters are you -- and this is the part about America you hate the most....

_00.00iat8cc (17).jpg

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852
View attachment 376891
poke a conservative, find a bigot.


"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852
View attachment 376891
poke a conservative, find a bigot.

Sorry if I don't like people that hate America.

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
Laura IS awesome!
Conspiracy theories are for weak minded fools. Is that who you want to elect?

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

Fuck off. Your whole party is a bunch of loony conspiracy theorists. Russia, Russia, Russia! derp, derp...duh. :cuckoo:
Then so is yours. You should read the bipartisan senate report that was just released.

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
She's insane! If she doesn't scare the fuck outta you, you're stupid as hell.
Run and hide little boi... a woman that tells the truth is coming... you pathetic puddle of vomit.
Lol, a woman telling the true causes RWNJ meltdowns. Look at the reactions to Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris, not to mention AOC.

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
She's insane! If she doesn't scare the fuck outta you, you're stupid as hell.
27 year old patriot scares you?
I Patriot scares me, no matter what the age. However we're talking about a conspiracy theorist whack-job, not a patriot.

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

And I hope she scares the livin' fuck otta you.

She's got more balls than most men. She calls out the muslim shit happening here in America that everyone else is SCARED to.

I think she's awesome.
like how this beautiful black woman scares the fuk out of you??
View attachment 376852
You misspelled "shamelessly corrupt".
I haven't seen him misspell dOnald tRump. Where did that happen?
The fun part about this is that nominating a conspiracy theorist whack-job pretty much garanteed that seat stays in Democratic hands.

"Laura Loomer becomes the Republican nominee in a district that includes President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The president and first lady both submitted vote-by-mail ballots for Tuesday's primary. Loomer added, 'I will have plenty of opportunities in the halls of Congress to confront The Squad members & call them out on their support 4 Communism & j1had1st alliances."

QAnon scores another huge victory by winning another GOP congressional primary - and this time it is famed right-wing activist, Laura Loomer -- the chick who got de-platformed by Twitter, Paypal and GoFundMe -- but now she gets to have the last laugh.

It will be wise for the more establishment Republicans to stop trying to marginalize QAnon candidates and embrace them because they are the future rising stars of the GOP -- and only Laura Loomer has the expertise and skill to finally pass a bill to force companies like Uber and Lyft to give consumers the option to ask for non-Muslim drivers -- which so many hardworking Americans have been waiting for.
Fantastic news! Thanks for the post.
Fucking insanity. Your candidate for US senate is a conspiracy theorist to rival Alex Jones.

And you think it great.

Fuck off. Your whole party is a bunch of loony conspiracy theorists. Russia, Russia, Russia! derp, derp...duh. :cuckoo:
Then so is yours. You should read the bipartisan senate report that was just released.
I don't have to read it, I already know it has no evidence of the loony TumPutin conspiracy theory, you stupid TDS afflicted moron.

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