Congratulations Michiganites. You now have the big boot of Labor lifted from your bac

Im watching news coverage of the protests right now. Violence has already broken out on the grounds of the state house. Vandalism and fights. I also just heard a democratic law maker proclaim "there will be blood" from the house floor.

This is the thuggish bullshit we always talk about but you all ignore it because the victims are mostly white republicans and not gay democratic minorities.

You want to talk thuggish? At 11:00 am the governor made an announcement that he was going to go back on his promises, by 8:00 the bill had been voted on and passed with no discussion, they brought this down on their heads knowing there was going to be a massive backlash, they knew what the result would be and did it anyway.

Obamacare says hello

Did they pass it before they told us what was in it?
I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.

Live with it asshole. In just the way we have to live with obamacare. Beat at your own game and you have to eat it now. :lol::lol:
Yup. More workers, lower wages, no benefits.

How right wing of you.

Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


How about meat cutting jobs? How are those doing since the government/corporations crushed labor unions in America?

I don't want to argue the point, but everyone knows why the right wing wants to eliminate the few remaining remnants of organized labor in the U.S. They want to reduce the power of democracy by turning working Americans into pure, powerless debt slaves.

That's no secret at all--the right wing has always stood opposed to democracy and worker rights.

No one eliminated unions in Michigan. They just passed a right to choose law. Get it yet?
Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


How about meat cutting jobs? How are those doing since the government/corporations crushed labor unions in America?

I don't want to argue the point, but everyone knows why the right wing wants to eliminate the few remaining remnants of organized labor in the U.S. They want to reduce the power of democracy by turning working Americans into pure, powerless debt slaves.

That's no secret at all--the right wing has always stood opposed to democracy and worker rights.

No one eliminated unions in Michigan. They just passed a right to choose law. Get it yet?

Unions will just have to work harder and represent better if they wish to remain relevant.
Im watching news coverage of the protests right now. Violence has already broken out on the grounds of the state house. Vandalism and fights. I also just heard a democratic law maker proclaim "there will be blood" from the house floor.

This is the thuggish bullshit we always talk about but you all ignore it because the victims are mostly white republicans and not gay democratic minorities.

You want to talk thuggish? At 11:00 am the governor made an announcement that he was going to go back on his promises, by 8:00 the bill had been voted on and passed with no discussion, they brought this down on their heads knowing there was going to be a massive backlash, they knew what the result would be and did it anyway.

Obamacare says hello

Not really a parallel here, but if it makes you feel justified in this go right ahead. The ACA was not exactly sprung on you and passed in one day, we all pretty much talked it to death and the GOP had ample opportunity to sabotage and water it down nine ways to Sunday.
Im watching news coverage of the protests right now. Violence has already broken out on the grounds of the state house. Vandalism and fights. I also just heard a democratic law maker proclaim "there will be blood" from the house floor.

This is the thuggish bullshit we always talk about but you all ignore it because the victims are mostly white republicans and not gay democratic minorities.

As you and your fellow right wingers continue to suppress workers and collapse the wage structure, expect these demonstrations and riots to increase. Personally, I don't care what happens--

Poor people should have been fighting harder a long time ago,

And the wealthy owners of American debt slaves should have been locked up a long time ago.
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I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.

Do us all a favor and hold your breath till that happens.
Im watching news coverage of the protests right now. Violence has already broken out on the grounds of the state house. Vandalism and fights. I also just heard a democratic law maker proclaim "there will be blood" from the house floor.

This is the thuggish bullshit we always talk about but you all ignore it because the victims are mostly white republicans and not gay democratic minorities.

As you and your fellow right wingers continue to suppress workers and collapse the wage structure, expect these demonstrations and riots to increase. Personally, I don't care what happens--

Poor people should have been fighting harder a long time ago,

And the wealth owners of American debt slaves should have been locked up a long time ago.

Michigan has the highest rate of unionization and the highest unemployment rate in the midwest.

Evidence would suggest that unionization suppresses the worker.
Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


How about meat cutting jobs? How are those doing since the government/corporations crushed labor unions in America?

I don't want to argue the point, but everyone knows why the right wing wants to eliminate the few remaining remnants of organized labor in the U.S. They want to reduce the power of democracy by turning working Americans into pure, powerless debt slaves.

That's no secret at all--the right wing has always stood opposed to democracy and worker rights.

Nonsense. Let me repeat....


I suppose the other 91% are living off of minimum wage?

He's a moron and a liberal, but I repeat myself.
You want to talk thuggish? At 11:00 am the governor made an announcement that he was going to go back on his promises, by 8:00 the bill had been voted on and passed with no discussion, they brought this down on their heads knowing there was going to be a massive backlash, they knew what the result would be and did it anyway.

Obamacare says hello

Not really a parallel here, but if it makes you feel justified in this go right ahead. The ACA was not exactly sprung on you and passed in one day, we all pretty much talked it to death and the GOP had ample opportunity to sabotage and water it down nine ways to Sunday.

Im watching news coverage of the protests right now. Violence has already broken out on the grounds of the state house. Vandalism and fights. I also just heard a democratic law maker proclaim "there will be blood" from the house floor.

This is the thuggish bullshit we always talk about but you all ignore it because the victims are mostly white republicans and not gay democratic minorities.

As you and your fellow right wingers continue to suppress workers and collapse the wage structure, expect these demonstrations and riots to increase. Personally, I don't care what happens--

Poor people should have been fighting harder a long time ago,

And the wealth owners of American debt slaves should have been locked up a long time ago.

Michigan has the highest rate of unionization and the highest unemployment rate in the midwest.

Evidence would suggest that unionization suppresses the worker.

"unionization suppresses the worker"

FINE, we'll go with that.
We all know you're in your mom's basement posting in your feces crusted underwear.....

Republicans like how Foxcon does things, but first they must crush all hope in the American work force. Don't know how they think we can remain any sort of a going economy if the working class never gets a meaningful raise again.

Your crystal ball is malfunctioning, want to explain how the conservatives are not uniformly anti-worker or just more retarded insults?

Your strawman has a union label.
I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.
Now the choice is up to the workers......
Continue in the Union and keep paying those dues for nothing
Quit the Union and pocket the cash that once went to the Union as dues.
I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.

Oh, so WE screwed the working class folks? Hey, genius, Barry won Michigan by 9 points in November while the voters turned down the union ballot proposal in a 16 point margin landslide. So the next guy who desires a career path of tightening lug nuts will be paid commensurate with his skills, and that's a good thing from a business standpoint.
Yup. More workers, lower wages, no benefits.

How right wing of you.

Clearly, you like the thought of a few workers having high pay at the expense of the jobs of their fellow workers, than everyone being paid what the market dictates. Thinking about the "elite" how left wing of you.
And you have given corporate america all the power and they hold all the cards.
Way to go , let's here it for poverty in America.
Good bye middle class

You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.
Michigan has the highest rate of unionization and the highest unemployment rate in the midwest.

Evidence would suggest that unionization suppresses the worker.

Evidence will be ignored to focus on power and emotional attachment.

We are talking about the people who believe that the only people who work in the nation belong to unions despite the fact that most of the American workfore isnt in a union. But apparently, their hard work doesn't count.

I am especially glad Im not in a union. I determine my success and failure. I dont want to give others that kind of power over me.
While you will make lower wages, nice trade off.
Try thinking past your nose.
Any intelligence there at all.

I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.
Now the choice is up to the workers......
Continue in the Union and keep paying those dues for nothing
Quit the Union and pocket the cash that once went to the Union as dues.
And you have given corporate america all the power and they hold all the cards.
Way to go , let's here it for poverty in America.
Good bye middle class

You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.

When are you people going to realize that money isn't evil. Businesses aren't evil, even if they are organized as a corporations. Businesses exist so their owners can provide a living for themselves and their families by serving people with goods and services they need or desire. Why is it bad to make money giving people what they desire?
When are you going to realize that corporations only look at the bottom dollar for their rich share holders. Look at their financial gain in the past 30 years and compare it to liveable wages. Once do some research. That is too difficult ask someone else to help you.
Maybe you don't care.

And you have given corporate america all the power and they hold all the cards.
Way to go , let's here it for poverty in America.
Good bye middle class

You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.

When are you people going to realize that money isn't evil. Businesses aren't evil, even if they are organized as a corporations. Businesses exist so their owners can provide a living for themselves and their families by serving people with goods and services they need or desire. Why is it bad to make money giving people what they desire?

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