Congratulations Michiganites. You now have the big boot of Labor lifted from your bac

Good news for Wal Mart I guess.

Not sure why it's seen as a good thing for working men and women to make less money. Politics makes some people very, very asinine.
You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.

Actually Michigan already has the 6th fastest growing economy.

And only 3 out of the 10 fastest growing states have RTW laws.

The States With The Fastest Growing Economies - 24/7 Wall St.
File:Right to work.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet out of the 10 states with the slowest economies, 6 are RTW states!

Lets see, 44% of the states have RTW laws. 70% of the top 10 fasting growing state economies do NOT have them, and 60% of the top 10 slowest growing state economies have them.

What does that tell us boys and girls?

RTW laws are not correlated with faster growing economies.
In fact the reverse is true.

I'm very sorry to have to use facts on you.
Do you expect the right wing to work with facts?
Good luck.
Go Colts.
Go Browns!

You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.

Actually Michigan already has the 6th fastest growing economy.

And only 3 out of the 10 fastest growing states have RTW laws.

The States With The Fastest Growing Economies - 24/7 Wall St.
File:Right to work.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet out of the 10 states with the slowest economies, 6 are RTW states!

Lets see, 44% of the states have RTW laws. 70% of the top 10 fasting growing state economies do NOT have them, and 60% of the top 10 slowest growing state economies have them.

What does that tell us boys and girls?

RTW laws are not correlated with faster growing economies.

I'm very sorry to have to use facts on you.
The dept of labor statistics has shown that when cost of living adjustments are made people in right to work states have more disposible income.

Retirement packages are useless when the company goes bankrupt because of them.
While you will make lower wages, nice trade off.
Try thinking past your nose.
Any intelligence there at all.

I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.
Now the choice is up to the workers......
Continue in the Union and keep paying those dues for nothing
Quit the Union and pocket the cash that once went to the Union as dues.

A Union is just another level of management and another payroll deduction added to your paycheck.
People will be much better off without them.
When are you going to realize that corporations only look at the bottom dollar for their rich share holders. Look at their financial gain in the past 30 years and compare it to liveable wages. Once do some research. That is too difficult ask someone else to help you.
Maybe you don't care.

How can I realize something that isn't true? For example, most corporations have shareholders that aren't rich in the slightest. Heck, if you have a 401K you are invested in some corporation. You attack the corporation you attack the average person who decides to make an investment to better his/her future. Why should any average person who has a 401K suffer because you hate corporations?

And yes, corporations look to make a profit. All businesses do. And how do they make a profit? By providing goods and services that you and I need or want. You make money by serving people. I don't have a problem if a business makes a profit by selling me goods or services, because if I didn't think the goods or services were worth it, I wouldn't buy them.

You act as though making money is evil. It's not. You act like being wealthy is evil. It's not. Why should I hate my brother if he makes more money or less money than me? How does that make any sense? Why would that be fair?

You need to stop dividing people based on "class". It's a non-existant political construct. It's used to help politicians divide us and rule over us. There is no reason why someone who is poor cannot become rich. And there are sure as heck alot of rich people who become poor.

Let people be free to make their own destiny. I didn't appoint you to look after me. Let me succeed or fail on my own
Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


Most hi-tech jobs require an education. Duh!

Not really. If you want to be an engineer, you need a college degree. But the vast number of hi-tech jobs are non-unionized technicians and field service engineers who receive their training on the job.

You can do very well in the hi-tech field with a two-year technical degree received at the community college level.


College is for snobs. Rick Santorum said so. Besides, Republicans want to cut teachers and investment in education.

You have to admit you say they don't require an education and then you say they do.

How many hi tech firms hire someone with no education?

Are you sure you thought this through?
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Most hi-tech jobs require an education. Duh!

Not really. If you want to be an engineer, you need a college degree. But the vast number of hi-tech jobs are non-unionized technicians and field service engineers who receive their training on the job.

You can do very well in the hi-tech field with a two-year technical degree received at the community college level.


College is for snobs. Rick Santorum said so. Besides, Republicans want to cut teachers and investment in education.

You have to admit you say they don't require an education and then you say they do.

How many hi tech firms hire someone with no education?

Are you sure you thought this through?

Talent and skill will get you further than a piece of paper that says you have book smarts.

Ask any current college grad in this Obama economy

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