Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

I tried to explain God relationship with man earlier but it didn't seem to register with some folks. Let it be known that faith is the key to salvation. Listen, all Christians know that The Bible cannot be empirically proven. We know this but secularists insist we prove it before they will consider belief. Jesus used this when dealing with the apostle Thomas aka "doubting Thomas". God does not burden himself with giving his creations proof of his existence. When Moses asked the burning bush, alive with fire and filled with the presence of God, who it was he would tell Pharaoh sent him, God said to tell him that "I AM" sent him. God didn't explain to Moses why, how, or any particulars about His identity.

Without faith in God's existence, we have no hope of ever finding ourselves comforted by His presence because we refuse in our hearts to accept Him.

This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't. The key that opens that door is faith.

As far as multiple gods, that flies contrary to what is recorded in The Bible. The one true God has contacted man in the past and His name is Jehovah. Put no other "gods" before him is a commandment. he is the ultimate, the creator of all things.

And you either believe that......or you don't.
I tried to explain God relationship with man earlier but it didn't seem to register with some folks. Let it be known that faith is the key to salvation. Listen, all Christians know that The Bible cannot be empirically proven. We know this but secularists insist we prove it before they will consider belief. Jesus used this when dealing with the apostle Thomas aka "doubting Thomas". God does not burden himself with giving his creations proof of his existence. When Moses asked the burning bush, alive with fire and filled with the presence of God, who it was he would tell Pharaoh sent him, God said to tell him that "I AM" sent him. God didn't explain to Moses why, how, or any particulars about His identity.

Without faith in God's existence, we have no hope of ever finding ourselves comforted by His presence because we refuse in our hearts to accept Him.

This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't. The key that opens that door is faith.

As far as multiple gods, that flies contrary to what is recorded in The Bible. The one true God has contacted man in the past and His name is Jehovah. Put no other "gods" before him is a commandment. he is the ultimate, the creator of all things.

And you either believe that......or you don't.

1. Not everyone is a Christian.

2. Not everyone is required to be a Christian.

3. Not all Christians believe the same.

4. Our civil laws do not have to be tied to Christianity.

5. Even the 10 Commandments acknowledge that there are other gods.
I love it when religious folks give admission that there is no proof regarding their belief system, then in the same breath turn around and speak on behalf of "god" and the bible as though any other belief is wrong because "the bible said so".

The decision is stayed pending appeal, just like Utah.

The idiots in Utah ran out and got married and now all those marriages are invalid.

No they're not.

Why do you make comments that are completely untrue?

Why don't you become better informed.

Utah will not recognize same-sex marriages performed before high court stay ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – Utah will not recognize the hundreds of same-sex marriages that were temporarily allowed by a federal judge's ruling but before the Supreme Court issued an injunction, the state announced Wednesday

DENVER — The fortunes of 1,300 newlywed same-sex couples in Utah were thrown into turmoil on Wednesday after the governor’s office announced that it would not recognize their marriages while it presses its legal efforts to limit marriages to one man and one woman.

After unsuccessfully petitioning two lower courts to halt those weddings, Utah succeeded Monday in persuading the United States Supreme Court to issue a stay while the state appeals. The ruling blocked any additional same-sex unions from taking place and effectively reinstated Utah’s disputed ban.


Moudi Sbeity, left, and Derek Kitchen, two of the lead plaintiffs in the legal challenge against Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.Uncertainty in Utah as Appeals Process Plays Out Over Gay MarriageJAN. 7, 2014
Michael Ferguson and Seth Anderson, the first gay couple to receive a marriage license in Utah, in Salt Lake City on Monday.Justices’ Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in LimboJAN. 6, 2014
“The original laws governing marriage in Utah return to effect pending final resolution by the courts,” Derek Miller, the chief of staff to Gov. Gary Herbert, wrote in a memo to state officials outlining the state’s move. “It is important to understand that those laws include not only a prohibition of performing same-sex marriages but also recognizing same-sex marriages.”

The dopey Gov's office can issue a press release, but the marriages are legal.

Sorry, you don't know what you're talking about.

It pathetic that a few homophobes in Utah's statehouse want to play games with peoples lives. The marriages are legal, freak people out saying things that aren't true -- the Governor does not have the power to annul 1300 marriages.

The state issued the license, and the couples entered into the marriage in good faith. Where's the due process?

BTW - the LDS Church supports marriage equality.

This is all about homophobes last ditch efforts to cling to their bigotry. And some idiot at Gov's office issue a press release about a policy that is a pipe dream.

What's next, are they going to be voiding driver's licensee and property deeds.

Think, before posting.
I tried to explain God relationship with man earlier but it didn't seem to register with some folks. Let it be known that faith is the key to salvation. Listen, all Christians know that The Bible cannot be empirically proven. We know this but secularists insist we prove it before they will consider belief. Jesus used this when dealing with the apostle Thomas aka "doubting Thomas". God does not burden himself with giving his creations proof of his existence. When Moses asked the burning bush, alive with fire and filled with the presence of God, who it was he would tell Pharaoh sent him, God said to tell him that "I AM" sent him. God didn't explain to Moses why, how, or any particulars about His identity.

Without faith in God's existence, we have no hope of ever finding ourselves comforted by His presence because we refuse in our hearts to accept Him.

This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't. The key that opens that door is faith.

As far as multiple gods, that flies contrary to what is recorded in The Bible. The one true God has contacted man in the past and His name is Jehovah. Put no other "gods" before him is a commandment. he is the ultimate, the creator of all things.

And you either believe that......or you don't.

1. Not everyone is a Christian.

2. Not everyone is required to be a Christian.

3. Not all Christians believe the same.

4. Our civil laws do not have to be tied to Christianity.

5. Even the 10 Commandments acknowledge that there are other gods.
First commandment, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Try again.
Same-sex marriages in Utah legal under federal law, Attorney General Holder says

In a videotaped announcement, Holder said that although a recent administrative step by the Supreme Court “cast doubt” on same-sex marriages performed in Utah, those couples are still eligible for all federal benefits.

More similarities between marriage equality and the anti-segregation.

States and Governors said all kinds of crazy things. And now in black and white films we look at them like backwards rednecks. That's how the Gov of Utah will go down in history.
I love it when religious folks give admission that there is no proof regarding their belief system, then in the same breath turn around and speak on behalf of "god" and the bible as though any other belief is wrong because "the bible said so".



This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't.
I tried to explain God relationship with man earlier but it didn't seem to register with some folks. Let it be known that faith is the key to salvation. Listen, all Christians know that The Bible cannot be empirically proven. We know this but secularists insist we prove it before they will consider belief. Jesus used this when dealing with the apostle Thomas aka "doubting Thomas". God does not burden himself with giving his creations proof of his existence. When Moses asked the burning bush, alive with fire and filled with the presence of God, who it was he would tell Pharaoh sent him, God said to tell him that "I AM" sent him. God didn't explain to Moses why, how, or any particulars about His identity.

Without faith in God's existence, we have no hope of ever finding ourselves comforted by His presence because we refuse in our hearts to accept Him.

This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't. The key that opens that door is faith.

As far as multiple gods, that flies contrary to what is recorded in The Bible. The one true God has contacted man in the past and His name is Jehovah. Put no other "gods" before him is a commandment. he is the ultimate, the creator of all things.

And you either believe that......or you don't.

1. Not everyone is a Christian.

2. Not everyone is required to be a Christian.

3. Not all Christians believe the same.

4. Our civil laws do not have to be tied to Christianity.

5. Even the 10 Commandments acknowledge that there are other gods.
First commandment, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Try again.


Me who?

That was from the Jewish bible, so you must be talking about Yahweh.
No they're not.

Why do you make comments that are completely untrue?

Why don't you become better informed.

Utah will not recognize same-sex marriages performed before high court stay ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – Utah will not recognize the hundreds of same-sex marriages that were temporarily allowed by a federal judge's ruling but before the Supreme Court issued an injunction, the state announced Wednesday

DENVER — The fortunes of 1,300 newlywed same-sex couples in Utah were thrown into turmoil on Wednesday after the governor’s office announced that it would not recognize their marriages while it presses its legal efforts to limit marriages to one man and one woman.

After unsuccessfully petitioning two lower courts to halt those weddings, Utah succeeded Monday in persuading the United States Supreme Court to issue a stay while the state appeals. The ruling blocked any additional same-sex unions from taking place and effectively reinstated Utah’s disputed ban.


Moudi Sbeity, left, and Derek Kitchen, two of the lead plaintiffs in the legal challenge against Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.Uncertainty in Utah as Appeals Process Plays Out Over Gay MarriageJAN. 7, 2014
Michael Ferguson and Seth Anderson, the first gay couple to receive a marriage license in Utah, in Salt Lake City on Monday.Justices’ Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in LimboJAN. 6, 2014
“The original laws governing marriage in Utah return to effect pending final resolution by the courts,” Derek Miller, the chief of staff to Gov. Gary Herbert, wrote in a memo to state officials outlining the state’s move. “It is important to understand that those laws include not only a prohibition of performing same-sex marriages but also recognizing same-sex marriages.”

The dopey Gov's office can issue a press release, but the marriages are legal.

Sorry, you don't know what you're talking about.

It pathetic that a few homophobes in Utah's statehouse want to play games with peoples lives. The marriages are legal, freak people out saying things that aren't true -- the Governor does not have the power to annul 1300 marriages.

The state issued the license, and the couples entered into the marriage in good faith. Where's the due process?

BTW - the LDS Church supports marriage equality.

This is all about homophobes last ditch efforts to cling to their bigotry. And some idiot at Gov's office issue a press release about a policy that is a pipe dream.

What's next, are they going to be voiding driver's licensee and property deeds.

Think, before posting.

OHHHHH the LDS church supports marriage equality! Do you care to prove that?

Same-Sex Attraction

The Church’s doctrinal position is clear: Sexual activity should only occur between a man and a woman who are married.

In short, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints affirms the centrality of doctrines relating to human sexuality and gender as well as the sanctity and significance of marriage as the union of a man and a woman

Church Instructs Leaders on Same-Sex Marriage

Changes in the civil law do not, indeed cannot, change the moral law that God has established. God expects us to uphold and keep His commandments regardless of divergent opinions or trends in society. His law of chastity is clear: sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
You answered it. It was a black issue. The Civil rights movement helped put a stop to segregation.

Why was it called Civil if Blacks were the only ones affected? Why wasn't it called Black rights just like there is gay rights or womens rights?
You indirectly answered your question again. Marriage rights for gays are not referred to as civil rights since marriage is not a fundamental right in the constitution (yes I know that although it's not in the constitution, courts have ruled otherwise). Segregation was indeed a civil rights issue, denying fundamental rights to Blacks, thus the labeling of it as such.

I think you are confused. There is a case where a white man/black woman were imprisoned for being married. It was a civil rights case dipshit. Loving vs Virginia How did you not know that.?
Stand down Oklahoma, righteousness has finally arrived. You must move into the current century, go ahead and skip the last one since you missed it anyway.
I tried to explain God relationship with man earlier but it didn't seem to register with some folks. Let it be known that faith is the key to salvation. Listen, all Christians know that The Bible cannot be empirically proven. We know this but secularists insist we prove it before they will consider belief. Jesus used this when dealing with the apostle Thomas aka "doubting Thomas". God does not burden himself with giving his creations proof of his existence. When Moses asked the burning bush, alive with fire and filled with the presence of God, who it was he would tell Pharaoh sent him, God said to tell him that "I AM" sent him. God didn't explain to Moses why, how, or any particulars about His identity.

Without faith in God's existence, we have no hope of ever finding ourselves comforted by His presence because we refuse in our hearts to accept Him.

This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't. The key that opens that door is faith.

As far as multiple gods, that flies contrary to what is recorded in The Bible. The one true God has contacted man in the past and His name is Jehovah. Put no other "gods" before him is a commandment. he is the ultimate, the creator of all things.

And you either believe that......or you don't.

1. Not everyone is a Christian.

2. Not everyone is required to be a Christian.

3. Not all Christians believe the same.

4. Our civil laws do not have to be tied to Christianity.

5. Even the 10 Commandments acknowledge that there are other gods.
First commandment, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Try again.

Christianity is actually a form of henotheism like most religions before it. They try to fool you into believing its monotheism but its not.
I tried to explain God relationship with man earlier but it didn't seem to register with some folks. Let it be known that faith is the key to salvation. Listen, all Christians know that The Bible cannot be empirically proven. We know this but secularists insist we prove it before they will consider belief. Jesus used this when dealing with the apostle Thomas aka "doubting Thomas". God does not burden himself with giving his creations proof of his existence. When Moses asked the burning bush, alive with fire and filled with the presence of God, who it was he would tell Pharaoh sent him, God said to tell him that "I AM" sent him. God didn't explain to Moses why, how, or any particulars about His identity.

Without faith in God's existence, we have no hope of ever finding ourselves comforted by His presence because we refuse in our hearts to accept Him.

This is why I never try and justify my biblical positions with anybody on the boards. Simply put, you either have room in your heart for God or you don't. The key that opens that door is faith.

As far as multiple gods, that flies contrary to what is recorded in The Bible. The one true God has contacted man in the past and His name is Jehovah. Put no other "gods" before him is a commandment. he is the ultimate, the creator of all things.

And you either believe that......or you don't.

1. Not everyone is a Christian.

2. Not everyone is required to be a Christian.

3. Not all Christians believe the same.

4. Our civil laws do not have to be tied to Christianity.

5. Even the 10 Commandments acknowledge that there are other gods.
First commandment, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Try again. other gods before other words, "I" am #1. Can't have a #1, can't have "no other gods before me" if there aren't other gods for your god to be "before". :D
1. Not everyone is a Christian.

2. Not everyone is required to be a Christian.

3. Not all Christians believe the same.

4. Our civil laws do not have to be tied to Christianity.

5. Even the 10 Commandments acknowledge that there are other gods.
First commandment, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Try again. other gods before other words, "I" am #1. Can't have a #1, can't have "no other gods before me" if there aren't other gods for your god to be "before". :D

Your proof public education is a failure.
Your proof public education is a failure.
Normally i wouldn't point this out but you spelled you're incorrectly.

Hardly. Your, as in ownership (the proof) also works. But thanks anyway.

"You are" is the correct term. "You're" is the contraction. There is no ownership in that statement. If ownership was implied then the sentence was grammatically incorrect. Take your pick. Try to make sense next time.
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